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Employment Resources


Review employee benefits to determine what is right for you. 


Benefits Guide

Employee Self-Service

Review and change information pertaining to your employment.



Employee Trainings

Review what trainings you are required to complete.  


Employee Trainings


Understand payroll dates, timesheets, policies, and more. 


Payroll Services


Familiarize yourself with university employee policies.


Employee Policies

Holidays, Time Off, & Leave

University Holidays, PTO, and Leave options.


Holidays, Time Off, & Leave

Job Posting Templates

Standardized job post templates for the Division.


Instagram Post      Instagram Story      Facebook Post      LinkedIn Post

Campus Resources

Employee Wellness

Learn about wellness opportunities through LiveWell OU and the resources available to you.


LiveWell OU

Professional Orgs & Associations

Get engaged with Student Affairs related professional orgs & associations.  


Orgs &

What To Do

Get acquainted with campus partners and students through events and programs on campus. 




Learn about parking on campus, acquiring permits, and more. 


Parking Services

OU Lingo

Guide to common terms and lingo utilized at OU.


Lingo Index


Get to know Norman and the happenings around the city.


Welcome to Norman

Staff Senate

Learn more about staff representation within the campus governance system.


Staff Senate Website

Academic Calendar

Review important academic deadlines and dates.


Academic Calendar

Campus Scheduling

Reserve spaces, book catering, and more. 


Campus Scheduling

Support Resources

(405) 325-3852 (Voice) / (405) 325-4173 (TDD)

To register with the ADRC and learn more about resources and accomodations, please visit their website:

Hazing & Alcohol 24/7 Reporting Hotline:
(405) 325-5000

UCC Alcohol & Drug Counseling Services:
(405) 325-2911 / Goddard Health Center 2nd Floor

Free Transportation:
Oklahoma Memorial Union 181

(405) 325-7700 / /

Is someone you know experiencing...

  • a decline in work or academic performance;
  • demonstrating disruptive or disturbing behavior;
  • showing dramatic changes in appearance, behavior or weight; 
  • having problems at home, with classes or work;
  • abusing alcohol or drugs;
  • making disturbing comments in coversation, posts, tweets, papers or emails;
  • struggling with health problems;
  • frequently angry or easily frustrated;
  • isolating themselves socially
  • sad, anxious or experiencing dramatic mood shifts?

Be aware. Show you care. Contact BIT. Your confidential call / email can make a difference.

Make a BIT Report

The Campus Event Response Team (C.E.R.T.) was established to support student well-being and safety during campus protests, demonstrations, and select events during which there is a potential for counter demonstration or emotional triggers and responses.


University Counseling Center (UCC)
(405) 325-2911 / Goddard Health Center 2nd Floor / Walk-Ins 8 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F

National 24/7 Hopeline Network
1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
1-800-442-HOPE (4673)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
National Suicide & Crisis Hotline
988 (call or text)

Crisis Questions?

The University of Oklahoma Division of Student Affairs is committed to supporting student organizations, university departments, and nonprofits by providing sponsorship funds for events that enhance campus life, promote inclusivity, and align with the University's mission. Below you will find all the necessary information, guidelines, and resources to apply for sponsorship funds. Sponsorship funds are reviewed and allocated annually, ensuring support for events aligned with the current academic year.

Application Deadline: March 31, 2025


Introduction and Overview

The Division of Student Affairs Fund Allocation aims to empower student organizations, university departments, and nonprofits to host events that contribute to the vibrant campus culture at OU. This funding is designed to support initiatives that are community based, educational, and impactful.


How to Apply

Step 1: Review the Guidelines Ensure your event meets the criteria outlined below.

Step 2: Prepare Your Proposal Gather all necessary documents, including a detailed budget and event plan (if applicable). Refer to our example survey (PDF) for guidance.

Step 3: Submit Your Application Complete the online application form via OU Engage.

Evaluation Criteria and Proposal Preparation

The applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Historic Standing: Proper registration, compliance status, and duration at OU for registered student organizations and/or university departments.
  • Third-party Historic Standing: Alignment with the mission of Student Affairs with opportunities for full campus involvement.
  • Event Funds: Clarity and adequacy of funding sources and budgeting.
  • Feasibility of Event: Logistic viability and timing.
  • Scope of Event: Level of campus involvement and advancement of the Student Affairs mission in alignment with the Division’s strategic values and priorities.
  • Number of Expected Attendees: Estimated attendance and promotional efforts.
  • Accessibility, Sustainability and Environmental Impact: Affordability and accessibility for all students, along with the incorporation of sustainable practices and environmental impact considerations.
  • Historical Longevity: Historical significance and past impact of event/organization.
  • Collaboration and Outreach Efforts: Collaboration with other groups and outreach effectiveness.
  • Alignment with University Values and Priorities: Anticipated impact on student development, including contribution to student mental, physical, and emotional wellness, opportunities for leadership skills enhancement for participants, and facilitation of community service or civic engagement.

Note: Funding availability is based on the current academic year to ensure resources are distributed equitably and align with annual priorities.

For a list of application questions, please download and review the Division of Student Affairs Sponsorship Fund Allocation Application Survey (PDF).


Review and Decision Process

  • Evaluation: Applications are evaluated based on rubric.
  • Further Review: If additional consideration is needed, a review committee comprised of members from the Division of Student Affairs will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the final allocation.
  • Timeline: Applications will be reviewed, and decisions communicated within 30 days following the date of submission. Deadline is March 31, 2025.
  • Feedback: All applicants will receive feedback on their proposals, irrespective of the outcome.



  • Who can apply for the sponsorship funds? Any OU registered student organization, university department or third-party organization (with OU credentials).
  • What types of events are eligible for funding? Events that enhance campus life, promote inclusivity, align with the Student Affairs mission, and provide educational, and/or student community benefits.
  • How are the applications evaluated? Applications are evaluated based on a rubric that includes criteria such as feasibility, scope, inclusivity, budget clarity, and alignment with university values.
  • When is the deadline for application submission? The deadline for submitting applications is March 31, 2025.
  • Where can I submit my application? Applications can be submitted online via OU Engage.
  • Who can I contact for more information? For any questions or additional information, please contact the Division of Student Affairs at:
  • Are there other funding options? Yes. For funding opportunities from non-university revenue sources, please visit
  • Can I apply for funding for future events? Sponsorship funds are allocated based on the current academic year. Applications should align with the timeline of events scheduled within this period.


Sponsorship funds are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis until the available funds are exhausted.

The OU Advocates team works with students, faculty, and staff who experience sexual assault, dating violence, stalking or harrassment. OU Advocates 24/7 Helpline - 405-615-0013. The University Counseling Center offers 1-on-1 counseling sessions to explore any aspects of your concerns and provide help and tools for moving forward.

OU Advocates

Office of Advocacy & Education
(405) 325-4929
OMU 370

University Counseling Center
(405) 325-2911
Goddard, 2nd floor

The University of Oklahoma's Food Pantry is a student-run facility that is dedicated to creating a culture of health and wellness within the OU Community.

OU Food Pantry Hours

Tuesdays: 8am – 6pm
Wednesdays-Thursdays: 10am – 6pm


Visit the OU Food Pantry


If you would like to reach the Food Pantry by phone, call the office at (405) 325-2044. If you need to get in touch with the Food Pantry outside of normal business hours, please email at or message via the Food Pantry Instagram.

At OU, fostering an environment of integrity, respect, and the highest ethical standards is a top priority. Each member of the OU community shares the responsibility of ensuring these values are firmly upheld and concerns are promptly addressed. The reporting hotline – OU Report It! – provides a simple and anonymous way for employees, students, and community members to report concerns related, but not limited, to: Human Resources, Academics, Safety, Student Affairs, Accounting and Financial, Regulatory/Policy Compliance, Institutional Equity, Athletics and Research.The hotline is hosted by Navex Global, an independent third party, to provide an avenue to confidentially report suspected wrongdoing or unethical behavior without the fear of retaliation.

The OU Report It! website has been redesigned to make it easier to submit concerns. To make a report, select the appropriate campus below:

The OU Report It! hotline’s new mobile intake feature makes the reporting process even easier and faster. Access the mobile intake by scanning this QR code:

QR code for OU Report It!

There are many policies that govern the operations of the University of Oklahoma, including student events, travel, alcohol use, and more. Please review the policies below. 

Established in 2004, the Student Alcohol Policy implemented the OU SafeRide program to discourage drinking and driving. The program provides safe, no-cost  transportation for OU students within the designated Norman zone from 10:00 PM to 3:00 AM every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the program calendar. 

View SafeRide Webpage

Reporting Misconduct:
OU Police Department (OUPD)
911 or (405) 325-1911
Sexual Misconduct Office
(405) 325-2215 / / Four Partners Place 1000

Support Services:
OU Advocates
(405) 615-0013

University of Oklahoma students are guaranteed certain rights by the constitutions of the United States and the State of Oklahoma and the University of Oklahoma Student Government Association. The Student Rights and Responsibilities Code of Conduct and Procedures outline what students can expect. 

Student Code

Unfortunately we must face, all too often, the death of one of our OU students. Student Affairs coordinates university business, department notification(s) and communication with the family (when needed) when such a tragedy occurs. 

Student Affairs’ involvement will of course, not preclude the involvement of the college or department with the student’s family and/or services. It will be important for anyone who has had a connection to the student to offer their condolences and assistance.

Report a Student Tragedy Online

If you would like to report by phone, call the office at (405) 325-3161.