University of Oklahoma President David L. Boren presented today the President’s Trophy to the outstanding fraternity, sorority, housing center and two commuter students. Awards went to students and organizations exhibiting overall excellence in academics, campus activities, volunteerism and multicultural participation.
The President’s Trophy competition was established by President and Mrs. Boren in 1995, with the first awards presented in the spring of 1996. The purpose of the competition is to encourage students to raise standards for themselves and their organizations in four areas of emphasis. The competition is coordinated by Crimson Club, the university’s ambassador organization composed of OU student leaders.
Winners recognized for superior achievement in the individual categories of academics, campus activities, volunteerism and multicultural participation received $250. Housing, fraternity and sorority runners-up for the President’s Trophy received a $500 cash award. President’s Trophy outstanding commuter student winners were given a trophy and $500, and the President’s Trophy first-place organizational winners received a trophy and $5,000. Those recognized today were:
HOUSING – Specific category winners:
Campus Activities: Cate Center
Volunteerism: Couch Center
Multicultural Participation: Traditions West
Runner-up: Headington Hall
President’s Trophy Housing Winner: Walker Center
SORORITIES – Specific category winners:
Academics: Kappa Alpha Theta
Campus Activities: Pi Beta Phi
Volunteerism: Chi Omega
Multicultural Participation: Alpha Gamma Delta
Runner-up: Gamma Phi Beta
President’s Trophy Sorority Winner: Delta Delta Delta
FRATERNITIES – Specific category winners:
Academics: Beta Theta Pi
Campus Activities: Pi Kappa Phi
Volunteerism: Omega Delta Phi
Multicultural Participation: Lambda Chi Alpha
Runner-up: Alpha Tau Omega
President’s Trophy Fraternity Winner: Sigma Phi Epsilon
OUTSTANDING COMMUTER STUDENTS – Jeremy Allen and Emmanuella Chiocca
Photo 1 (featured): Delta Delta Delta, from left to right: Breanna Bober, Darci Lambeth, Heather Lawler, President Boren, Delaney Nash, Christa Cherian, Elaine Yarborough (house director), Parisa Pilehvar (Crimson Club Chair) and Katy Long (President’s Trophy Chair)