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OU Lingo

OU Lingo Index

A quick reference guide to the common lingo and acronyms used at the University of Oklahoma. 

For additions to the Lingo Index, please email Student Affairs,



Office of Advocacy & Education (OAE)

The Office of Advocacy & Education is dedicated to cultivating a safe and affirming environment for all students. They aim to provide the OU campus community with resources to bring awareness and prevention to gender-based violence, advocate for victims of sexual violence, and provide overall wellness education. Please reach out to us for a complete list of educational and training opportunities.

OU Advocates (Advocates)

OU Advocates is a 24/7 helpline (call/text/WhatsApp) and in-person support service for OU students, staff, and faculty experiencing sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, stalking and/or sexual harassment.

Affiliate Circle (AC) 

The governing umbrella group for the 5 independent fraternities and sororities on campus.

Alcohol or Drugs (AOD)

Reference to a specific type of student conduct case involving alcohol and/or drugs.

Alcohol and other Drug Education (AOD Education)

The University of Oklahoma's Comprehensive Alcohol & Other Drug Program is designed around four guiding principles: Education, Environmental Management, Enforcement, and Counseling Services. The goal is to provide OU students with information on how to be safe. 

American Indian Student Association (AISA)

The purpose of the organization is to promote and encourage the welfare of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian students at OU by providing a broad spectrum of educational, social, and cultural acitivities that support their personal and academic goals.

Asian American Student Association (AASA)

The purpose of the organization is to serve the university and surrounding community by emphasizing the culture, heritage, and traditions of the Asian American community at OU.

Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA)

A term utilized to encompass the broad Asian American community, with the Desi term representing South Asian identifying people.

Asian Royalty Program (OUARP)

The OU Asian Royalty Pageant, formerly known as Mr. & Miss Asian OU (MMAOU), is an annual scholarship pageant organized and sponsored by the Asian American Student Association (AASA) and Student Life's Community Engagement.


Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

Team of OU Staff who monitor and offer resources when reports are made.

The Big Event (TBE)

OU's official day of community service. Programmed and organized out of the Office of Leadership & Volunteerism.

OU Black Royalty Pageant (OUBR)

A scholarship pageant hosted by Student Life's Community Engagement and the Black Student Association (BSA).

Black Student Association (BSA)

The purpose of the organization is to serve as a primary source of information, to serve as a positive role model, and to promote interaction and communication for Black students and various communities at OU.


Camp Crimson

Camp Crimson is a 5-day orientation experience designed to assist undergraduate students as they transition into their first year at the University of Oklahoma. 

Camp Guides (CGs)

These are students that work with Camp Crimson. They are students who help support Small Group Leaders during training and Camp Crimson.

Campus Activities Council (CAC)

The activities branch of the Student Government Association (SGA). Housed in Student Life and responsible for the programming of a large portion of campus-wide events (i.e. Homecoming, High School Leadership Conference, etc.). 

Campus Event Response Team (CERT)

The Campus Event Response Team was established to support student well-being and safety during campus protests, demonstrations, and select events during which there is a potential for counter demonstration or emotional triggers and responses.

CAC General Council (GC)

Governing body of Campus Activities Council (CAC) made up of the CAC Executive Council and CAC Event Chairs.

Chartfield Spread (CFS)

An alpha-numeric code that allows items to be paid from or charged to your department's budget.

Class Council 

Class Council was created with the intention to serve and unite each class at the University of Oklahoma. Class Council is composed of student ambassadors.

Clean Slate Policy (Clean Slate)

OU Daily policy through which community members can appeal to have past coverage that might inhibit their futures reconsidered online (

Community Engagement 

Community Engagement, housed in the Office of Student Life, is responsible for supporting student success via events, programs, and services that enrich student learning and build and maintain a strong sense of community aimed at supporting the development of OU students.

Community Council

First-year student based organizaions that represent each of the residence halls and report to HCSA. Their goal is to advocate, program, and do service for the residence halls they live in.

Competitive Club Student Organization (CCSO)

An RSO that meets the Competitive Club Student Organization criteria (i.e. participates in official competitions outside OU for its specific organizational purpose, etc.).

The Consent Conversation (TCC)

A mandatory workshop for first-year students at OU to discuss what consent is - and what it is not.

Cost Transfer (CT)

An electronic form that moves money from one campus department to another.

Couch Center (The Towers)

12-story housing facilities located on Asp Avenue, mostly double-occupancy suite-style rooms. See also Walker Center.

Couch Restaurants (The Caf)

Dining hall located just west of Couch Center. 

Crimson Club (CC)

The Official Student Ambassadors for the University of Oklahoma.

Crimson Commitment

Crimson Commitment is a supplemental program to support students who qualify for Oklahoma's Promise funding. This consists of both a peer mentoring program as well as a set of monthly large-group gatherings, called symposiums.

Crimson Crew (CC)

These are students that work with Camp Crimson. These students help with the logistics and event management during Camp Crimson.

Crimson Leadership Association (CLA)

First year student experience with an emphasis on student government at OU.

Cross Village

Housing facility consisting of four buildings located on Asp Avenue south of 4th Street. Newest housing facility on campus.


David L. Boren Hall (DLB)

Small housing facility located on Asp Avenue and Cate Center Drive, also houses offices of the Honors College on the first floor. 

Departmental Student Organization (DSO) 

An RSO that meets the Departmental Student Organization criteria (i.e. exists to benefit students in the University community through the programs and services of that department, etc.).

Direct Administrative Action (DAA)

An interim measure, typically involving a temporary suspension for students, that is administered by the Office of Student Conduct.

Duty/On Call

Residence Life staff (RAs/GAs/RLCs/ADs) who serve in an after hours duty/on call rotation to support students.


Editor-in-Chief (EIC)

The OU Daily's top student leader.

Electronic Filing Cabinet (EFC)

A function that acts as a virtual storage cabinet within Maxient.

Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF)

An electronic form that is used to change an employee's payroll status. This could include hiring, terminating, pay rate changes, etc.

OU Esports (Esports)

The licensed nickname of ECCI's competitive efforts for formal competition against other universities globally.

Esports & Co-Curricular Innovation (ECCI)

The top level department of the department that administers all things esports and gaming programming.

EthicsPoint (EP, OU Report It!)

A case management system utilized by various offices and maintained through our university's audit office.

Executive Branch, SGA

Composed of the SGA President, Vice President, and any SGA officer that is elected in a SGA sponsored election and/or receives SGA stipend and is not otherwise designated as a member of the legislative or judicial branch.


F45 Training (F45)

A branded program offered by Sarkeys Fitness Center. Membership available for purchase. F45 Training combines elements of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Circuit Training, and Functional Training.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is a United States federal law that governs the access to educational information and records by public entities such as potential employers, publicly funded educational institutions, and foreign governments.

Family Weekends

These weekends are hosted by Parent & Family Programs and offer a great opportunity for families to tour the campus, participate in a variety of activities or traditions, meet other OU families, spend quality time together, and explore your student's "home away from home." Family Weekend occurs in both the fall and spring semesters.

Financial Services (FS)

Campus department that processes payments for vendors, other departments, scholarships, P-card transactions.

Fitness Classes (SRF)

Fitness classes that are offered at the Sarkey's Fitness Center, available with the purchase of a FIT Pass, including yoga, Zumba, and strength.

Fitness and Recreation (Fit+Rec)

The department that provides fitness opportunities and wellness education across Norman campus.

FIT Pass

A pass for purchase offered by Fit+Rec that provides users with access to FIT classes at the Sarkeys Fitness Center.

Fraternity & Sorority Programs & Services

The functional unit within the Office of Student Life that oversees the fraternity and sorority community.

Freshman Action Team (FAT)

A branch of the Black Student Association (BSA) that helps black freshmen acclimate to campus life and get new students involved in the BSA community.


OU General Catalog Glossary

The OU General Catalog Glossary is provided to explain the academic terms and abbreviations used at the university. It can be viewed here.

General Body Meeting/General Assembly (GBM/GA)

A term utilized to describe the general or special general meeting of campus associations that is open to all existing, new, and prospective members, as well as the community. (ex. BSA, HASA, AISA, AASA all have GBM's).


GivePulse is the platform through which students, faculty, and staff can track and measure the impact of their teaching, research, learning, or volunteerism in our local community.

Goddard Health Center/OU Health Services (GHC/OUHS)

OU Health Services at Goddard Health Center offers the convenience of an on-campus location and the commitment of a high-quality primary care staff to students, faculty, and staff. 

Graduate Assistant (GA)

Graduate Student Staff working within the Division for specific departments.

Graduate Student Senate (GSS)

The graduate student assembly of the SGA Legislative Branch.


The themed newsprint editions of the OU Daily around singlular topics, like Back to School, Football Preview, Best of Norman, etc.



Handshake is a career management platform utilized by the Career Center that intuitively connects you to relevant job opportunities based on your profile, interests, and search activity.

Headington Hall (HH)

Housing facility operated by the Athletics Department located on the corner of Jenkins Avenue and Lindsey Street. Occupied by 49% student athletes and 51% non-athletes. 

Hearing Panel (Panel)

An adjudication method requested by organizations and/or students going through the conduct process. Panels are appointed and have a representative from student, staff, and faculty populations.

Henderson Scholars Program (HSP)

This four-year scholarship program taps into Dr. George Henderson’s service, progress, and achievement legacy to build community across backgrounds and interests. It’s an opportunity to honor the past, build brighter futures, and invest in the now.

Henderson Tolson Cultural Center (HTCC)

Cultural center located north of Sarkey's Fitness Center.

High School Leadership Conference (HSLC)

High School Leadership Conference, a CAC event, is a three-day adventure into leadership for high school juniors from around the nation, held annually at the University of Oklahoma.

Hispanic American Student Association (HASA)

The purpose of the organization is to serve the university and surrounding community by emphasizing the culture, heritage, and traditions of the Hispanic/Latin American community at OU.

Hispanic Royalty Pageant (OUHRP)

The OU Hispanic Royalty Pageant, formerly known as Mr. & Miss Hispanic OU (MMHOU), is an annual scholarship pageant organized and sponsored by the Hispanic American Student Association (HASA) and Student Life's Community Engagement and Belonging.

Housing Accommodation

Special accommodations or amenities approved by the Accessibility and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) for students who have a documented disability.

Housing Center Student Association (HCSA)

A student organizaiton whos pillars are advocay, service, and programming. This group is the student governing body for on campus residents. They host weekly meetings on mondays and one large program monthly.

Housing Exemption

Exemption from the Regents Requirement, granted by a committee of administrators from HRL and various campus partners. 

Housing Portal

Web portal to StarRez that students access to complete all online housing processes, applying for housing, room selection, request early move out, etc.

Housing and Residence Life (HRL)

The Housing and Residence life Department. 


Interest Student Organization (ISO)

Student-created organization based on interest and/or advocacy.

Interfraternity Council (IFC)

The governing umbrella group for the 17 Interfraternity Council fraternities on campus.

Intramural Sports (IMs)

Recreational sports played within the OU community through Fit+Rec (ex. IM volleyball). 

Is there value in? (ITVI)

A phrase the OU Daily utilizes a lot internally in reference to making ethical coverage decisions.


Jim Thorpe Multicultural Center (JTMCC)

Cultural center at OU located south of Couch cafeteria.

Job and Internship Fair (JIF)

Events that happen multiple times throughout the semester where employers come to campus to network with students to find potential applicants for open positions.

Judicial Branch, SGA

To uphold the integrity of the SGA constitution.


Kraettli Apartments

Older apartment complex located near Traditions East, used to house both students and OU employees. 


LEAD Night

An L&V program where you can be captivated as you share an hour listening to campus staff and student leaders express what it means to be a leader who inspires others.

LEAD Team 

A peer Leadership Education and Development team. LEAD Team students serve as facilitators of icebreakers and teambuilding exercises and as ambassadors for the Office of Leadership and Volunteerism.

Leader Summit

An L&V annual on-campus leadership conference experience for current and aspiring leaders. It is a day full of keynote speakers, presentations, and engaging small group activities.

Leadership Nuggets

An L&V program where participants will hear words of wisdom from a selected leader followed by a table-led conversation. The speaker and topic will be revealed at the program and a complimentary lunch is provided.

Legislative Branch, SGA

Makes campus-wide rules and regulations for students and student organizations.

LGBTQ+ Program Advisory Board (PAB)

The LGBTQ+ Program Advisory Board (PAB) serves as the programming arm of the LGBTQ+ Student Alliance (QSA) housed under Student Life's Community Engagement.

LGBTQ+ Student Alliance (QSA)

LGBTQ+ Student Alliance is a group of undergraduate and graduate students that work to build community amongst LGBTQ+ individuals and allies.

Living Learning Communities (LLC)    

Living Learning Communities that are connected by an academic component (ex. Henderson Scholars).


Magazine (Mag)

The quarterly magazine editions of the OU Daily.

Marketing & Communications (Marcomm/Marcom)

Generally refers to the Division of OU Marketing and Communications for the University. 


A case management system utilized by various offices on campus. 

Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)

The governing umbrella group for the 15 Multicultural Greek Council sororities and fraternities on campus.

Murray Case Sells Swim Complex (OU Pool or MCSSC)

The aquatic facility operated by Fit+Rec. This facility houses an eight-lane indoor pool and dive well, as well as an outdoor pool and dive well operated in the summer. 


National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

The governing umbrella group for the 9 National Pan-Hellenic Council sororities and fraternities on campus.

National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH)

A student organizaiton whos pillars are service and recognition. They are an honor society that seeks to recognize the work within the residence halls, and provide service opportunities for residents in the community.

New Student Programs (NSP)

The Office of New Student Programs hosts programs that aim to orient and support incoming students to the University.

North Oval

The north oval on campus stretches from Boyd to Evans Hall and is home to many academic and administrative areas on campus. 

Notice of Allegations (NOA)

Official notice of a potential violation of the Student Rights and Responsibilities Code administered to individuals and student organizations. 


Oklahoma Association of Transfer Students (O.A.T.S.)

O.A.T.S. is the name for transfer programming due to its historical use, however, this work is now housed under the NSP department rather than being an RSO.

Online Patient Portal (HealthConnection)

Online account to access medical information and schedule appointments. 

OU Cousins

OU Cousins is the University of Oklahoma’s premier international and American friendship program. This program aims to connect students from across the globe without having to leave the OU Campus.

OU Cousins Advisory Board (OU CAB or CAB)

The OU Cousins Advisory Board is the programming body for the OU Cousins Program.

OU Daily (Daily)

OU's student led news source. "The independent student voice of the University of Oklahoma."

OU Dance Marathon (OUDM)

University of Oklahoma Dance Marathon (OUDM) is the official philanthropy event of the Campus Activities Council (CAC). OUDM benefits Oklahoma's children by raising money for the Oklahoma Children's Health Foundation and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

OU Gaming Club

The Student Org or Community engagment entity within Esports & Co-Curricular Innovation (ECCI). This is the keeper of the keys to ECCI events for student activities, intramurals, and support involvement. Housed in a public partnered discord server at

OU Police Department (OUPD)

Campus department that provides police response on OU property.

OU-Tulsa Student Government Association (OUTSGA)

OUTSGA is the SGA leadership for the OU-Tulsa campus, that oversees student activity fee budgets and serves as the liasion between the student body and OU-Tulsa administration.


Panhellenic Association (PAN)

The governing umbrella group for the 11 Panhellenic Association sororities on campus.

Parent & Family Programs (PFP)

Department within the Division of Student Affairs that provides resources, education programs, and opportunities to connect families to the diverse range of experiences available at OU.

Payroll Revision (PR)

An electronic form that moves payroll expenses from one campus department to another.


Top 10 Senior Honor Society award.

Personnel Review Cycle (PRC)

An annual process allowing each department to review their staffing and pay levels and to request desired updates for the upcoming fiscal year.


A Maxient tool that is used to alert or relay updates to individuals on specific conduct cases.


OU IT utilizes PingID for multi-factor authentication (MFA), which is required for mobile and off-network access to enterprise software and services like your OU/OUHSC email and PeopleSoft.

Preauthorization One (PA1)

An electronic form that is used to request changes to a benefitted employee's rate of pay and/or title. This is also used to request permission to refill a vacant position.

Preauthorization Two (PA2)

An electronic form used to activate approved PA1 requests.

Prescription Refill Service (Mobile RX)

App to refill prescriptions and get text reminders. 

President's Community Scholars (PCS)

PCS is a freshmen year scholarship program out of the office of Leadership and Volunteerism. Students are chosen their senior year of high school to be in the program their first year.

President's Leadership Class (PLC)

The President's Leadership Class was created in 1961 to encourage outstanding Oklahoma high school students to remain in the state for their college careers. Today, 63 years later, the University of Oklahoma's President's Leadership Class attracts students from across the country and has been recognized as one of the nation's top freshman leadership programs.

Presidential Programs

Presidential programs are presidentially created, supported and/or directed (ex. Crimson Club, Henderson Scholars Program, OU Cousins, PCS, and PLC).

Publications Board (Pub Board)

The 12-member group that meets six times annually, hires the EICs and serves as the supervisor of the Daily's editors, although it has no pre-publication oversight of editorial content.


Read & Lead

An L&V program for students and staff to further develop their personal leadership knowledge by reading contemporary leadership books. Participants sign up to read the selected book and then attend a complimentary lunch to discuss the reading.

Recreational Fields (Rec Fields or IM Fields)

The location of the turf grass area between Stinson, Jenkins, Timberdell and Madison Elementary operated by Fit+Rec. This location is used for recreational play, Club Sport activities, and Intramrual Sports activities.

Regents Requirement (Housing Policy)

Requirement that all incoming students under the age of 21 who have fewer than 24 credit hours earned after graduation from high school are required to live on campus in the residence halls. 

Registered Student Organization (RSO)

All student groups who register with OU.

Residence Advisor (RA)

Student employee who works and lives in the residence halls. Their work inlcudes being a resource and mentor for their residents on the assigned floor, completing intentional interactions, hosting events, and working the front desks. 

Residence Halls (Res Halls)

Housing facilities operated by Housing and Residence Life within the residential portion of campus (DLB, Colleges, Towers, HH and Cross).

Residence Life Coordinator (RLC)

Full-time staff members who oversee each of our housing residence halls.

Residential Colleges (the Colleges/ResCo)

Housing facility located on Lindsey Street just south of the football stadium. Consists of Dunham College and Headington College and has a dining hall.


Housing software used as a tool to impliment residential curriculum , and manage resident experience.


Safe Walk Resident Advisors (SWRA)

Safewalk RAs work in botht he residents halls and in the safewalk program. Once a week each Safewalk RA holds the safewalk phone and meets residents on campus to escourt them to their desitation.


Required outcomes that student(s) and/or organizations are required to complete as a part of resolution for their conduct case(s).

Sarkeys Fitness Center (SFC or the Sark)

The primary facility for Fit+Rec that houses strength training, basketball courts, fitness equipment, etc.

Senior Resident Advisors (SRA) 

This is a group of RAs who have been hired to have additional responsibilies and serve as advocates for the RAs, and residents. They assisnt with RA training, selction, and other HRL committees.

Shared Business Services Center (SBSC)

Campus department that processes financial, payroll, and travel items for multiple departments on campus.

Small Group Leader (SGL)

These are students that work with Camp Crimson. They directly work with the freshman that participate in Camp Crimson.

Sooner Esports

The media arm of OU Esports & Co-Curricular Innovation (ECCI) housed on Think OU Daily for gaming/esports news.

South Oval (Soval)

The south oval on campus stretches from Brooks to Lindsey and is home to many academic areas on campus. 

Sport Club Student Organization (SCSO)

An RSO that meets the Sport Club Student Organization criteria as well as being approved through the OU Fitness + Recreation (Fit+Rec) Sport Club Council process.


Housing software that manages billing and room management. 

Start Sooner

Start Sooner is the University of Oklahoma's premiere early start program designed for incoming OU first-year students to take 6 hours and jumpstart their experience.

Student Affairs Conference Room (SACR)

The Student Affairs Conference room housed in the SAVP Office. 

Student Affairs Leadership Team (SALT)

The Leadership Team consists of division leadership as well as department directors and coordinators that meet regularly to discuss department goals and objectives.

Student Affairs Vice President's Office (SAVPO)

The central office for the Division of Student Affairs housed in the Oklahoma Memorial Union, Suite 265.

Student Bar Association, SGA (SBA)

Advocates for student issues, serves as a liaison between the administration and student body, and plans social events for law students within OU College of Law.

Student Conduct Code (Code)

Term referencing the Student Rights and Responsibilities Code managed through the Office of Student Conduct.

Student Death (SD)

The initials SD is used in the title of all files created internally when a student dies.

Student Government Association (SGA)

The Norman campus student government that is responsible for student advocacy, RSO funding, and student appointments on various committees and councils.

Student Issues (SI)

The initials SI is used in the title of all files created internally when there has been an issue with a student handled by the SAVP Office.

Student Legal Services (SLS) 

The Student Legal Services (SLS) program provides legal services to currently enrolled students at the University of Oklahoma. 

Student Superior Court, SGA 

The SGA Superior Court is charged with the specific duty of maintaining the integrity of the SGA Constitution.

OU Student Relief Fund (SRF)

The OU Student Relief Fund provides assistance to students who face tragedies, imminent adversities, and a variety of other circumstances.

Show N' Tell (SNT)

An annual cultural showcase hosted every Fall by the Black Student Association.


The APIDA Leadership Conference (TALC)

A conference hosted by the Asian American Student Association (AASA) that aims to empower APIDA high school juniors and seniors through leadership, networking, cultural pride, and more.

The Book

Website that has student information, most used for parent contact information - The Book.

Themed Community

Communities that incorporate a common theme but do not have an academic component (ex. E-Sports). 

Threat Assessment Review Committee (TARC)

A university committee that reviews and responds to potential threats from individuals/group(s).

Traditions Square

Two apartment complexes (Traditions East and Traditions West) located on the far south end of campus.

Transfer Leadership Class (TLC)

Transfer Leadership Class is a transitional class focused on leadership development for incoming transfer students. This class is selective and scholarship-based. Awards are offered in Spring before the class in the Fall.


Undergraduate Student Congress, SGA (UGS)

The undergraduate student assembly of the SGA Legislative Branch. 

Union Programming Board (UPB)

The Union Programming Board (UPB) is a dynamic student-run organization dedicated to providing diverse programs in the Oklahoma Memorial Union for the University of Oklahoma community.

University Counseling Center (UCC)

The University Counseling Center provides comprehensive mental health services at the University of Oklahoma within the Division of Student Affairs.

University Sing (U-Sing)

University Sing, a CAC event, is one of campus' favorite theatrical traditions. A musical revue composed of seven Broadway-style acts directed and performed entirely by OU students.

University Student Services (USS)

Contractor who provides moving services during Move-In in August. 


Vice President's Advisory Council (VPAC) 

Council of Executive Student Leaders and University of Oklahoma Executive Leadership.


Walker-Adams Mall (WAM)

Outdoor area located between Walker Center and the construction site of the new housing buildings. 

Walker Center (The Towers)

12-story housing facilities located on Asp Avenue, mostly double-occupancy suite-style rooms. See also Couch Center.

Weekend Desk Assistant (WDA)

Student employees who work the front desk only on the weekends while the RAs hold the on call phone.

Welcome Black Weekend (WBW) 

A new student orientation event hosted by the Black Student Association (BSA) open to all incoming students.

Wēpa Printer

OU Information Technology offers campus-wide cloud printing services to students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This service allows users to print to the cloud and pick up documents at any conveniently located wēpa kiosk.