OU’s architecture program is founded on the concept of creating and making, emphasizing a tangible connection between the creative process and the physical acts of making. As a student in the College of Architecture, the opportunities to learn and create are endless. The fast pace and nonstop activity in Gould Hall reflects the vibrant experience that students gain from studying under top tier faculty. The core curriculum consists of a strong foundation in studio and professional practices to create a varied portfolio while offering service learning, study aboard opportunities, a downtown design center and internship experiences. Upon graduation of the 5-year program, students are prepared to program building projects, work with clients, develop designs and specifications, respond to building codes for construction, work with contractors and take Architecture Registration Exam in order to become licensed.
Architecture students typically have interests in:
High school preparation should include art, science and math.
OU's College of Architecture maintains an international reputation and has graduates practicing all over the world. Alumni are eager and willing to help young architects make the leap from student to professional with internship and job opportunities. OU architecture is known for its outstanding faculty, award-winning students, tight knit community and high job outlook upon graduation. The innovation and interdisciplinary approach to solving design problems only fosters creativity and imagination in students while working within a professional curriculum.
Architecture courses include:
Architecture students have the opportunity to study abroad as part of their curriculum. Students can do so through a variety of programs:
Solo practices
Architecture firms
Design build firms
Landscape Architecture firms
Commercial development companies
Graphic/industrial design companies
Visit the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ website to explore the median pay for jobs you can pursue with this degree.
The Bachelor of Architecture program is fully accredited by the National Architecture Accreditation Board. Since OU's Architecture degree track is considered a professional program, the degree satisfies one of the prerequisites for licensure after graduation. Please visit arch.ou.edu for more information on accreditation. An architecture student graduates the 5-year program with a Bachelor of Architecture degree. The Division of Architecture also offers Master of Architecture and Master of Science in Architectural Studies degree programs. Students may also minor in Construction Science or Interior Design.
Gibbs College of Architecture
Erin Nance - Director of Advising
Phone: (405) 325-2444
Email: erinnance@ou.edu
Website: ou.edu/arch