Robust news organizations like ours generate civic good that informs, improves and inspires communities. For those invested in OU and Norman, OU Daily uniquely has:
OU students pay about $14 in annual fees that support the Daily. If you are not a student and find value in our work, please match or exceed that if you can.
Whether in a one-time or recurring pledge, we appreciate your support.
These scholarships supplement student experiences beyond volunteer and paid staff positions:
Endowed OU Foundation fund 0043554
Amount: $1,250 each fall, spring
Purpose: In memory of the spouse of longtime Daily adviser Jack Willis.
Eligibility: Awarded to the Daily's news managing editor.
Endowed OU Foundation fund 0042660
Amount: $1,000 annually
Purpose: In memory of Student Media's longtime office manager.
Eligibility: A student who succeeds amid adversity.
Not endowed
Amount: $500 annually
Purpose: In memory of the first Black students to work for OU Student Media.
Eligibility: A person with a special committment to working with marginalized communities who aspires to a career in media.
Endowed OU Regents fund 6163000
Amount: $1,300 each fall, spring and summer
Purpose: Support the most-demanding role on the Daily.
Eligibility: Awarded to the Daily's editor-in-chief.
Note: We are not actively seeking gifts to this endowed fund.
Endowed, OU Foundation fund 0040767
Amount: $3,300 in total
Purpose: Consolidates four prior scholarships into one.
Eligibility: Gaylord students who work for the Daily and have a 3.0 GPA.
Note: We are not actively seeking gifts to this endowed fund.
We send students where stories of pressing interest to our communities demand to be told as well as to trainings that enrich their skills. Your support to the Student Media Staff Development fund helps finance:
Media is a rapidly evolving field, and with it comes continual needs to upgrade equipment we want every student to have access to use. Your support to the Student Media Staff Development fund helps finance: