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Oklahoma State Regents’ Academic Scholars Program Award


To qualify for the Academic Scholars Program, the applicant must meet the criteria outlined below, prior to college entry.

  • Oklahoma students can automatically qualify for the program by achieving designation as a National Merit Scholar, National Merit Finalist or United States Presidential Scholar or by scoring at or above the 99.5 percentile on the ACT or SAT (see How to Apply).
    • For fall 2025, the ACT required score is a total sum score of the ACT skill areas of 137.
    • For fall 2025, the SAT required score is a total sum score of the critical reading and math skill areas of 1540.
  • Public colleges and universities may also nominate students attending their institution for the program based on criteria established by each institution.

Scholars will continue to receive a scholarship each year if they:

  • Maintain full-time enrollment (12 hours in the fall and spring and six hours in the optional summer or January term) each semester.
  • Complete at least 24 semester credit hours each year or at least 30 semester credit hours if taking the option of summer funding.
  • Maintain at least a 3.25 cumulative grade point average each year.


Academic Scholars will receive a scholarship to help cover the cost of room, board, tuition, books and incidental fees for up to 10 semesters.

The amount of the award varies according to the type of institution the student attends and qualification status. The annual scholarship amount for automatic qualifiers is $6,500 for students who attend the University of Oklahoma.

The annual scholarship amount for Institutional Nominees is $4,000 for students who attend the University of Oklahoma.

The award amounts may vary from year to year depending upon the amount of funds available. Payment is made directly to the institution on the student's behalf. Students who enroll at public colleges and universities are eligible for a tuition waiver in addition to the scholarship award noted above.

How to Apply

Oklahoma residents who automatically qualify for the program by scoring at or above the 99.5 percentile on the ACT or SAT or who qualify for the program by achieving designation as a National Merit Scholar, National Merit Finalist or United States Presidential Scholar should complete the online application form.

Apply Now (pdf)

State Regents staff will review and verify the online application and supporting documentation submitted. 

Students who qualify for the program by achieving designation as a National Merit Scholar, National Merit Finalist or United States Presidential Scholar should contact their college or university to apply.

Students who do not automatically qualify should contact their college or university financial aid office for more information on the institution's nomination process.

Prior to each semester, the State Regents office will forward a roster of Academic Scholars to each Oklahoma college and university. Oklahoma high schools are not notified of scholarship recipients.


For more information, visit the Academic Scholars Program webpage

Incoming Freshmen

Oklahoma State Regents Academic Scholars Program Application

Current Students

You will need to submit a request form/application if you are needing to accomplish any of the following:

  • You are enrolling in summer courses at OU and want to use your tuition waiver or cash funding for the summer. 

  •  You are starting an OU graduate or professional program and would like to ensure your scholarship transfers to that program. 

  • You are needing to take a leave of absence from OU. 

  • You are transferring from OU to another institution (only for Oklahoma State Regents Academic Scholars and Institutional Nominee Scholarships).

Academic Scholars Change Request Form