Tents Provide Outdoor Spaces for Classes, Groups

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato once wrote that “necessity is the mother of invention.” And it was necessity, indeed, that called for an innovative solution to limit occupation of buildings on the OU Norman campus during the ongoing pandemic. The innovative solution? Tents!
OU has set up tents of various sizes across campus to supplement indoor common spaces. Not only will the tents allow for OU faculty, staff and students to meet in a conveniently located sheltered space, but as a bonus will make it easier to achieve social distancing and better ventilation.
Thirty tent locations have been established across campus, from the residence halls to Oklahoma Memorial Union. View their locations here.
Tents may be reserved by faculty, staff and students for various reasons, including meetings, classes, practice and study hall, in two ways:
- Through the OU Reserve system (ou.edu/scheduling or (405) 325-2121) – requests must be received no more than 72 hours before the scheduled use time.
- By scanning the QR code included on the signage for each tent.
Other details you’ll need to know:
- Tent space may be reserved between the hours of 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
- No more than five current tent reservations may be held by a group at one time.
- If tent space is not reserved, walk-up use is permitted until the next scheduled use time.
- All campus safety measures must be maintained.
- Nothing may be adhered to or hung from the tent or tent structure.
For more information, go to ou.edu/scheduling/spaces/outdoor and click “semi-permanent tents.”
By Jerri Culpepper
Article Published: Wednesday, August 26, 2020