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Mia Lynne Smith

Mia-Lynne Smith

Mia-Lynne Smith
Bachelor of Business, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
From Tulsa, Oklahoma

My Sooner Legacy...

I hope to leave a legacy of mentorship. OU has taught me the importance of having good mentors in your life. Approaching senior year, I knew how my life had been positively impacted by mentorship and wanted to help be a part of making sure other people have the same opportunity. This year, I was able to create the Sowers Program for President’s Community Scholars, which provides freshman President Community Scholar students mentoring partners with upperclassmen President Community Scholar alumni. It was a joy watching this dream come to fruition. I can’t wait to watch the program grow!

Why did you choose to attend the University of Oklahoma?

After my older brother decided to attend OU, I saw the way he was immediately embraced by the OU Family and welcomed by so many. When OU talked about family and intentionality, it wasn't just talk. It was tangible steps made on a daily basis by faculty and staff to emphasize family and make students feel cared for and connected. That's why I chose the OU Family.

What achievement are you proudest of as an OU student?

This fall, I was humbled to be named the 2023-2024 Overall Outstanding Senior. This immense honor is something that I will always look back on with incredible appreciation. However, when I received this award, it felt so much bigger than myself because I knew it wasn’t just my hard work but the work of so many that came before me and poured into me on a daily basis. It truly could not have been possible without the community, family, friends, and mentors around me.

From within the OU community, who made the largest impact on you?

There are countless people who have impacted my time at OU and made an impact on my college experience. However, one in particular that comes to mind is Quy Ngyuen, the Assistant Director to Student Life at OU. He has been an absolute constant and steadfast mentor to me. He inspires me on a daily basis. The way he makes people feel cared for and loved, and he is so special and someone I strive to emulate. Quy has shown me what servant leadership looks like and how I want to lead and interact with others.

What will you miss most about OU?

The community I have in Norman. While it certainly isn’t goodbye, leaving the regular face-to-face interactions with my campus mentors and my friends at church and the University will be extremely difficult. I treasure the new relationships I have formed over the past four years and will miss walks to class, meetings, late-night ice cream runs with my friends, and mentorship from OU staff.

Mia-Lynne's Next Chapter...

This June, I will be competing for the title of Miss Oklahoma with the goal of serving our state as Miss Oklahoma 2024!