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Financial Information

Interlocking OU, Fraternity and Sorority Programs and Services, The University of Oklahoma website wordmark.
Photo of Evans Hall in the autumn.

Financial Information

Fraternity and sorority membership is a great way to engage on campus. Greek membership does come with a financial commitment that is important to understand before to joining. Learn more about the financial obligation of membership below. 

Financial Obligation Overview

Fraternity and sorority members pay membership dues that are used for various philanthropic projects, inter/national fees, alumni events, social events, and more. This page broadly outlines the financial obligation of membership. All numbers presented here are estimates and are subject to change. 

Some of our Greek-letter organizations have chapter facilities for members to live in as well. These costs are factored into the upperclassman financial obligation. These dues and fees help pay for the upkeep of these facilities, a full-time, live-in house director, parking, meals, laundry, and more. 

Traditionally, the new member period, or first year of membership is often the most expensive time of membership due to one-time fees and national fees. We encourage you to ask about financial information during the recruitment or intake process to fully understand the obligation. 

A few items to note: 

  • Membership dues and fees for fraternity and sorority life are paid through third-party billing systems and are managed by the local chapters and organizations. FSPS can assist you in getting in contact with a chapter, but we cannot amend invoices or membership fees on your behalf with an organization. 
  • These numbers are an estimate to help you prepare for the financial commitment of Greek membership. We encourage you to understand the financial obligation of any organization before you join. 
Governing Council1st Year2nd Year3rd Year4th Year 
Affiliate Circle$150 - $500
$75 - $500
$75 - $500$75 - $500
Interfraternity Council$1,200 - $3,700
$850 - $14,500
$800 - $3,600
$450 - $3,600 
Multicultural Greek Council$105 - $760
$105 - $520
$105 - $520
$105 - $520
National Pan-Hellenic Council$900 - $3,000
$100 - $1,500
$75 - $1,000
$50 - $1,000
Panhellenic Association$3,197 - $5,050
$8,796 - $13,400
$3,852 - $4,392
$3,852 - $4,392
Governing Council1st Year2nd Year3rd Year4th Year 
Affiliate Circle$250
Interfraternity Council$2,850$8,200$2,300$2,100 
Multicultural Greek Council$300$275$275
National Pan-Hellenic Council$1,900
Panhellenic Association$4,161

Frequently Asked Questions

The financial obligation of membership is often an area that can bring many questions. It's important to understand the membership requirements and what the financial obligation is prior to joining any organization. We've included some frequently asked questions below but if you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact our staff

All fraternity and sorority fees and membership dues are billed externally from the university through third-party billing systems managed and operated by the individual Greek chapters. 

Billing schedules should be shared at the start of the membership experience. Most chapters bill members for any required fees monthly. 

For any specific financial questions or questions regarding billing, invoicing, membership fees, or obligations, students should contact their chapter leadership directly. Fraternity and Sorority Programs and Services will not have information or details about these processes. 

Some chapters do have payment plans available for members who might need one. We suggest getting in touch with the chapter leadership to discuss payment plan options and alternative payment options if needed. 

Payment plans are not guaranteed and are determined at the discretion of the individual chapter. 

Some organizations do have fee waivers and scholarships available. These options might be available at the local or the national level. It is important to know that fraternities and sororities are membership-based organizations, meaning most of their benefits (including fee waivers or scholarships) are reserved for initiated members only. 

It is important to know that scholarships and fee waivers are not guaranteed. We suggest taking time to understand the financial commitment and obligation of any organization you are looking to join. 

The University of Oklahoma currently has 27 chapter facilities that are privately owned and managed. Each has a live-in, full-time house director trained to run the facility. 

Approximately 24% of the Greek community lives in chapter facilities near campus. Fees often include: 

  • Laundry
  • Membership dues & fees
  • Meals
  • Parking

Amenities differ from organization to organization - we suggest asking about this during the recruitment or membership intake process.