Due to a request by OG&E to perform significant electrical maintenance work, the Norman campus of the University of Oklahoma will close on Monday, March 19 and Tuesday, March 20, 2018. The Oklahoma Memorial Union will close at midnight on Monday, March 19th and will re-open at 6:00a.m. on Wednesday, March 21st.
The closure will reduce the risk of widespread electrical outages by decreasing the university’s electrical load during this maintenance activity. As the closure will occur on the first two days of spring break, no impact on classes is anticipated.
OU Facilities Management and the university’s utility operator, Corix Utilities, strongly encourage the university community to power off all sensitive equipment and take appropriate steps to safeguard any research activities that could be adversely affected by a potential electrical or chilled water outage. Although no interruption in service is anticipated and campus buildings will have electricity and chilled water, preparations for a disruption should be implemented.
In addition, on Tuesday, March 20, Corix Utilities will be performing a major repair to the Norman campus water infrastructure, which will affect 19 buildings during a four-hour period from 4 – 8 a.m.
The buildings affected by the water outage on Tuesday are as follows:
Carpenter Hall, Central Heat Power Plant, Comp Wind Tunnel, Engineering Laboratory, Fred Jones Jr. Art Center, Lissa and Cy Wagner Hall, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, Oklahoma Memorial Union, Telecom Maintenance Building, Carson Engineering Center, Felgar Hall, Boyd House, Boyd Carriage House, Howard McCasland Field House, Facilities Management compound, Old Faculty Club, Stanley B. Catlett Music Center, Whitehand Hall and the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art.
Students living in campus housing during spring break should not expect interruption to electric service. The dining halls at the Residential Colleges will remain open on March 19 and 20 during posted hours subject to electricity availability.