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U.N. Panel Finds No Evidence to Link Iraq, Al-Qaeda
June 26 - The U.N. terrorism committee has found no evidence linking Iraq to al Qaeda and did not investigate Bush administration claims of such ties. The terrorism committee had just completed a draft report charting efforts by countries to track and shut down Usama bin Laden’s operations. The report notes success in the war on terrorism stemming from the arrests of top al Qaeda figures, but it also notes al Qaeda has been able to reconstitute support and benefit from loopholes in order to continue acts of terror worldwide. Nowhere in the 42-page draft is there any mention of Iraq or claims that it served as a haven for al Qaeda.
“ Nothing has come to our notice that would indicate links between Iraq and al-Qaida,” said Michael Chandler, the committee’s chief investigator. The committee first heard of alleged ties during Secretary of State Powell’s February presentation to the Security Council ahead of the Iraq war. “ It had never come to our knowledge before Powell’s speech, and we never received any information from the United States for us to even follow up on,” said Abaza Hassan, a committee investigator.

Powell insisted in his presentation that Saddam Hussein’s regime was allowing a senior al Qaeda member named Abu Musab Zarqawi to operate from Baghdad. Zarqawi has been indicted in the murder of a U.S. diplomat in Jordan on Oct. 28. The alleged connections were cited by the administration as one of the key reasons for going after Hussein, but the committee saw no need to investigate Zarqawi’s movements. Nevertheless, the committee is investigating al Qaeda activity in Iran.  Chandler, who visited the Iran-Afghanistan border in October, said he had been satisfied then with steps the Iranians were taking. “They captured some people coming across the border and handed those people over to their countries of origin,” he said.

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