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The State of the Union
by Publius Anonymous

Friends, Romans/Americans, Reichstag fier,
Does anybody see what is happening here?

The economy's down big deal who cares
And our future/fortune rests on Enron shares

But the key is to work to buy
Do you hear my brother
As I say one thing and quite ironically mean another

Reaganomics as if money grew on trees
You can't reduce taxes
and then spend
as you
By the way, nice missiles, who paid for these?

Don't worry the NEA, aid to disabilities (and all that liberal stuff) 's getting cut
Hey Pops did you see that putt

Bush's tax plan got rich folks thinking about the money they save
And forgetting about the working classes, the people that slave
But the pendulum swings in the home of the brave
And your money don't mean shit when you're lyin' in your grave

Bam Thank
You Uncle Sam
For putting the economy in this kind of jam

Nuclear proliferation in governments from afar
What the hell is this talk about a hydrogen powered car\

Wasn't it you trying to deface the soil of the Alaskan state
Now you want alternative for oil by two zero one eight

Guess what, big news, hydro-cars exist today
Though they're not made by campaign-contributors that pay

You talk of aid for AIDS in the African land
It's about time we lended a hand
And you might pretend to speak spanish but you seem to want to close down the border
When you make the hiding of deportation hearings an executive order

I'll put an end to abortions we don't need em
This is a man's country to Hell with a woman's freedom

Airport security, border patrol, military tribunals, suveillance
that's what liberty's about
Breathe the water from this partisan spout

Homophobia, censorship, anti-abortion, capital punishment,
...these are a few of my favorite things
in the country where they tell you freedom rings

Is not a value
Of the campaign
That tries to win you

Bush say don't disagree with he
Or you the foe, the terrorist, the evil, the enemy

Trust me your president but (trust) no other
If she speaks Arabic
Do a service to your country
And turn in your mother

Why join this perpetual rabbit hunt
Government by rhetoric such an egregious front

We rounded up the bad guys
they trapped in a booth
So let me be your postmodernist

We don't apologize/We justify Guatanamo's fault
We've got the worm doc, administer the salt

More of that cowboy talk and we'll have to corral you
When bombs become an American value

We got em on the run would you look at that boys
Just wait till I bust out my new GI/$400 billion toys

Afghanistan, North K and Iraq/Saddam too
I'm starting a war and there's nothing you can do

Forty billion dollar intelligence budget and the satellite photos suck
Colin is that a missile silo or is that an ice cream truck

You could prove ten times over no weapons but don't bother
My name is George Double-U Bush and you tried to kill my father

Prepare to die
As the missiles fly
To the American people I lie
And drink your refineries dry

I'll steal oil by the barrel and charge by the cup
Don't worry them damn Iraqis will pay for blowin their own
asses up

U.N. we've heard you once so say no more
We're going unilateral, Dick says that means it's my Godddamn war

People trained by the U.S. government: Tim McVeigh, John Mohammed, and bin Laden, Osama
Which vet of this war stars in the next CNN drama

I'm tired I'm fed up you get the jist
Say the wrong word now I'm on Ashcroft's list

That's right I am your president
Your commander
The puppetmaster of this nation
Watch as my minions give me a standing ovation

But tell me Bush do you stand for freedom
Or do you stand for hate
Because we're all going to have to live with
The world you create


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