Norman Campus Staff Awards
- Regents’ Award for Superior Staff
- Provost’s Outstanding Academic Advising Administrator Award
- Provost’s Outstanding Academic Advising Award
- Provost’s Outstanding New Academic Advisor Award
- Jennifer L. Wise Good Stewardship Award
- Katie Pursley Superior Performance Award
- Waintroob/Myers Superior Performance Award
- E. Neal Stone Superior Performance Award
- George Lynn Cross Superior Performance Award
- Distinguished Performance Awards
- Oklahoma Student Government’s Outstanding Staff Award
Regents' Award for Superior Staff
The Regents’ Award for Superior Staff recognizes staff for superior job performance and outstanding service to the university, the community, and professional activities on behalf of the university. The outstanding job performance and superior service reflects perspective, initiative and efforts that transcend the boundaries of designated work responsibilities.
Colleen Wilhelm, Gallogly College of Engineering
Colleen Wilhelm, a financial associate in the Gallogly College of Engineering, was named as the recipient of the 2020 Regents’ Award for Superior Staff.
“I work with Colleen as the faculty advisor of Sooner Off-Road (a student organization) and my day-to-day work as a faculty member in the Gallogly College of Engineering. Colleen, simply put, makes financial work easy for me and my student organization and has helped us tremendously over several years,” wrote Christopher Dalton, assistant professor in the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, in his nomination letter.
“The students do not always have the best understanding of the processes required by the university, but Colleen works with them to make sure the team gets the materials/items they need quickly, and that the students get reimbursed quickly as well. She is incredibly patient with them, especially when they make mistakes in paperwork and procedures, but also makes sure the students understand the importance of fiscal responsibilities for their team. She helps keep our team on track financially speaking,” he added.
“Excellent service, accurate planning and problem solving are hallmarks of Colleen’s performance as financial associate over the last six years,” begins Kelly R. Wilcox, executive director, finance and operations, Gallogly College of Engineering, in her letter of support.
Wilcox added that because Wilhelm has an extensive knowledge of university policies, she is regularly sought out by those outside the scope of her work for assistance. “Never one to shy away from a challenge, if she doesn’t know the answer she will not stop until she finds a solution.
“Far more impressive to me,” she added, “is her initiative and attention to detail. She is able to think outside the box and solve problems while staying true to the financial rules and responsibilities we have as university employees.”
Wilcox noted that Wilhelm has spent countless hours assisting the development staff with annual diversity and inclusion grant-funded submissions for a critical summer program, and she was the first to volunteer to lead the United Way campaign for the college. She also participates in and recruits others for The Big Event and handles registration at college events.
“After significant staff losses, [Colleen] has recently taken a leadership role in scholarship administration and is always searching for ways to assist and retain students in need,” Wilcox concluded. “My appreciation for Colleen’s organization, attitude and outstanding service has continued to grow over the six years I have worked with her. Beyond her knowledge and expertise in financial matters, she is a staff member that is willing to help at every turn. Not because that is expected but because of her loyalty and dedication to the students, faculty and staff of the college and this university.”

Provost’s Outstanding Academic Advising Administrator Award
The Provost’s Outstanding Advising Administrator Award is designed to recognize outstanding contributions made by University of Oklahoma academic advising administrators who have demonstrated the qualities associated with outstanding leadership in the administration of advising centers and academic advising of students.
Annette Moran, Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy
In being selected to receive the Provost’s Outstanding Academic Advising Administrator Award, Annette Moran, director of the Pioneer Natural Resources Student Services Center in the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy, was credited with transforming student services in the college into a first-rate organization focused on offering a broad range of services designed to enhance the student experience.
In his nomination letter, J. Mike Stice, dean of the Mewbourne College, cited her for her many contributions that included expanding student services beyond advising to include a student life component. In addition, he noted that she worked with each academic unit to centralize student advising to her professional advising staff, resulting in an immediate improvement in both the quality and quantity of advising services offered to students.
“The most meaningful and noteworthy impact,” he added, “has been the change in culture created by her unique leadership style. …Under Annette’s leadership, Student Services has become a highly focused, service-oriented and student-centric organization. Student feedback has been amazing, with numerous accolades for Annette and her team.”
Stice also refers to Moran as an “indispensable member of my leadership in my team” and “my most successful hire during my tenure here.”

Provost’s Outstanding Academic Advising Award
The Provost’s Outstanding Advising Award is designed to recognize outstanding contributions made by University of Oklahoma academic advisors who have demonstrated the qualities associated with outstanding leadership and academic advising of students.
Sarah Olzawski, College of Arts and Sciences
Sarah Olzawski, senior academic counselor in the College of Arts and Sciences and the first full-time adviser for the history department, was selected to receive the Provost’s Outstanding Advising Administrator Award for her “spectacular success” in many important aspects of the advising process.
James Hart, Hudson Professor and chair of the Department of History, who nominated Olzawski for the award, said that one of Olzawski’s first accomplishments was to take control of the departmental webpage, which until then had been a duty passed from faculty member to faculty member. Olzawski not only has kept the webpage updated and informative, he said, she has “magnified the department’s public profile by mobilizing social media, creating a vibrant Facebook page and a Twitter account.”
He also cited her for helping ensure events and other activities are publicized. In so doing, he said, she has “created a real sense of community, not just among our majors, but among those outside the major who are interested in history.”
One of the adviser’s most important accomplishments, Hart said, has been to help revive the OU History Club, which has been busy organizing meetings with faculty to discuss curriculum and class offerings, as well as hosting writing workshops, reading and discussion meetings relating to historical literature, movie nights, and career workshops featuring OU history alumni.
Olzawski also was praised for helping develop the history department’s internship program, for which she serves as ongoing liaison between students and sponsors.

Provost’s Outstanding New Academic Advisor Award
The Provost’s Outstanding New Academic Advisor Award is designed to recognize and reward advisers working in the profession for less than two years who have demonstrated an initiative to master qualities and practices of the profession.
Alyssa Lewis, Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts
This year’s recipient of the award is Alyssa Lewis, an academic counselor I in the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts, who in 2018 transitioned from her position as faculty adviser to become the inaugural full-time academic adviser in the School of Music.
Elizabeth Nunley, coordinator of undergraduate programs in the College of Fine Arts, who nominated Lewis for the award, praised the adviser for her “thoughtful and proactive planning skills” that made the transition a smooth one for her students.
“She has been a quick study, striving to master university policies and procedures, the 14 different degree checklists within the School of Music, and expanding her knowledge of advising theories and practices,” Nunley notes in the nomination letter.
Lewis also was cited for developing her own student advising tracking system which, says Nunley, “keeps her outreach efforts seamless during call campaigns.
“Not only does she contact students on the retention report,” Nunley adds, “she continues to reach out to all her students who have not yet been advised or enrolled.”
In her letter of nomination and letters of support, Lewis was praised for her true passion for working with students and her understanding of the life-changing influence an academic adviser can have on a student’s life, academically and beyond.

Jennifer L. Wise Good Stewardship Award
The Jennifer L. Wise Good Stewardship Award recognizes outstanding contributions made by staff who demonstrate the qualities associated with good stewardship. The award honors the late Jennifer Wise, who in 1981 assisted in developing the first budget of what was then the College of Geosciences.
Ruthie Betts, College of Professional and Continuing Studies
This year’s recipient, Ruthie Betts, is director of business and accounting operations in the College of Professional and Continuing Studies.
Betts started working in the office 15 years ago, first as an account and budget representative, then assistant director. In her current role, she is responsible for all aspects of budget development and oversight.
“As a ‘self-funded’ entity within the university, stewardship of our limited resources are paramount considerations, and Ruthie is a leading voice in making sure that we operate as efficiently as possible while fulfilling our mission with quality and excellence,” Martha L. Banz, dean of the College of Professional and Continuing Studies and associate provost for continuing education, wrote in her letter of nomination.
Betts’ responsibilities also include college processes and ensuring that policies comply with university and relevant state statutes, conducting collegewide budget and finance practices training, records management and purchasing oversight.
Banz further praised Betts for fostering efficiencies “in ways too numerous to count” as well as for her strong work ethic and for fostering a “strong team approach by bringing great energy and creativity to the mix,” as well as for her mature perspective and strong creative problem-solving abilities.

Katie Pursley Superior Performance Award
Cherish (Cherry) Smith, College of Arts and Sciences
Cherish (Cherry) Smith, a managerial associate and assistant to the dean in the College of Arts and Sciences, was selected as this year’s recipient of the Katie Pursley Superior Performance Award, presented by the Organizational Staff Council.
“I simply cannot imagine how I, or anyone else in this position, could have done the job without a remarkable mix of grace under pressure, enthusiasm, organization, dedication and absolutely unwavering professionalism,” College of Arts and Sciences Dean David Wrobel wrote in his letter of nomination.
“Cherish has helped to prepare me for each new wave of tasks as dean, but much more than that, she has played a central role in creating, nurturing and maintaining a mood of optimism and purposefulness, not just in our day-to-day operations, but at all of our special events – receptions, convocations, etc.,” he added. “The success of our event planning in the college has a great deal to do with the work she does behind the scenes, helping to manage and coordinate the college's different teams.”
“Cherish not only exemplifies this indomitable spirit for those outside our office who require the dean's attention, but she displays this behavior with her colleagues as well,” Rhonda Dean-Kyncl, associate dean of students in the College of Arts and Sciences, wrote in a letter of support.
“She is often the first in our office to reach out to a colleague who needs support, and she serves us through her attention to our needs from small to great. She organizes office-wide celebrations and often pays for them out of her own pocket. She ensures that the dean is aware of milestones in the lives of our staff, and she recommends encouraging and supportive practices throughout the building that foster an environment of inclusivity and positivity.”
Waintroob/Myers Superior Performance Award
Melanie Schneider, Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
Melanie Schneider, director of communications for the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education, is the recipient of this year’s Waintroob/Myers Superior Performance Award from the Information Staff Association.
“Melanie has raised the quality of our internal and external communications to new heights,” College of Education Dean Gregg Garn wrote in his letter of support. “In the past, we had a large number of individual emails flying around to announce events and activities. So much so that students and faculty began to ignore JRCoE emails. She streamlined the process so that faculty and staff are now submitting material to her to include in the JRCoE Weekly Update she sends out every Monday morning with all the college happenings.
“The impact has been a much higher open and attendance rate for official communications,” Garn added. “A JRCoE publication, Bridges Magazine, is another example of her excellence. It is the main external communication piece we use for the college. She has transitioned it into a digital magazine that is now the model for the entire university.
“Melanie is completely invested in her job and cares a great deal about performing outstanding work,” he continued. “She is professional, pleasant, has a great sense of humor, and is always willing to support her co-workers when they need help. Melanie performs many activities across campus that makes OU a better place. One that stands out is her willingness to volunteer as a stats keeper for athletics events. For women's basketball and football, she attends every event, providing support for student-athletes and athletics department staff.”

E. Neal Stone Superior Performance Award
William “Bill” Moakley, Office of University Advancement
William “Bill” Moakley, digital initiatives and new media lead for University Advancement, was selected to receive this year’s Neal Stone Superior Performance Award from the Administrative Staff Council.
“It is no secret that our department, along with the greater university community, has endured significant hardship in recent years. Through it all, Bill has remained deeply devoted to his alma mater, his colleagues and to the greater sense of purpose that our day-to-day work entails,” wrote Kristen Hoadley, director of communications, University Advancement, in her letter of support.
“His dedication to his work shines through in everything he does; no task is too great, and perhaps more importantly, no task is too small,” she added. “He approaches each and every assignment with thoughtfulness and care. He is a master storyteller, creative visionary, trustworthy teammate, expert problem solver, fiercely loyal and, as an added bonus, almost every encounter with him will involve bouts of laughter.”
In another letter of support, Kris Glenn, director, Parking and Transportation, wrote: “Humble and hardworking, [Bill] doesn't want the spotlight. He just does the work – whatever that may be, whenever that may be – for the greater good of the university community.
“Recently there was a very difficult and very public incident in our department that lasted well into the night. After very little sleep, I woke up to an incredibly supportive text message from him. Not a public tweet or other social media post. A private, genuine message. Again, that's classic him.”
“[Bill] believes in fighting for inclusion and equality and has been a champion and voice for many on the OU campus,” said Lea Ann Quirk, director of alumni travel for the OU Alumni Association, in her letter of support. “He has the gift of connection and can find common ground with anyone of any background. His diverse work and personal experiences allow him to be able to communicate effectively with students, faculty, staff, alumni and donors and therefore further the university's mission. He cares about people.
“I am very grateful for dedicated employees like him who serve, care and work hard. There really isn't anyone more deserving of this award than him.”

George Lynn Cross Superior Performance Award
Sara Day, Shared Business Services
Sara Day, travel manager for the Shared Business Services Center, is this year’s recipient of the George Lynn Cross Superior Performance Award from the Hourly Employee Council.
“Sara was one of the first hires made in the Shared Business Service Center when it was launched on July 1, 2018. As the SBSC developed, she came to lead the Travel Team, a group of five travel specialists that support over 40 departments/divisions on campus. Frustration with the travel booking and expense processing on campus is one of the most frequent complaints heard from faculty, and providing clear, helpful guidance to ensure the process operates smoothly can be extremely valuable,” wrote Stewart Berkinshaw, associate provost and director of budget and financial planning, in a letter of support.
“Our department would not have been the success that it is without her. She has worked tirelessly to provide travel support to hundreds of people across campus and even the world (bringing in guests from various countries),” wrote Emily Pierce, director of the Shared Business Services Center.
“Sara has been with OU for over a decade and has done everything from serve as a graduate student services coordinator, oversee a department budget, and now is leading our travel team,” Pierce added. “People like her are what make OU more innovative and successful – she just always jumps in, rolls up her sleeves, and gets the job done!
“I truly cannot imagine a person more deserving of this award. The time has come to recognize this very talented employee at the University of Oklahoma.”

Distinguished Performance Awards
Kyle Baker, College of Arts and Sciences
Kyle Baker, assistant to the chair of the Department of Biology in the College of Arts and Sciences, was selected to receive a Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
“Kyle’s performance is simply exceptional. He is highly organized and efficient, and he is a great problem solver,” wrote Richard Broughton, chair of the Department of Biology. “His warm and affable way with people makes students, faculty and visitors feel welcome and confident that, no matter what their business is, it will be handled expertly and in a timely manner.
“He handles very complex tasks quickly, competently, efficiently and with a minimum of supervision,” Broughton added. “He also takes initiative to improve procedures and develop projects on his own. Kyle can handle anything, from fielding phone calls from the public wondering about some strange animals to setting our massive class schedule every semester. The biology department has recently seen many staff retirements and departures, such that four people are now doing the work that 12 people did only a few years ago.”
The dean pointed to a comment about Baker made by Professor Mariëlle Hoefnagels to further illustrate his point. “Kyle is an asset to the department and to the university in many ways; three words that come to mind when I think of him are ‘competent,’ ‘professional’ and ‘friendly.’ But one way that he really stands out among other staff members is in his creativity,” she said. “To name just one example, I love the fresh ideas that he brought to the student ‘open house,’ from his beautiful T-shirt designs to the question cards that spark conversations between students and faculty. He is a real gem.”

Meagan Bray, College of Arts and Sciences
Meagan Bray, a human resources and payroll technician, was recognized with a Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
“[Meagan’s] attitude is exceptional, and she is open to all cross-training and new projects,” wrote Anjanette Pierce, director of payroll, College of Arts and Sciences, in her letter of nomination. “With pride, I have watched her grow in her position and take ownership of her job duties. She is a CAS alumnus! When she serves CAS and the departments, she does it with all her heart! Her pride in the University of Oklahoma is evident.”
Pierce noted that Bray recently assisted her on a committee with the University IT Department to resolve the email access issues for the OU faculty emeritus titles across campus to ensure all emeritus faculty were appointed correctly and coded correctly in PeopleSoft.
“She researched all CAS faculty and provided an Excel spreadsheet to the committee within a few weeks, and that spreadsheet was exceedingly helpful to them,” Pierce said. “The resolution was quickly implemented, and Megan represented our college and the university exceptionally well on this committee.”
“Meagan is a deeply dedicated employee who is ready at the drop of a hat to step in and take on major new tasks or complete large tasks begun by others, and she does so with great enthusiasm, tremendous care and exemplary efficiency,” wrote College of Arts and Sciences Dean David Wrobel in a letter of support.
“On a number of occasions, I have needed, at a moment's notice, to tum to her for a task for which I have a pressing deadline,” Wrobel added. “Implementation of the recent faculty salary increase programs provide one notable set of examples where thorough familiarity with our policies and procedures and willingness to go the extra mile made all the difference in our ability to submit nearly 600 separate salary recommendations on time.
“Additionally, when her staff colleagues are on vacation or out sick, can always be counted on to ensure the expeditious completion of their pressing tasks, in addition to her own.”

Sharon Burchett, Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts
Sharon Burchett, assistant to the director in the Charles M. Russell Center for the Study of the American West, School of Visual Arts, in the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts, was selected as a recipient of a Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
“Sharon manages our open-to-the-public library/resource room facilities, trains our staff (students and non-students), develops advertising for our events (visual and text), coordinates travel plans for our incoming speakers and guests, works with our advisory board members and donors, orders supplies and food for events/library resources, completes and monitors the center's accounting and record keeping, assists with events/classes/special activities, and completes quality in-depth research and large projects on a variety of topics,” said B. Byron Price, director of the Charles Russell Center, in his nomination letter.
He specially cited her for her hard work on the center’s Catalogue Raisonne, in which Burchett helped identify over 4,000 artworks by the artist for whom the center. Her research for the project, Price said, “led to several important discoveries, including a significant and previously unidentified alteration to a well-known work, which has helped with the understanding of the artist’s oeuvre.”

Danielle Dunn, Admissions and Recruitment
Danielle Dunn, director, Enrollment Management Communications, received a Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
“Danielle is warm, friendly and puts others at ease. If you know her, you know that she can brighten a room and also see the bright side of any situation,” wrote Allison Stanford, director of training and professional development for Enrollment Management, in her nomination letter.
“She leads her team in this way, too. One of her team members says, ’From my first day in the Office of Admissions & Recruitment, she made me feel like a welcomed and valued member of the team. Danielle brings a positive, encouraging energy to our office and has a knack for making the people she is interacting with feel important, whether that is her coworkers or prospective students and their parents.’ She enjoys nothing more than sharing the great work her team is doing. She is the backbone for keeping everything going, but she makes it a priority to let her team shine.
“Despite an ever-changing and ever-growing project load, she always makes time to listen and brainstorm,” Stanford added. “She is a supportive mentor to her team and empowers them to utilize their talents. One of her colleagues said of her, ’The thing that is most important to me personally is the way she cares, both for her team and her work. She is genuine about caring for us as people and as employees. She is also intentional about developing our team and her own skills to help us be the best!’"
In his letter of support, Jeff J. Blahnik, senior associate vice president, Division of Enrollment Management, and executive director, Office of Admissions and Recruitment, wrote: “Danielle has been a transformational leader in the area she manages since she joined our team. Where the communications team used to operate in less of an integrated way with the rest of the Admissions and Recruitment team, their work now includes two-way feedback and excellent collaboration that has made the work of the team much more cohesive.
“Danielle has instituted a culture of innovation and creativity into her team,” Blahnik added. “This has allowed us to produce many new, cutting-edge things, such as a new student prospect portal, a VR headset for the admission box, maximization of our Customer Relationship Management system, utilization of a chat bot for prospective students, and many other examples.
“Importantly, she has helped bridge the gap between OAR and other departments across campus, working directly with the academic colleges and others to ensure that messaging is consistent and communication is thorough.
That spirit now permeates the entire Division of Enrollment Management.
“Danielle cares greatly about self and staff development and she has done a great job of lifting the work product and professionalism of her own team members,” Blahnik concluded.

Susan Greer, Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
Susan Greer, managerial associate II, Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education Dean’s Office, was selected to receive a Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
“Susan is dedicated to the mission,” wrote Kim Goodman, director of finance and administration in her nomination letter. “She never defines her responsibilities to just her job description. She is always one of the first to rise to the occasion when assistance is needed by any of her co-workers. She works with faculty, staff and students and provides accurate and detailed information. You never have to worry about a job well done when is involved. Susan takes ownership and pride in all she does. She is a person who can help divert a problem before it becomes a real issue.
“Susan has reestablished our Student Organizations and works closely with the student leaders,” Goodman added. “She has been integral in data collection and organizing the data in a manner that is useful to others. She has been able to use her skill of emotional intelligence to support fellow staff and faculty members and build bridges of communication where there previously had been none. She is an asset to the college and all of those she works with and for.”
In his letter of support, Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education Dean Greg Garn noted that during her 24-year OU career, she has been dedicated in her service across many different areas of this campus.
“[Susan] helps to coordinate special events for the college and always ensures that we make a great impression on guests attending college events,” he said. “She is so organized and detail oriented that I can trust completely that we will be prepared.”
Garn also noted that Greer has chaired the Norman Arts Council, “working with a cross section of Norman leaders to make sure art is woven into the fabric of the community,” also observing that she is active in supporting youth soccer in Norman and has been the team manager for countless youth soccer teams over the past 20 years.

Marissa Henderson, Admissions and Recruitment
Marissa Henderson, associate director of Oklahoma recruitment and campus experience, Admissions and Records, was selected to receive a Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
“As the owner of our campus tour experience, manager of nearly 70 student tour guides and two professional staff members, Marissa knows that in order to maintain relevance to today's students and parents, customer service and personalization must always come first,” Morgan Brammer, director of Oklahoma recruitment and campus experience, Admissions and Records, wrote in her nomination letter. “That is something she reinforces daily with the creation of personal texts generated through our CRM to tour attendees, the creation of academic tours based on majors and so much more.”
Brammer also noted that Henderon created a branded workshop for student workers and staff called ’The Crimson Door,’ where the idea is that every great beginning starts with a friendly, helpful face behind a door.
“She sincerely helps our team see the big picture and that service outweighs all else,” Brammer stated, adding, “Marissa is truly a gifted leader and advocate who approaches her day-to-day with passion, collaboration and sincere care. Humbly, she finds her gaps and assesses where she can continue to better that craft. She is a lifelong learner whose contributions and service will have a positive impact on OU, Norman and the greater OKC community for a long time to come.”
In a letter of support, Lori Stevens, director of Freshman Programs, University College, wrote, “Marissa loves learning and inspires a love of learning in her students. The course Marissa teaches in the summer is for rising high school juniors and seniors who are concurrently enrolled students participating in OU's Sooner Discovery program. Marissa is a wealth of expertise and support for these students. Her impact in this classroom has benefited OU's yield of exceptional students, as I have heard her students say that she helped them see themselves at OU and helped make a large campus feel less overwhelming. Helping our students develop a sense of belongingness is one of the most important contributors to retention.”

Chelsea Julian, University Libraries
Chelsea Julian, who at the time of her nomination was a marketing and public relations specialist in University Libraries, was selected to receive a Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
“Chelsea is an amazing advocate for the work of the library's staff,” said Jenny Watson, University Libraries head of storage and delivery, in her nomination letter. “She makes sure that a University Libraries employee is highlighted in the Weekly Update that is sent to UL staff and other interested parties across campus so that we can learn more about our coworkers and their work. She works one-on-one with staff and faculty to find the best way to advertise their upcoming events and workshops –through the electronic signage, the UL website, local and national media, and social media.”
Watson further noted that Julian plans, writes, edits and collaborates to create all the print and digital content for University Libraries, observing that each year she creates beautiful publications like the Annual Report and the monthly University Libraries Newsletter.
“Every event, workshop and meeting hosted in University Libraries is advertised and marketed by her,” Watson said. “She reaches out to local and national media outlets to draw attention to exhibits, events and the people who make it happen. As just one example, in November the Native Voices Over the Airwaves: The Indians for Indians Radio Show exhibit opened in Bizzell Library. Thanks to her hard work, four media outlets covered the event and the opening reception had over 80 attendees. After the reception, a tribute show was hosted in collaboration with the School of Music with over 650 community attendees.”

Sara Knight, College of Arts and Sciences
Sara Knight, managerial associate I, Department of English/First-Year Competition, in the College of Arts and Sciences, was selected to receive a Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
In her letter of support, Kalyn Prince, senior assistant director, First-Year Composition, noted that Knight manages a core staff of faculty, adjuncts and graduate teaching assistants, as well as their thousands of students, plus handles the budget, schedules hundreds of courses per semester, and a myriad of other responsibilities.
“Not only does she do all of this work without a hitch, she also helps the English department with special projects,” Prince wrote. “She was influential in helping get our graduate students a pay increase and implementing an updated promotion system for our teaching faculty. She has personally helped me navigate my way through my English Ph.D. program, taking over many roles traditionally held by a graduate liaison. She helped me to figure out all of the paperwork involved in my General Exams, which was a huge relief to me because all of the forms can feel daunting to folks who don't know what they're doing.”
“Our faculty and grad students work closely with her on many different matters and projects and greatly appreciate how she goes above and beyond to take care of us and make this a stronger program,” said Amanda Klinger, associate director, First-Year Composition, in another letter of support.
“The rest of the FYC administration is able to focus on the big picture because does her job so well that we don't have lots of smaller issues to contend with as the office did in the past before she was our office manager. I cannot stress enough how important she is to our program and our community.”
Katy Krieger, assistant director, First-Year Composition, wrote in a third letter of support that Knight “works around the hectic schedules and preferences of over 70 individuals and manages to send out timely communication to our entire department.
“She is also a go-to resource for all of our graduate students because she serves as the graduate liaison for our department,” she elaborated. “This means she helps graduate students with registration, teaching and research appointments, recommendations for fellowships, and travel for conferences and academic presentations.”
Krieger also lauded Knight for her work rescuing dogs in the Oklahoma City metro area. “This selfless act of her time and resources exemplifies her commitment to improving Oklahoma and engaging locally with animal advocacy initiatives,” Krieger said. She also noted that Knight “also has taken up the initiative to move more in the office and has inspired others to incorporate exercise into their typically sedentary activities like office hours, research and writing blocks, and administrative work.”
Ranell Madding, College of Arts and Sciences
Oklahoma Biological Survey administrator Ranell Madding was selected to receive a Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
Noting that Madding has been a dedicated administrator of the Oklahoma Biological Survey for 13 years – at OU for 26 years – she was lauded for consistently going above and beyond the responsibilities of her job and looking out for the welfare of all faculty and students at the Biological Survey.
“During her career here at OU, [Madding] has helped several generations of graduate students to navigate the complexities of conducting academic research and successfully integrate into the university workforce,” wrote Jonathan Lopez and Katharine Goodenough, doctoral degree candidates, who nominated Madding for the award.
“She anticipates problems that are likely to arise and streamlines the financial and travel logistics associated with field-based research, including the management of the Survey's vehicle fleet. As an example of her dedication to easing students' transition to OU, often offers her personal time to assist incoming students with finding housing and furnishings and providing guidance for shopping, etc. She personally introduces the students to staff and ensures they can find their way around the facility,” the two wrote.
“During her career here at OU, Madding has helped several generations of graduate students to navigate the complexities of conducting academic research and successfully integrate into the university workforce. She anticipates problems that are likely to arise and streamlines the financial and travel logistics associated with field-based research, including the management of the Survey's vehicle fleet,” Goodenough and Lopez continue.
“As an example of her dedication to easing students' transition to OU, Madding often offers her personal time to assist to incoming students with finding housing and furnishings and providing guidance for shopping, etc. She personally introduces the students to staff and ensures they can find their way around the facility.
“Outside of the work environment,” they added, “she continues to strive to create an atmosphere of collegiality and cooperation within the Biological Survey. She plans departmental and outside social events such as the annual holiday party. These events are important in maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships within the Biological Survey, which consists of members from the departments of Biology, Plant Biology and Microbiology, Geography, and Environmental Science. These events are highly beneficial for graduate students, as they allow us to interact with a diverse group of researchers.”

Tanya Miller-Eager, Honors College
Tanya Miller-Eager, administrative assistant II in the Honors College, was selected to receive the Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
“Tanya has always been involved with the university outside of Honors. In the past two years, however, she has joined the Staff Senate and the Hourly Employee's Council. She is currently serving as president of the HEC and is a member of the Staff Senate Executive Council. She also frequently attends events and information sessions offered by the Gender and Equality Center, such as the variety of bias trainings on offer,” observed Will O’Donnell, administrative assistant I in the Honors College.
“Over that time, I have seen her assume more and more job duties with no attendant increase in compensation – all while maintaining an exceptionally positive outlook and a smile on her face. She is one of the most well-known and well-liked faces in the college by Honors students.”

Daniel Simon, World Literature today
Daniel Simon, World Literature Today assistant director and editor-in-chief, was selected to receive a Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
“Since joining World Literature Today in 2002, Daniel Simon has demonstrated both superior job performance and outstanding leadership at the University of Oklahoma,” said Robert Con Davis-Undiano, WLT executive director, in his letter of nomination. “WLT's identity as a literary journal and campus humanities center exemplifies a deep and vital connection to the goal of serving ‘the international, state and university communities by achieving excellence as a literary publication, a sponsor of literary prizes and a cultural center for students.’ In the past 17 years, he has been passionately committed to fulfilling every aspect of that mission.”
Davis-Undiano added, “Daniel has contributed in major ways to the intellectual life of the campus by seeking out partnerships with other departments and colleges and volunteering to serve on university committees, participating in a variety of public events and behind-the-scenes initiatives, and fostering student mentoring opportunities.
“He was at one time the chair of the committee overseeing the ’Books that Inspire’ project, and he organized an effort on campus to bring a ‘City of Asylum’ project to OU and is part of an attempt now to get Norman recognized as a ’City of Literature.’ He is also constantly serving on OU job search committees and ad hoc task forces for various departments, and his commitment to being a good OU citizen is stellar.”
Davis Undiano also remarked that Simon “sets the highest professional standards for himself and is tireless in his pursuit of new ways to mentor OU students and to help them reach their goals in writing, publishing and editing.
"Highly competent, accomplished, and profoundly dedicated to higher education, he is the model of an administrator who makes the institution better and lifts those around him to greater heights of excellence.”

Erin Simpson, Gender and Equality Center
Erin Simpson, director of the Gender and Equality Center in the Division of Student Affairs, was selected as a recipient of a Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
“GEC coordinates the OU Advocates team, made up of staff volunteers who respond 24 hours a day, 365 days per year to victims of sexual assault, stalking and dating violence,” observed Kristen Partridge, associate vice president for student affairs and associate dean of students in her nomination letter.
“It is the home of LGBTQ programs, supporting students who often feel isolated and disconnected everywhere else they turn. The GEC works with more than 20 interns and dozens of volunteers to provide mandatory gender-based violence prevention training and a host of other educational trainings for Gateway, Athletics and the Title IX Office. In the fall semester, the GEC team facilitated more than 300 separate training sessions for students, staff and faculty and even community members.”
Calling Simpson “the consummate professional,” Partridge said that, “despite every challenge thrown her way, she responded positively and creatively, taking great care to ensure that students, often times those who have been pushed to margins of the OU Community, were always the focus of her work.
“She cares deeply for the staff members on her team and advocates for their health and well-being,” Partridge added. “She is an excellent communicator who is often called upon by the university to respond on issues of social justice and human rights. And finally, she is the kind of teammate that everyone wishes they had. She is supportive and encouraging, striving to build a shared vision for the GEC that guides OU toward intentional and compassionate student service while constantly seeking the best practices in higher ed across the country.”

Kelly Thompson, University Libraries
Kelly Thompson, billing/reserves supervisor, University Libraries, was selected to receive a Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
“Kelly engages and collaborates with the organization through many means outside her normal job assignments,” observed Doni Fox, circulation services librarian, University Libraries, in her nomination letter. “She has extended the outreach of our technology-lending program to campus staff by participating in Staff Week and Freshman Dorm Move-In by hosting an exhibit of the technology available to them. This was a very successful first-time event. The organization has also benefited through her participation in the library's open house event at the beginning of the fall semester. She continues to serve OU Libraries on the Student Services Roundtable and Public Services staff.”
Thompson’s engagement extends to the university community as well, Fox said. “She represents the library on the Hourly Employees Council, ensuring that our library staff have a voice at the table, regularly reporting back to us on relevant issues. Staff Senate is another campus-wide committee she serves on and, as a member, she was selected to be a part of a video explaining what it is and how it effects OU.”
Fox also credited Thompson with showing “a great deal of agility by extending loan periods to accommodate special circumstances that enable students to complete timely projects and continues to seek out new technology to meet classroom needs.
“This level of work,” he said, “earned her a library Hidden Hero award that she received at our annual awards ceremony in April 2019.”

Jean Ware, Enrollment Services and Academic Records
Jean Ware, administrator II, Administration and Compliance, Enrollment Management, was selected to receive a Distinguished Performance Award from the Informational Staff Association.
Calling Ware the “heart and soul” of the Administration and Compliance team, Trish Koonce, compliance officer, Administration and Compliance, said in her nomination letter that “Jean can always be counted on to do the right thing, no matter how difficult or unpopular. She is the first one in the office and usually the last to leave, coming to work every day with the goal of excellence in service. Her job is challenging and overwhelming, and yet she is always focused and optimistic. She is highly organized, professional and knowledgeable. She is forward-thinking with a strong desire for continual learning.”
Koonce also lauded Ware as being “the first person to research and suggest new ideas and innovative procedures.”
“She is constantly trying to find efficiencies and improvements for Enrollment Management processes,” Koonce said. “She takes complete ownership of projects and tasks yet shares the credit with others when things go well. Jean is always humble and supports the team. It is often said that ‘no job is too big; no job is too small’ for her, and that is an understatement. I mentioned how no job is too big (because she loves to learn), but you will also see her picking up trash, distributing mail and making copies, if that is what is needed. She is the ultimate team player.”
In her letter of support, Kellie Dyer, registrar, Academic Records, called Ware “a rare soul,” adding, “I have only known one, and it's because her personality and work ethic is so rare. I've had the pleasure of working with numerous individuals throughout the years and with wonderful work ethics, but she is different; she truly epitomizes the perfect employee. She's prompt, reliable, knowledgeable beyond imagination, mindful on important topics at so many levels and most of all, sticks to business and gets it done with such a calm demeanor.”
Dyer added, “She takes her fiduciary responsibility to a level that is tough to work around sometime, but it forces one to consider all options and truly keeps the best interest of the university a priority. If can help, she helps, and I don't know how she finds the time, but she does. She is one of the most logical people I know and one of the most selfless.”

Jenna Woodward, Admissions and Recruitment
Jenna Woodward, associate director of campus experience, Admissions and Recruitment, was selected to receive a Distinguished Performance Award by the Informational Staff Association.
“Jenna is truly a gifted leader and advocate who approaches her day-to-day with passion, collaboration and sincere care. People in our office trust her leadership and management because they know that details won't slip through the cracks,” wrote Morgan Brammer, director of Oklahoma recruitment and campus experience, Admissions and Records, in her nomination letter. “She finds her gaps and assesses where she can continue to better that craft. She is a lifelong learner whose contributions and service will have a positive impact on OU, Norman and the greater OKC community for a long time to come.”
In a letter of support, Kari J. Dawkins, assistant director, leadership and volunteerism, wrote that Woodward “has brought a renewed energy and spirit to leadership to Jacobson Hall, where OAR is housed.
“I have had the pleasure of working with Jenna on many campus collaborations, and I consider myself blessed to work with someone with such an ethical and moral compass.” Dawkins said. “Reflecting on my interactions with over the years, it is my hope that I can help demonstrate that she is an individual worthy of sincere consideration for this award.”
Further lauding Woodward for her unique perceptivity, Dawkins added: “Even more, the perceptivity is not only accompanied by empathy and intuitiveness, but also a history of using such qualities to improve the university and the broader societies that it influences through its students. Jenna believes in the power of education to transform lives, and has a fundamental, innate belief in people's ability to create their own life stories. In an era of short-term goals and quick fixes, she fosters and shapes what is a life-changing experience for many students.
“In everything that she does, it is evident she cares about our university,” Dawkins concluded. “She is driven and devoted to our university's mission and values. I believe she deserves this recognition because of her dedication to her team, as well as her attention to detail and commitment to excellence for prospective students."

Oklahoma Student Government’s Outstanding Staff Award
Sara Knight, College of Arts and Sciences
Sara Knight, officer manager in Cate Center Two for the College of Arts and Sciences, specifically the Office of First-Year Composition, was selected to receive the Outstanding Staff Award from the Oklahoma Student Government.
In her nomination letter, Katy Krieger, graduate research assistant in the Department of English, called Knight “one of the hardest working people in our department.”
“She is continuously providing support to every single unit in the department and is an integral part of my graduate student success,” Krieger said. “She currently acts on our graduate students' behalf in larger university meetings and makes it a point to update us on changes and processes pertinent to our degree progress. Further, she did a large portion of the work to see that our graduate students were receiving an increase for the next academic year for our annual stipend.
“Sara also provides support to our First-Year Composition team by handling classroom and online management, instructor schedules, payroll processes, and HR-related information,” she added. “Sara is a great human to be around!”
Norman Staff Years of Service
40 Years
Tracy L. Branstetter, Athletics Department
Judith L. Deaton, Equal Opportunity Office
Kim A. Haddad, Information Technology
Sydney F. Henderson, Information Technology
Patricia A. Kessler, Institutional Research and Reporting
35 Years
Janet K. Braun, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
Greg A. Brezinski, Facilities Management
Angela D. Castillo, Information Technology
Daniel C. Davis, Athletics Department
Kevin J. Duffy, Athletics Department
Janice A. Hodges, Health Services
Jeanne R. Malson, University College
Rick J. Maynard, School of Geosciences
Gregory S. Smith, Athletics Department
Anita J. Tom, Information Technology
Christie E. Upchurch, School of Meteorology
Larry R. Veal, Landscape and Grounds
Jean D. Ware, Enrollment Services and Academic Records
Hannah L. Welniak, Center for Early Childhood Professional Development
Sherri L. Young, Information Technology
30 Years
Rosina E. Dimson, Outreach
Richard C. Feinberg, Outreach
Michael R. Higgins, Housing and Food Services
Sherri J. Isbell, Printing, Mailing and Document Production Services
Darrin S. Moser, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
Patti M. Otto, Institutional Research and Reporting
Kimberly S. Paine, Health Services
Anthony W. Payton, Facilities Management
Karen B. Renfroe, Office of University Advancement
Debra K. Skinner, Regents Office
Patricia D. Tramel, Gallogly College of Engineering
Michael F. Waters, College of Law
Debbie E. Wells, Housing and Food Services
James M. Williamson, Information Technology
25 Years
Garry Armstrong, Fitness and Recreation
Sharon Frances Cannon, Outreach
Brent R. Everett, Architectural and Engineering Services
Renee L. Forney, Athletics Department
Patricia M. Gasso, Athletics Department
Susan Greer, Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
Danice A. Hayes, KGOU
Gregg W. Irvin, Facilities Management
Deborah C. Kerley, Extended Campus
Stacy L. Lemmert, Housing and Food Services
Betty R. Love, Parking and Transportation Services
Monica A. McCulloch, Center for Economic and Management Research
Fares Z. Najar, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
David A. Price, Printing, Mailing and Document Production Services
Ralph L. Sade, Department of Public Safety
Mark E. Thomas, Landscape and Grounds
Jon K. Thompson, Printing, Mailing and Document Production Services
Tammy D. Thompson, Athletics Department
20 Years
Cornelia I. Bass, Financial Aid Services
Deborah L. Binkley Jackson, Project Threshold
Jared P. Bostic, Oklahoma Climate Survey
Christa M. Bowles, Office of the President
Christy L. Burt, Human Relations
Lily C. Crowe, Oklahoma Memorial Union
Warren T. Dressler, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
Dalynda M. Evans, Michael F. Price College of Business
Danny R. Feland, Advanced Radar Research Center
Christopher A. Fiebrich, Oklahoma Climate Survey
Donnie R. Fountain, Facilities Management
Ying Fu, Microbiology and Plant Biology
Roy A. Garren, Health Services
Mechelle R. Gibson, Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing
Marcus A. Glenn, Enrollment Services
Xuehong Gou, Center for Independent Study and Distance Learning
David F. Hail, Alumni Affairs
Jacob C. Hall, Department of Public Safety
Ron R. Harris, Lloyd Noble Center
Jeffrey P. Henderson, Information Technology
James R. Hirst, University Libraries
Kerrie S. Holsonbake, University Counseling Center
Odette C. Horton, Film and Media Studies
Terrye A. Hudson, Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts
Dennis H. Ingraham, Facilities Management
Peter C. Kraemer, College of Law
John E. Lanig, Printing, Mailing and Document Production Services
Mark J. Laufersweiler, University Libraries
Theresa J. Lohn, Extended Campus
Donna M. Love, School of Music
Liping Ma, Administration and Finance Vice President's Office
Ross M. McClish, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
Gary D. McManus, Oklahoma Climate Survey
Raymond Mills Teethe, Outreach
Theresa M. Monnard, Office of Human Resources
James L. Morrison, Extended Campus
Amy M. Mossman, Athletics Department
Michele E. Nabonne, Academic Advising Resource Center
Jeannette L. Neash, Financial Services
Shannon L. Overstreet, College of Law
Johnathon M. Petross, Facilities Management
Synthia D. Petross, Facilities Management
Fredrick A. Reiss, University Libraries
Twyla G. Reynolds, School of Music
Janel D. Russell Pendergraft, University College
Mary L. Sandefer, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Terri A. Sarsycki, South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center
Lisa M. Scott, Center for Early Childhood Professional Development
Tim A. Sherbon, Central Mail and Document Production
Laurie A. Smith, Outreach
Tommie L. Stapp, Landscape and Grounds
Laura L. Stevens, Outreach
Robin L. Stroud, Administration and Finance Vice President's Office
Karen R. Sturtz, Information Technology
Ronald L. Testerman, Financial Aid Services
Steven D. Thomas, Information Technology
Charles D. Tichenor, Printing, Mailing and Document Production Services
Shannon R. Toth, College of Law
Jaymie C. Turner, Acquisitions
Leslie A. Vennochi, Financial Aid Services
Sheila D. Vercher, School of Dance
Gina L. Walker, Athletics Department
Julie A. Watson, Athletics Department
Victoria L. Willis, Psychology
Timothy W. Winkelman, Facilities Management
Shearon K. Wood, Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost
Chenmei Xu, Biology
Conrad D. Zindel, Landscape and Grounds
15 Years
Kasra G. Ahmadi, Student Affairs
David S. Akin, Information Technology
Jamie Lou Aldridge, Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
Kasey L. Allee Foreman, Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts
Ginger L. Almodovar, Health Services
Lisa M. Angelotti, Outreach
Timothy A. Attocknie, Housing and Food Services
Steven B. Baker, University Press
Nina R. Barbee, Outreach
Evelyn M. Barksdale, Shared Business Services Center
Katherine A. Bayliss, Native American Studies
Stacey Lynn Bedgood, Faculty Senate
Viktoria H. Boldis, Acquisitions
Meghan N. Bomgaars, Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships
Thomas A. Burkett, Compliance
Sherrill L. Campbell, Facilities Management
Clifford D. Chatman, School of Music
Sandra A. Clarkson, Financial Services
Laurie L. Conaway, Center for Disability Education and Training
Gregory A. Cornett, Landscape and Grounds
Ricky D. Cowan, Fleet Services
Marie Margaret Cox, Southwest Prevention Center
Tommy W. Cravens, Outreach
Tanya Denton, Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art
Jennifer L. Dooley, Alumni Affairs
Hongthong Dunsworth, Facilities Management
Robert A. Fairbanks, Oklahoma Memorial Union
Martina E. Ferguson, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Kristin M. Fleming, Housing and Food Services
Samuel E. Ford, Housing and Food Services
Leon N. Fourcade, Fleet Services
Leonard A. Gomes, Housing and Food Services
Sonya D. Grant, Petroleum and Geological Engineering
Larry M. Hall, Financial Services
Glenn J. Hansen, Information Technology
Lisa Jean Hayden, Outreach
Jeffrey L. Hayes, Information Technology
Sheryl L. Heinrichs, College of Arts and Sciences
Mary Hughes, Office of University Advancement
Roland W. Jacobs, Registration and Records
Johnny F. Johnson, Jimmie Austin OU Golf Course
Laura M. Johnson, World Literature Today
Chris W. Kaeser, Housing and Food Services
Christopher C. Kennedy, Enrollment Services and Academic Records
Gloria Killingsworth, Facilities Management
Robert J. Kintopp, Information Technology
Gary Knodel, Housing and Food Services
Kristen A. Lazalier, Michael F. Price College of Business
Sau Y. Liang, University Libraries
Karen J. Littlefield, Housing and Food Services
Julie S. Lovelady, Athletics Department
Tammra C. Lowery, Admissions
Loyola L. Macari, Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy
Richard L. Mardis, Athletics Department
Lily A. Martinez, Outreach
Scott E. Matthews, Athletics Department
Gail M. Maucere, Registration and Records
Darvin S. McElhany, Facilities Management
Rachel L. Meyer, Financial Aid Services
Beverly J. Michael, Center for Early Childhood Professional Development
Fagan L. Miller, Information Technology
Melissa S. Mitchell, Extended Campus
Pamela J. Moore, Outreach
Elizabeth Leigh Nunley, Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts
Margaret E. Pool, Health Services
James D. Porter, Outreach
Gensheng Qian, Information Technology
Jean A. Rackley, Outreach
Tara Nielsen Risenhoover, Writing Center
Toby B. Roberts, Facilities Management
David L. Skinner, Facilities Management
Robin M. Spaulding, Outreach
Zachery S. Stevens, Dunham College
Alessandra J. Tamulevich, University Press
Heather R. Todd, College of Arts and Sciences
Russell Le Roy Tresner, Extended Campus
Steven K. Willingham, Oklahoma Memorial Union
Wesley K. Wilson, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
10 Years
Sandra E. Anderson, Facilities Management
Mark Arens, Admissions
Rayisa M. Anikina, Facilities Management
Anita C. Bailey, Extended Campus
Kandice A. Baltes, Oklahoma State Information System
Rodney TaRalle Bates, Graduate College
Darren L. Bean, Facilities Management
Davina M. Bettis, Facilities Management
Fred Houston Bidwell, College of Arts and Sciences
Tracy Bidwell, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
William J. Boni, Outreach
Jamie Lynn Bugher, Architectural and Engineering Services
Aimee L. Bunney, Outreach
Ausencia Chavez de Jurado, Facilities Management
Adam P. Clinton, Michael F. Price College of Business
Benjamin Coldagelli, Athletics Department
Chad Everett Cunningham, Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy
Wayne Daddio, Oklahoma Memorial Union
Julie Dahlgren, School of Meteorology
Denise Leann Davis, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Philip H. Decker, Facilities Management
Jenny Lynn Droscher, Archeological Survey
Veronique Drouin Luttrell, Athletics Department
Richard B. Dubler, Career Services
Charlotte Duclaux, David L. Boren College of International Studies
Elijah Nathaniel Eckert, Housing and Food Services
Robert Gail Green, Internal Auditing
Catherine L. Hartman, Facilities Management
Corey M. Helms, Information Technology
Brandi Noel Hembree, David L. Boren College of International Studies
Douglas J. Hersey, Department of Public Safety
Michael R. Hillerby, Department of Mathematics
Ada C. Hoang, Center for Educational and Community Renewal
Cecilia G. Holmes, Child Support Care Call Center
Ryan Hybl, Athletics Department
Clarence H. Ille, Oklahoma Memorial Union
Carrie M. Irwin, Human Resources
Hadley E. Jerman, Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art
Michael R. Johnson, Financial Services
Redmond C. Kelley, Advanced Radar Research Center
Micaela J. Langevin, Petroleum and Geological Engineering
Mae Etta Laster, Facilities Management
Jennifer Ellyn Lazar, College of Arts and Sciences
Lauren J. Lee Lewis, David L. Boren College of International Studies
Emalee Kyle Lemke, College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences
Debra R. Levy Martinelli, Administration and Finance Vice President's Office
William Raymond Logan , CART
Nancy Rae Loyd, Health Services
Rebecca J. Lucas, College of Law
Bruce James Maelzer, Fitness and Recreation
Darcy C. A. Maelzer, Outreach
Gary D. McClard, Facilities Management
Kathryn E. McIntyre, Athletics Department
Mark A. McKiddy, Facilities Management
Jason M. McPhaul, College of Arts and Sciences
John B. Meier, Advanced Radar Research Center
Stephanie R. Mercer, Facilities Management
Debra L. Moore, Health Services
Jeffrey A. Moore, Ronnie K. Irani Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth
Shirley A. Newman, Enrollment Services and Academic Records
Rebecca Louise Norris, University Libraries
Cory B. Northern, Center for English as a Second Language
Deborah Lynn O’Dell, Southwest Center for Human Relation Studies
Sheay J. Parks, Facilities Management
Emily L. Pierce, Shared Business Services Center
Sheila Renee Pierce, Outreach
Stephan M. Piro, Facilities Management
Audra L. Plummer, Department of Instructional Leadership and Academic
Wendy Plummer, Athletics Department
Dora S. Rapp, Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships
Taylor L. Riggs, Office of University Advancement
Ana M. Rosales, Facilities Management
James R. Salsman, Facilities Management
Sharrie D. Sanders, Housing and Food Services
Karl William Schmidt, Film and Media Studies
Brenda D. Smith, Oklahoma Biological Survey
Anny L. Stapp, Financial Services
Benjamin M. Stapp, Office of the Bursar
Kelly K. Stout, Enrollment Services
Amanda Kay Tabor, Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy
Teresa C. Tole, Landscape and Grounds
Jennifer N. Trimmer, Enrollment Services
Linda Upton, Housing and Food Services
Glenn M. Warshaw, Housing and Food Services
Jessa L. Watters, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
Megan Anne Montgomery Whobrey, College of Arts and Sciences
Kelly R. Wilcox, Gallogly College of Engineering
Cory R. Williams, Information Technology
Tyler J. Woodward, Jimmie Austin OU Golf Course
Cristina M. Young, Gender and Equality Center
Norman Campus Staff Retiree List 2020
Rayisa M. Anikina, Facilities Management, 10 years
Aijaz A. Arain, Housing and Food Services, 13 years
Steven S. Ashmore, Student Affairs, 15 years
Diana O. Beal, Graduate College, 20 years
Cathy D. Beard, Oklahoma State Information System, 26 years
Daniel G. Behne, Facilities Management, 32 years
Katherine S. Benson, University Press, 25 years
Erika Blanton, Financial Aid Services, 20 years
Michelle Diane Boydstun, Payroll and Employee Services, 29 years
Alex C. Brown, Athletics Department, 31 years
Billy M. Brown, CART, 11 years
Kenneth R. Carson, Extended Campus, 13 years
Angela D. Castillo, Information Technology, 35 years
Ronald B. Chan, Department of Public Safety, 36 years
Ila G. Coffman, University Libraries, 29 years
David A. Corbly, University Libraries, 22 years
LaVerna June Cushman, Health Services, 11 years
Vicky L. De Lany, University Libraries, 13 years
Steven D. Dile, Information Technology, 32 years
George L. Dorr, Information Technology, 38 years
Gwenneth L. Dover, Facilities Management, 18 years
Kevin J. Duffy, Athletics Department, 35 years
Sandy K. Fisher, Information Technology, 20 years
Patricia L. Fleming, Outreach, 13 years
Rosa Eugenia Garcia Belina, Outreach, 11 years
Kennecia L. Garrison, Financial Services, 21 years
Kathryn L. Gibbs, Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education, 29 years
Robert Gail Green, Internal Auditing, 10 years
Gerald L. Guthrie, Facilities Management, 35 years
Sarah J. Hall, Outreach, 13 years
Kathryn E. Hines, Center for Spatial Analysis, 39 years
Adell A. Hopper, Microbiology and Plant Biology, 32 years
Albert G. Kelley, Information Technology, 32 years
Lana K. Kelly, Extended Campus, 41 years
Kimberly A. Kerr, Department of Public Safety, 35 years
James R. Kilby, Oklahoma Climate Survey, 22 years
Linda A. Kilby, Office of Research Services, 27 years
Gary Knodel, Housing and Food Services, 15 years
John E. Lanig, Printing, Mailing and Document Production Services, 20 years
Lynda B. Lenhart, Child Support Care Call Center, 11 years
Stephen T. Long, Energy Management, 12 years
Donna M. Love, School of Music, 20 years
Perry R. Martin, Facilities Management, 31 years
Coral D. McCallister, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, 22 years
Darrell K. McClure, Fleet Services, 38 years
Cathleen A. McLaughlin, Housing and Food Services, 32 years
Byron B. Millsap, Administration and Finance Vice President's Office, 30 years
Marisweet Mullholland, Facilities Management, 25 years
Richard G. Murray, Geological Survey, 27 years
Karen K. Noad, Budget Office, 18 years
Stephen R. Noad, Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts, 17 years
Patsy R. Pappan, Equal Opportunity Office, 27 years
Terri B. Pinkston, Financial Services, 29 years
Gensheng Qian, Information Technology, 15 years
Donna C. Richardson, Outreach, 14 years
Francisco G. Rodriquez, Extended Campus, 27 years
Wilma J. Roley, Facilities Management, 14 years
Judith A. Sanders, Facilities Management, 16 years
Terri A. Sarsycki, South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, 20 years
Mohammad Shafaie Ardakan, Housing and Food Services, 30 years
Gregory S. Smith, Athletics Department, 35 years
Jana D. Smith, Public Affairs, 11 years
Kevin S. Smith, Housing and Food Services, 22 years
Becky M. Steely, School of Meteorology, 20 years
Deborah L. Strong, Student Affairs, 12 years
Mark E. Thomas, Landscape and Grounds, 25 years
Laurie E. Tinsley, Enrollment Services and Academic Records, 44 years
Russell Le Roy Tresner, Extended Campus, 15 years
Breck B. Turkington, Enrollment Services, 37 years
Mark L. Turner, Outreach, 23 years
Teresa A. Turner, Athletics Department, 32 years
Debra K. Vaughn, Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy, 15 years
Renee V. Wagenblatt, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 15 years
Michael L. Wall, Oklahoma Memorial Union, 32 years
Debbie E. Wells, Housing and Food Services, 30 years
David W. Williams, Center for Economic and Management Research, 30 years
Jeralyn J. Woodall, Information Technology, 30 years
Elizabeth G. Woollen, Department of Public Safety, 16 years