Advanced Exercise Physiology Laboratory (HES 5833)
Advanced Light Microscopy (BIOL 5394)
Advanced Seminar in Cognitive Processes (PSY 6280)
- Behavioral Neurobiology (BIOL 5893)
Biomechanics I (AME 5213/BME 5213)
Biomechanics II (BME 5223)
Biomedical Signals and Systems (BME 5853)
Biophotonics Imaging Microscopy (BME 5123)
Biosensor: Fundamentals and Applications (BME 5143)
- BioWriting (BIOL 5953)
Cellular Pathology (BIOL 5113)
Current Topics in Neurobiology (BIOL 5871)
Digital Signal Processing (ECE 5213)
Diversity of Biological Sex Characteristics (BIOL 5873)
Engineering Principles of the Human Body (ECE G4823)
Exercise Physiology (HES 5823)
Multivariate Analysis (BIOL 5943)
Neural Engineering (BME 5533)
Neural System and Rehabilitation Engineering (BME 5443)
Neurobiology (BIOL 5833)
Neurobiology of Disease (BIOL 5233)
Neuromuscular Physiology (HES 6843)
Programming in R for Biology (BIOL 5923)
Quantitative Biology (BIOL G4913)
Quantitative Physiology (BME G4813)
Seminar in Cognitive Processes (PSY 5280)
Scanning Electron Microscopy (BIOL 5374)
Special Topics in Structural Biology (CHEM 5760)
Transport in Biological Systems (BME/CH E 5293)