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California Governor to Face Recall Vote

July 25 - Sacramento, California: On October 7, California voters will decide whether or not Governor Gray Davis (Democrat) will be recalled and if so who will replace him.
The field of candidates includes numerous popular figures in American culture including famous actor and liberal Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, socialite-turned-columnist Arianna Huffington, Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flint, 80’s sitcom star of Diff’rent Strokes Gary Coleman whose candidacy was engineered by an Oakland newspaper as a protest, and Peter Ueberroth, the former commissioner of Major League Baseball, who is a registered Republican but is running as an Independent. Other notable, but certainly not famous candidates include Republican businessman Bill Simon, who lost to Davis in the November election, democratic Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamente, who wants voters to vote against the recall, but for him. Bustamente is the only major Democratic candidate in the race aside from Davis himself. This fact may be pivotal to Davis’ survival in that a crowded Democratic field would split up his vote. There are only two major Republican candidates – Schwarzenegger and Simon. There will be no runoff in the recall election, so whoever gets the most votes wins.
As of Saturday, August 9 (the deadline for candidates to file their paperwork) 96 had both filed and paid their fees. To be an official candidate a person needs to complete the appropriate candidacy paperwork, gather 65 signatures, and pay a $3500 fee. On the recall ballot there will be two parts. First, voters must check whether or not they believe Davis should be recalled. The second part is a list of possible successors. If the vote goes against Davis then the candidate who wins the most votes in the second question will be California’s new governor. Davis has petitioned the state Supreme Court to have his name placed on the second part of the ballot and to move the vote to March. If Davis survives the recall vote he can legally require the state of California to repay him for his campaign costs, which are estimated to go over $30 million.
The results of a CNN/Gallup poll were released on August 10 and showed that 24% of registered Californians would vote for Schwarzenegger, 8% for Bustamente, 4% for Bill Simon, 3% for Larry Flint, 2% for Arianna Huffington, 1% for Gary Coleman, and the rest divided up amongst lesser known candidates. The poll also asked whether or not Californians would recall Davis, answering with a near 70% certainty that Davis will be recalled.

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