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BS Sonography

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B.S. in Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences - Sonography

Sonography is the profession that uses equipment that generates high frequency sound waves to produce images of the human body. Using imaging procedures and personal initiative, the sonographer gathers data for interpretation and evaluation by the physician. This profession includes abdominal sonography, neurosonography, echocardiography, obstetrical and pelvic sonography and vascular technology. In each of these areas the sonographer must be knowledgeable of expected pathology, applicable instrumentation and results. The OUHSC sonography program is accredited in both general and cardiac sonography and provides opportunity for each student to obtain these subspecialty areas. Clinical facility resources do not permit assignment of all students to all subspecialty areas for advanced competencies. Assignment for advanced competencies will be made on the basis of available facilities and each student’s performance in basic coursework.

For more information about the B.S. in Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences - Sonography, click here

For more information or to visit the OUHSC Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, click here.