Register to Vote
You've chosen to vote in Oklahoma! Before you get started, have these things out:
Social Security Number (SSN) or Oklahoma Driver's License or State ID. (If you don't have an Oklahoma Driver's License or State ID, you can register using the last four digits of your SSN.)
Address where you would like to be registered to vote and county
- Campus Residence Hall addresses are acceptable
- Out-of-state students can register in Oklahoma with their Norman address
Mailing address (where you would like your absentee ballot to be sent). In many cases, this is will be the same as your registration address.
You're ready to register!
- First, check online if you are already registered. If your home address or name has changed, re-register using the regular registration process below.
- If you aren't registered, you can do so using one of these options:
- Online using TurboVote
- Print and mail in a paper form (pdf)
- Contact us and we can walk you through the process, provide a paper form, and mail it for you.
- If you would like to update your address (within the same county) or party affiliation, you can use the OK Voter Portal.
If you choose to register by paper form, there are a few things you should look out for:
- Are you eligible? Make sure to check the two boxes relating to citizenship and age at the top of your paper form.
- Fill out the form in blue or black ink.
- Make sure your name is written the same as it is on your ID, including hyphens and special characters.
- Make sure you write the correct dates. Don't mix up today's date with your birthday!
- Identification number. This is an either/or option, so you only need one (OK Driver's License or last four digits of your SSN).
- List your street address is where you want your vote to count.
- List your mailing address (if different) for where you want your mail delivered.
- Signatures! Make sure you sign and date the application at the bottom right.
- If you don't have access to a printer, envelope, or stamps, please contact us and we will provide everything.
After registering to vote, make sure to check your registration in 2 weeks through the OK Voter Portal. If your registration doesn't show up, contact your county election board.