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Essay Writing Tips



Three Essay Writing
Tips for Your OU Application

Have you ever wondered what you would write about in your college admissions essay or even where to start? OU Admissions Counselors put together a few tips to help you begin the process!



1. Define Your Essay's Purpose

Before you begin the process of writing your essay, it’s important to think of the purpose behind your writing. What are you attempting to show? Is there any related information that you should also discuss? What are you not trying to do in this piece of writing?


2. Define Your Audience

Keep your audience in mind when considering your admission essay; in this case, it could be an Admissions Counselor. Thoughts to keep in mind:

  • What does the audience know or not know about my topic? 
  • What does my audience already believe or not believe? 
  • What does my audience care about?


3. Be Open, Be Honest

Your college admissions essay is a different style of writing than a standard English class essay, though grammar use and proofreading is very important! This is your time to shine about what kind of student and person you are outside of your academics. Choose an essay prompt that expresses your differences from other applicants, not what you think the admissions committee wants to hear.

Our Admissions Counselors look forward to the opportunity to read your OU admissions essay. For additional resources, check out OU's Writing Center website. If you have questions about your admissions essay to OU, contact your OU Admissions Counselor or contact the Office of Admissions and Recruitment at or call 405-325-2151.