Scott's Botanical Links--November 1998
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Past links:
- November 30, 1998 - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Greenhouses
- Utilizing 12,000 square feet of greenhouse space plus cold frames and outdoor garden areas, the EEB living plant collections at the University of Connecticut support fifty classes and labs within the department. Accessions include 2566 plants in 294 families, and the website's 5000 pages describe the collections (plants indexed by family have descriptions, many with images, and links to other information), research, work routines and the facilities. Documentation of IPM methods practiced in the greenhouse is excellent, with substantial data available on the use of products and specific pests. Pages are easily accessed from the Index and include a detailed color-coded vegetation map of Mexico as a complement to the university's outstanding collection of orchids, cacti and succulents. Site by Manuel A. Morales, University of Connecticut, Storrs.(****)LF
- November 24, 1998 - The United States National Arboretum
- Of special interest here are individual Fact Sheets for gold medalists and other fine plant introductions into American horticulture by scientists of the National Arboretum. Via the nursery and florist industries, over the last 70 years the Arboretum has introduced 650 different woody and herbaceous plants to the American public, including two new disease-resistant American elm tree varieties. This is definitely the place for linking to The 1998 "Web Version" of the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map,Issued January 1990, with Hardiness Zone details and cold-hardiness ratings for selected woody plants. Site by narj, The U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, D.C.. (****)LF
- November 23, 1998 - Agricultural Network Information Center
- This group of sites includes AgDB (an agriculture database and information-system directory), AGRICOLA Subject Category Codes [Agric CC] (an electronic version of the codes used to categorize AGRICOLA database records), Agricultural Conferences, Meetings, Seminars Calendar [AgCAL], Occurrence and Distribution of Pesticides in Chesapeake Bay [CBPest], Directories of Agriculture-related Internet Information Resources [DirAgIR], Directories of Experts in Agriculture [AgExp], and an extensive Online Reference Service [OnRef] for plants and plant topics and Plant Disease Announcements [PDA]. Together these form a very impressive source for reference information. (****) SR
- November 20, 1998 - Hort Digest
- The first issue of Hort Digest is at last unveiled, with its November features by Florida botanist Derek Burch, "What's New in the Small Gingers" and "A Gallery of Gingers," along with "Kirstenbosch," by extension scientist Alan Meerow. Several other topics in tropical horticulture this month include two newly discovered mealybug threats in the U.S. and other notes on insects, diseases, tropical plants and events. Produced by Betrock Information Systems, the free online magazine is an outgrowth of Florida's essential tradelist, The Plantfinder, geared for the professional horticultural industry and serious plant enthusiasts. Site by Loren Fulghum for Betrock Information Systems, Davie, Florida.(****)LF
- November 19, 1998 - Brasilian Orchids
- Presented in both English and Portuguese, this site includes links to History, Generalities, Flowering periods, Genera, Species, Cares & Tips, Notes To Beginners, an innovative Floral Anatomy site, an Orchid Finder, Orchids by States, Show-room, Data Center, Art Gallery, Library, Slide Show, 15th WOC, 16th WOC, Web Awards, Events, Links, Credits, Guest book, E-mail, "Orchid News" and What's new?, accompanied by music. This very full site was conceived, developed and is maintained by Sergio Araujo. (****) SR
- November 18, 1998 - Topical Reviews in Plant Physiology
- This is a list of references from major plant physiology journals on topics in current plant physiology, 1992-97. Many are collected from the Annual Reviews collections, Photosynthesis
Research, Plant Physiology, and Trends in Plant Science. These are searchable by your web browser's find option (ctrl-F on PC and Apple-F on Macs). Collected by Bob Wise, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI. (***) SR [Note: I present this in full knowledge that in 2-3 yrs metadatabases will be formed that merge similar data from over 100 major journals upon user request.]
- November 17, 1998 - Harmful Algae Page
- This site focuses on "red tides" and other outbreaks of algae that cause harm principally through toxins produced by dinoflagellates) and cyanobacteria (formerly called bluegreen algae). Pages include an introduction to algal blooms and "red tides," a photo gallery, algal species, adverse impacts (including human illness and food poisoning), distribution maps, other pertinent information (national plans, announcements, a US reseachers directory) and newsworthy harmful algal bloom events. Site by Dr. Donald M. Anderson, National Office for Marine Biotoxins and Harmful Algal Blooms, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. (****) SR
- November 16, 1998 - INVADERS Database System
- The INVADERS Database is a comprehensive database of exotic plant names and distribution information for the northwestern United States, complete with software, online queries and information about the project. Site authorized by project director, Peter Rice, and maintained by Matthew Harrington and Yi Longby. The project is funded by the Montana Noxious Weed Trust Fund. (****) SR
- November 13, 1998 - Plant Names Project
- The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, The Harvard University Herbaria, and the Australian National Herbarium have formed a consortium called the Plant Names Project (PNP), to create and maintain a comprehensive authority file for the names of all seed plants (flowering plants and "gymnosperms"), and make it freely available on the Internet as the International Plant Names Index (IPNI). Still in the planning stages, but with links to Gray Index and the Australian Plant Name Index. Maintained by Noel Cross at Harvard University. (***) SR
- November 12, 1998 - Galleria Carnivora
- The Galleria is an imaginary two story (so far) photographic gallery with hundreds of photos of carnivorous plants. Genera shown include: Utricularia, Genlisea, Byblis, Drosera, Cephalotus, Dionaea, Drosophyllum, Nepenthes, Pinguicula, Sarracenia and Darlingtonia. It also features a library, newstand, information kiosk (with an extensive FAQ) and a giftshop. Site by Barry Meyers-Rice through the International Carnivorus Plants Society. (****) SR
- November 11, 1998 - Cal's Plant of the Week
- Cal is our greenhouse grower at OU; he always has something fantastic in flower. With our digital camera and some web support from yours truly, he has organized a very nice resource with nice photos of some of the exotic plants he has in cultivation and information on blooming time, care, propagation and other plant notes. Entries are listed by common name, species name and family. Site by Cal Lemke, Department of Botany & Microbiology, University of Oklahoma. (****) SR
- November 10, 1998 - Links for Palaeobotanists
- Links for Palaeobotanists gives essentially anything that you would like to learn about paleobotany, including institutions, people, places, listservs, teaching documents, databases, bibliographies, journals, jobs, time scales, evolution and extinction and a myriad of other topics. This fantastic resource is organized by Klaus-Peter Kelber, Mineralogisches Institut, Universität Würzburg. (****) SR
- November 9, 1998 - Asclepiad Page - The Carrion Flowers
- This page is home to the International Asclepiad Society, with links to cultivation notes, genera (Ceropegia, Fockea, Huernia, Stapelia (cultivation in Vancouver and the U.K.), Hoya), succulent Asclepiad genera, a small photo gallery, the Hoya Society International, Asklepios (journal of the International Asclepiad Society), and external links to the Succulent Plant Page, and Cactus & Succulent Events Worldwide. This site is by R.J. Hodgkiss, Gray Laboratory Cancer Research Trust. (****) SR
- November 6, 1998 - Pennsylvania Flora Project
- A database with 180 families and over 2100 species, the search engine at this site has checkboxes for rare, endangered, threatened & extirpated species, growth habit types, wetland species, native and introduced plants. Searches may also be conducted for family, genus, species and common name. High quality original black and white drawings (as available) are linked to the descriptions, which include conservation data and habitat. Site by Morris Arboretum, Botany Department, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. (****) SR
- November 5, 1998 - Electronic Sites of Leading Botany, Plant Biology and Science Journals
- This site provides links to the electronic publication sites of some major journals that publish papers on plants. They provide at minimum a recent Table of Contents and some have full text. The best of the full text publications have two versions -- one version hyperlinked to figures and text of cited articles; the other to a PDF file that appears identical to the print copy (viewable with the free Adobe Acrobat reader). This is one of my own sites; I don't rate my own sites! SR
- November 4, 1998 - Bacteriology 303 Main Page
- This instructor-edited site links to the Lecture Outlines for Bacteriology 303, Study Aids, and an extraordinarily interesting series of Readings and other microbiology sites. "Life at High Temperatures" by Thomas D. Brock, father of thermophilic biology, explores the hot springs of Yellowstone and their microbial flora as well as the higher plants that survive along the channels of boiling waters. "Bacterial Structure" by Tim Paustian explains the structure and function of the bacterial cell. Many articles by Kenneth Todar include a superb selection of topics of interest to the public like "Bacteria of Medical Importance," and "Controlling Bacterial Growth." Site by Kenneth Todar, Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.(****)LF
- November 3, 1998 - Mediterranean Climate Gardening Throughout the World
- Built from a horticultural quest for plants to cultivate in the Mediterranean-like climate of the San Francisco Bay Area, this author/Computer Systems Analyst's website is dedicated to gardeners in Mediterranean climate regions of the world. Also produced in cooperation with the Mediterranean Garden Society of Greece, it is the beginning of an informative resource directory for cultivated plants in arid regions, open for site submissions. Beautiful images and valuable concepts of drought tolerant environmental design make this a must-see site by Sean Aloysius O'Hara, Oakland/Berkeley, California.(****)LF
- November 2, 1998 - The NCCPG National Collection of Phlomis
- It is not a wonder that the NCCPG (National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens), whose motto is "Conservation through Cultivation" has dedicated a website and a national collection to "Phlomis, The Neglected Genus." These members of the Labiatae find excellent coverage here with photographs, descriptions, and links to other Phlomis/NCCPG pages. The author's new book is also announced, a guide for Phlomis gardeners and horticulturists published for the first time August 1998. Site by Jim Mann Taylor, Gloucestershire, England.(****)LF
Past, past links (by date):
- 2006: January
- 2005: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- 2003: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- 2002: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- 2001: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- 2000: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- 1999: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- 1998: January*, February*, March*, April*, May*, June*, July, August, September, October, November, December (*Leigh's links)
- 1997: January, February, March, April, May, June, September*, October*, November*, December* (*Leigh's links)
- 1996: February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- Or search by: Subject Index