SSEC: Students for Social and Economic Change

Mailing List

Major Projects
Mailing List
Meeting Notes
Scrap Book

We use SSEC-L to relay information about the SSEC, our activities, and items of interest to our members. Subscription and posting is open to anyone, and the list is currently unmoderated.

To see what we've been talking about, check out the SSEC-L archives at

You can join SSEC-L by filling out the form below. After you submit the form, you should get a confirmation email verifying your request. Follow the instructions in the email, and you will be added to SSEC-L.

Subscribe to SSEC-L

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Your name:

Note: When you submit this form, you will be taken to a page at where you can change your subscription options or unsubscribe. To return to the SSEC home page, click the back button on your browser.