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Room Request

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Room Reservations

Want to reserve a room? Here are the rules and procedures:

  • University courses should request Wagner classrooms through the Office of Classroom Management. For all others...
  • To reserve a room, submit the form below, stop by Wagner Hall 180 (M–F, 8a–5p), or call 405.325.2072.
  • All reservations must be made at least 24-hours in advance.
  • Reservations begin during the 3rd week of the semester for classrooms.
  • Reservations can be made at the small, study rooms using the electronic kiosk outside each room (must be ready to use room – no advance booking on kiosks)
  • Study rooms may be booked up to three weeks in advance. Each booking is for 1-hour increments up to 2 hours maximum.
  • Classrooms may be booked at any time for up to 2 hours by OU organizations, faculty, or departments. Student groups are limited to one booking per week.
  • Rules are subject to change during dead and finals weeks
  • Users must respect the facilities, as described on this document (opens as PDF).
We reserve the right to modify room reservations based on college needs.

Lissa and Cy Wagner Hall, 1st (first) floor floorplan
Wagner Hall, 1st Floor
Lissa and Cy Wagner Hall, second (2nd) floor floorplan
Wagner Hall, 2nd Floor

Room Request Form

After submission, you may have to refresh your browser to reveal the form again.

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.