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Lorne Richstone

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Lorne Richstone

Professor Emeritus

Office: Carpenter Hall 311

Professor Lorne Richstone was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. From 1982 to 2006 he was on the coaching staff of the Deutsche Oper Berlin, Germany, where he played under a host of prominent conductors and coached and appeared in performance with many of the world’s leading singers.

In addition to his duties as an opera coach, Mr. Richstone taught vocal repertoire at both the Hans Eisler Hochschule für Musik and Universität der Künste in Berlin. He is presently artistic advisor to the Hong Kong Festival and has performed frequently at the Macau International Music Festival in China. He has concertized and has given master classes in Germany, United States and Canada. He coached "Magic Flute" for the Opera Lyra Ottawa, Canada, "Don Carlos" in Riga, Latvia, "Carmen" in Shanghai, China, and "Romeo et Juliette," "Le Nozze di Figaro," and "Rigoletto" at the International Music Festival Macau, China. At the prestigious Savonlinna Opera Festival in Finland he played productions of "Madama Butterfly" and "Der Fliegende Holländer".

His recordings include "Carmina Burana" (Orff) and "Salome" (Strauss) for Deutsche Gramophon, "La Vita Nuova" (E. Wolf-Ferrari) for Koch-Schwann and "Jakob Lenz" by W. Rihm for Harmonia Mundi.

Lorne Richstone joined the University of Oklahoma School of Music in September 2006 as Assistant Professor of Vocal and Opera Coaching.