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Uzo Ogbanufe

Uzo Ogbanufe

Uzo Ogbanufe
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
From Sachse, Texas

My Sooner Legacy...

I hope to leave a legacy of boldness. It is so important for students to be bold in what they want.

What achievement are you proudest of as an OU student?

I am proudest of winning Best Design at Hacklahoma, Oklahoma's biggest codeathon. My team members and I stayed up all night designing a web application, and it was all worth it when we were awarded.

From within the OU community, who made the largest impact on you?

Lisa Morales is the Director of the Gallogly College of Engineering office, and her constant positive support has meant the world to me! She taught my Freshman Engineering Experience class and since then, I’ve known I can go to her for advice while I’m struggling or to celebrate when I’m doing well.

What OU memory will you carry for the rest of your life?

What I will remember forever is the Solar Eclipse party on the South Oval. It was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. Seeing everyone out there, enjoying the sunshine, jamming out to the space-themed music, and eating the space-themed snacks, I was so overcome with gratitude that I got to experience a once-in-a-lifetime event on the stunning campus with my closest friends.

Did you complete any internships while at OU?

Yes! In the summer of 2022, I interned as a Software Development intern with Oklahoma City's Paycom. Then, the following summer, I interned as a Software Engineer. OU's Career Fairs and Career Center were vital in helping me secure internship experiences. From mock interviews to resume prep, they ensured I was ready to succeed during the interview process.

What does your OU degree mean to you?

My OU degree symbolizes opportunity. I came to the University as a freshman and had the opportunity to do anything I wanted to do. I really got what I put into this University and I’m so grateful for that. I believe anyone who attends OU will feel the same way.

My Next Chapter...

I am moving to Dallas, Texas, to start my career as a Software Engineer at Microsoft!

Uzo in front of the Microsoft offices in Dallas, Texas.