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Executive Order Protects Oil Companies in Iraq

May 22 – Washington, DC: Executive Order 13303 claims to be an order vital to the reconstruction efforts of Iraqi, however after a careful reading one realizes that the real purpose is to protect oil companies by giving them virtual impunity for any activities undertaken relating to Iraqi oil. Thus far, the mainstream media has completely ignored this Order entitled “Protecting the Development Fund for Iraq and Certain Other Property in Which Iraq Has an Interest.”
In the wording of 13303, President Bush declares a “national emergency” in regards to the protection of the Development Fund for Iraq (created to fund reconstruction efforts with oil proceeds) as well as all Iraqi petroleum, petroleum products, proceeds, “interests”, and contracts related to Iraqi petroleum as well as the profits that ensue from these actions. EO 13303 offers a the protections tent to “certain persons, entities and assets associated with the Iraqi oil industry”.

The Order gives a tremendous amount of immunity to individuals, corporations, agencies and others involved in Iraqi oil sales, marketing, or other oil-related activities which include immunity from suits for environmental damage, workplace harms, contractual disputes, and numerous other wrongs. This means that workers for the companies cannot sue for on the job injuries, or the Iraqi people can get no compensation for an oil spill. Similarly, the Order protects any assets derived from Iraqi oil from judgment, garnishment, or any other seizure in US courts. Essentially, if a corporation engages in illegal activity even in the US, but the efforts are traceable to the Iraqi oil service they are protected by this order.

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