We welcome the different perspectives transfer students bring to the OU Family. You are classified as a transfer student if you have attended an accredited college or university and have attempted more than 6 semester hours, excluding remedial (pre-college) work or credit hours accumulated as a concurrently enrolled high school student.
In order to be admitted to OU, transfer students must have completed 7 non-remedial college credit hours at an accredited college or university post high school graduation. Students who have attended OU previously as degree-seeking students are not considered transfer students. Transfer students with fewer than 24 non-remedial credit hours attempted must meet the direct from high school admission requirements in addition to their specific academic college’s transfer GPA requirement. Transfer students with 24 non-remedial credit hours attempted or more must meet their specific academic college’s transfer GPA requirement.
Aug. 1
Fall & summer application opens
Oct. 1
Spring priority scholarship deadline
Nov. 1
Spring application deadline
March 1
Summer/fall priority scholarship deadline
April 1
Summer application deadline
June 1
Fall application deadline & spring application opens
July 1
Fall documents deadline
Complete our interest form to receive the most up-to-date information on the transfer admissions process and more!
Save time and money when planning the completion of your Bachelor's Degree! Articulation agreements are signed major pathways between OU and a partner institution which lists all required coursework needed to be taken at each institution.
Email: transfer@ou.edu
Phone: 405-325-2151
Find your transfer admissions counselor to connect 1:1.