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Student Organization Resources

Interlocking OU, Registered Student Organizations, The University of Oklahoma website wordmark.

Student Organization Resources

There are a number of policies and procedures that govern operations for student organizations on the University of Oklahoma campus. Click on the following buttons to learn about registering or updating your organization, finances and funding, appropriate ways to plan and publicize events, reserving spaces, and more.

RSO Email Accounts

Registered Student Organizations may establish an e-mail address at the University of Oklahoma by applying directly with OU Information Technology.

Groups may apply by competing a service request form service request form and are able to add existing emails to the organizational accounts. When filling out the request form, students will need to "Modify an Existing Account" when choosing which action to perform with the request. Groups will need Unit Approval (Department Head) to be able to request this.

This form will require input from the organization’s adviser as they will be the person who is listed as the sponsor of the account. If the account information ever needs to be changed, the advisor who established it will be the University designee who is able to call and request the change or obtain information about the user name/password.

Registration & Updates

All student organizations at the University of Oklahoma are required to register as an OU Registered Student Organization (RSO). 

Registered organizations receive benefits from the University of Oklahoma including access to SGA funds, on-campus financial account, free or discounted reservations of University facilities such as the Oklahoma Memorial Union, the ability to publicize on campus, an assigned mailbox in the Conoco Student Leadership Center, sponsorship opportunities from University departments, and more 

Before registering a student organization, please make sure you are aware of the policies. 

Click Here for the RSO Policy (PDF)


There are two ways to renew a RSO's registation:

(1) For all students who currently have organization tool management access in ENGAGE: The notification to renew will be located on the first page of the organization management tools. After logging into ENGAGE, click on the organization in your memberships and then click on Manage Organizations. The notification to renew will be located on this page, the first page of the organization management tools. 

(2) For all students who currently do not have organization management access:

1. Log into ENGAGE.

2. Click on the Organizations tab, then on Register an Organization.

3. Search for the group and click on Register an Organization.

4. After the form has been approved, the form submitter will be assigned into the Primary Contact positon. 

New Organization Registration for 2024-2025 is now open

In order to register a student organization, you need: 

  • At least ten (10) enrolled student members
  • A faculty/staff advisor who is employed full time at the University of Oklahoma. The registration process involves enrollment verification for each of the stated members, and employment verification for the stated faculty/staff adviser. 
  • A completed and approved registration in ENGAGE.

Here are the steps to registering a new organization:

  • Log into ENGAGE
  • Click on the Organizations tab. 
  • Click on Register an Organization 
  • Click on Register a New Organization

All Greek-lettered organization in Fraternity and Sorority Programs and Services (FSPS) in the Office of Student Life are required to register as an RSO and serve under a governing council. You can follow the same instructions above for renewing an RSO. Please contact Kylie Frisby at for more information. 

You can update all officer information in ENGAGE without needing administrative approval.

  • Navigate to Org Management Tools
  • Click on Rosters
  • Click on Manage Positions
  • Make necessary changes

Please note that you must have organization management access in order to do this. 

RSO Travel Policy

If a Registered Student Organization is planning a trip, here is what you need to do:

  1. Register the event in ENGAGE. For assistance, go to this link. The event registration will give you the most updated information you need to be prepared, mitigate risk, and have a fun and safe trip. 
  2. The Office of Student Affairs will be notified of your submission and will approve or contact you for further information.

IMPORTANT: All travel forms must be submitted at least 7 days before the date of travel. 

RSO Finance & Funding

One of the most popular benefits of being a registered student organization is the ability to apply for funding through the Student Government Association (SGA) primary allocation process. SGA receives a portion of the University’s Student Activity Fees each year and in turn distributes it to registered student organizations for use. The allocation process takes place early each spring semester and involves an application, budget, and interview/meeting requirement.

The Office of Student Government and Organizations Services has been working with OU Shared Business Services Center and OU Financial Services to create on-campus financial accounts for all RSOs. We are diligently working to integrate information between OU and ENGAGE so that RSOs can use ENGAGE Finance tools to look at their current balance with SGA funding and sponsorship from other departments. Please check back for more information. 

2025-2026 Primary Funding

The buttons below open the funding bills for you to see before they're seen in Congress and GSS.

RSO (PDF)                   Government (PDF) 

Your RSO can apply for funding through ENGAGE following the steps below:

1. Go to the Finance section of the RSOs page in ENGAGE.

2. Click on Create Request

3. Click on Create Budget Request 

4. To see if you already have SGA funds, make sure to check the Accounts section your organization's Finance tools in ENGAGE. 

5. SGA will only fund items that are allowable purchases, per SGA policy. Click on the button below for appropriate use of SGA funds. 

Allowable/Non-Allowable Expenses 

After an SGA budget application has been submitted:

1. All applications are seen and evaluated by the SGA Budgetary Committee.  This committee is composed of members of the Undergraduate Student Congress (Congress) and Graduate Student Senate (GSS). 

2. After each application is evaluated, SGA funding legislation is created and sent to a weekly Congress meeting and also a separate, biweekly GSS meeting for their consideration. 

3. Once approved, the legislation is sent to the SGA President for signature approval.  

4. After the funding is approved by SGA, the funds are allocated to the Accounts section of the RSO’s ENGAGE page. 

*** Please note that the full funding process can take 3-5 weeks.***

Click on the button below to download the RSO purchasing guide for on-campus purchases. Please allow sufficient time (at least 72 business hours) for processing. If your event requires you to make expenditures through university accounting, do not plan events that are taking place within 3 weeks. 

RSO Purchasing Guide



  • Registered Student Organizations (RSO) will have their on-campus financial account (OU Financial Services Org Number). More information can be found by emailing
  • Any revenue that RSOs make by selling products (such as event tickets, t-shirts, novelties, etc.) are subject to sales tax with the State of Oklahoma. Advisors and student organization members need to ensure they are complying with state tax laws any time they decide to sell items. Groups may consult advice from accounting professionals for this purpose. More information about State of Oklahoma tax laws may be found here:  OU employees are not trained in tax law and cannot serve as advisors in this capacity.
  • One of the primary roles of the RSO Adviser is to help the group with financial decision-making and record-keeping. The adviser should NOT BE the primary sponsor of any financial account off campus but should still be actively involved with any financial decisions of the group and account reconciliations in order to make sure that the groups is remaining financially responsible. 
  • The university has a Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), as well as an approved campus standard that all university entities must adhere to when depositing funds into university accounts.  As RSOs are not entities of the University of Oklahoma, RSO Advisers and officers undertaking this responsibility will be held accountable for any security breach. 


RSOs student leaders may opt to set up organizational accounts at local banking institutions. RSO advisers should NOT be set up as approvers or signatory authorities on any outside bank accounts with any outside accounts. However, it would be permissible to give the adviser financial recordkeeping oversight in order to ensure proper financial records are kept and any necessary taxes are filed.

To set up a local bank account, a registered student organization will be required by the bank to obtain a Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN). This number is obtained directly from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by completing the SS-4 form which is available on the IRS Web site at This form should be completed by a student leader, not the RSO adviser. 

Obtaining a FEIN number does not give an organization tax exempt status. Becoming tax exempt is a very involved process that may or may not be beneficial for a registered student organization. If it is desired, the student organization will need to obtain the services of an outside lawyer and accountant. Student Affairs does not (and cannot) provide these services for groups. It is imperative that the organization's adviser be highly involved with the registered student organization regarding financial decisions of this nature.

Publicizing on Campus

Registered student organizations are permitted to advertise on campus through use of flyers, posters, chalking, and tree banners. Please review policies specific to each type of advertising below and then complete the publicity request form on ENGAGE (login will be required).

Publicity request

  • Pre-approval for flyers and posters must be obtained by completing the RSO Publicity Request Form in ENGAGE, for all advertising postings located inside OU academic buildings, OU Housing, and around campus.
  • Requests for flyer/poster approval must include a copy of the material to be printed. Do not print any final versions of material until approval has been received.
  • All advertising, promotional, or informational material designed for display on any surface is restricted to permanent bulletin boards inside and outside University buildings. Any publicity placed improperly is subject to removal by campus personnel at the registered student organization’s expense.
  • In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, printed materials that announce a program or event must include information to offer accommodations. An appropriate phrase is: “Accommodations on the basis of disability are available by contacting (name, address, phone) by (date).”
  • Student organizations are responsible for removing all flyers/posters after the date of event.
  • Pre-approval for chalking must be obtained by completing the RSO Publicity Request Form in ENGAGE
  • Only white or yellow water-soluble chalk may be used. The use of spray chalk is strictly prohibited.
  • Chalked messages are restricted to horizontal concrete sidewalks and must not be placed under any building overhangs or within ten (10) feet of any building entrance.
  • Chalked messages must contain the name of the sponsoring organization.
  • Chalking cannot interfere with another message that has already been chalked.
  • Any chalking placed improperly is subject to removal by campus personnel at the registered student organization’s expense.
  • Only two tree banner locations are available in the south oval and both are reserved very early in the year. Use of these locations is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Tree banners must be professionally produced, weatherproof with wind cuts, and properly secured.
  • A banner display location must be approved through the following form.
  • Banner displays are limited to five consecutive days (including weekends) for registered student organizations.
  • Banners should not be printed until the reservatio has been approved.
  • Registered student organizations are responsible for hanging and removing tree banners on the designated dates.
  • Organizations are responsible for any associated charges with banner development, hanging, and removal if required.

RSO Event Registration

ALL events hosted by OU Registered Student Organizations (RSO) must be submitted through the ENGAGE event submission process.

An RSO event is defined as any gathering, program, or activity that meets at least one of the following criteria:

1. Funding:

  • The event is funded or sponsored, in part or whole, by the University and/or the RSO.

2. Location:

  • The event is hosted at or on University and/or RSO-managed property, facilities, or spaces (owned, controlled, leased, rented, or reserved by either the University and/or the RSO). 

3. Promotion:

  • The event is promoted by the RSO through any official RSO communication channel (announcements, websites, newsletters, social media, at meetings, flyers/posters/graphics, and any other medium that identifies the event as being connected to the RSO and/or the University).

4. Coordination:

  • The event is hosted, coordinated, and/or facilitated by the RSO, its leaders, alumni, or members.

RSO Responsibility: RSOs are responsible for full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and University policies, including the Student Alcohol Policy and Student Rights and Responsibilities Code, when planning and conducting any event.

This definition is a guide for registration and does not limit the University's ability to investigate prohibited conduct, regardless of whether an event is registered. 

Event Registration is Required: To ensure RSOs have completed the appropriate steps for a successful and well-coordinated event, access vital University resources and guidance, and proactively mitigate risks, all events meeting the above definition MUST be registered through the OU Engage RSO Event Registration process and with the RSO’s inter/national organizations (if applicable).

Benefits to registering your RSO event

  • Get traction with your event! Posting to the ENGAGE calendar gets your event distributed to other campus areas such as the What-To-Do calendar and digital marquees on campus. 
    • In cases of private events, you can still select to make the event “invite-only”.
  • Ensure that you are assessing any risks associated with on and off campus RSO events.
  • Ability to track attendance at RSO events
  • One-stop shop for the common RSO forms that may be needed for compliance. By registering your event through ENGAGE, this will streamline this process and the following forms will be included:
    • Special Events Request Form (SERF) – Must be submitted 15 days before the event.
    • RSO Alcohol Notification Form/FSPS Event Notification Form
    • Student Travel Registration Form

*Please note that your event may not need these forms. However, in cases where your event requires any of them, you can complete them in the event submission process and not have to complete additional forms.

RSO Event Definition (PDF)

If you do not see the organization for which you are needing to submit an event, or see “Events” when you click on the gear/settings icon within ENGAGE, you will need to contact the organization’s ENGAGE position holders. 
(Hint: All RSO advisers and ENGAGE Primary Contacts have full access to each group’s portals).

Based on your responses, the appropriate campus partners will be notified to review the event. (i.e. All RSO travel events will notify Teresa Schuster in the Student Affairs VP Office.)

Reviewers, administrators, and event registration submitters will be able to leave comments and attach/request any additional documents that may be needed in the comments section of the form.

After event registration has been approved, it will be posted to the ENGAGE calendar, based on your visibility settings. Be sure to have your visibility settings updated. Changes can be made by going into the event management tools. All updates will route through the same channel.

If you have questions about registering an event, please contact K. George Ahmadi at

If you have questions about ENGAGE, please contact support at

Reserving a Space on Campus

Please visit the Campus Scheduling webpage for more information on reserving space on campus. 

OU Mass Mail (OUMM)

Registered Student Organizations (RSO) Faculty/Staff Advisers are able to access and send mass emails through the OU Mass Mail platform located at the following link. You will need to access the University's two-factor authentication process. For more information on PingID, please visit this link.  

Please make sure to adhere to the following guidelines when sending OUMMs on behalf of an RSO: 

  1. Please read the OU Mass Email Guidelines. These can be found at the beginning of the OUMM process after logging in with OU credentials.

  2. Only RSO Faculty/Staff Advisers are eligible to log into the OUMM webapp platform and send mass emails. 

  3. Advisers may list the name of their department of employment in the signature information. 

  4. The last line of all OUMMs should include information indicating who approved the mass email. This can be the name of the RSO or the name of the adviser. Please do not put the name of the adviser's department as the approver. 

  5. If you are copying and pasting a message from the students, please proofread the message and make sure it is coming from the correct grammatical perspective. All RSO OUMMs are sent from the email of the RSO Faculty/Staff Adviser. 

  6. It is advisable to list the name and contact for questions, in cases where it is not the adviser. I.e. For questions, please contact (Name and email of student leader). 

    Click Here for the OU Mass Mail Policy

    Click Here to Access the OUMM Login Page