建築學院( College Of Architecture) 建築系(Division Of Architecture) 營建科學系(Division Of Construction Science) 室內設計系(Division of Interior Design) 造園景觀系(Division of landscape Architecture) 區域及都市計畫系(Regional and City Planning) 文理科學院(College Of Arts and Science) 非洲人暨非裔研究系(African and African-American Studies) 人類學系(Department of Anthropology) 植物暨微生物學系(Department of Botany and Microbiology) 化學暨生物化學系(Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry) 古典學及文采學系(Department of Classics and Letters) 傳播學系(Department of communication) 經濟學系(Department of Economics) 英國文學系(Department of English) 攝影製片學系( Film and Video) 地理學系(Geography) 體育科學系(Health and Sports Science) 歷史系(History) 科學歷史系(History of Science) 人類關係系(Human relations) 各科系對環境之展望系(interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Environment) 國際及區域研究系(International and Area Studies) 新聞系及大眾傳播學系(Journalism and Mass Communication) 實驗室科學系(Laboratory Technology) 圖書館暨資訊研究系(Library and Information Studies) 數學系(Mathematics) 中世紀及文藝復興時期之研究(Medieval and Renaissance Studies) 現代語言,文學及語言學系(Modern language, literatures, and linguistics) 印地安人研究學系(Native American) 哲學系(Philosophy) 物理學及太空學系(Physics and Astronomy) 政治科學系(Political Science) 心理學系(Psychology) 社工系(Social Work) 社會學系(Sociology) 婦女研究系(Women's studies) 動物學系(Zoology) 商學院(Business College) 會計系(Accounting) 財務系(Finance) 管理資訊系統系(Management Information Systems) 管理系(Management) 市場行銷系(Marketing) 進修教育學院 (只列舉二個)(College of continuing Education) 遠距教學(Distance Education Center) 語言學校(CESL, Language school) 教育學院(College Of Education) 教育領導及政策管理系(Educational Leadership and Policy Studies) 教育心理學系(Educational psychology) 教育領導及學術課程系(Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum) 工程學院(College Of Engineering) 太空及機械工程學系Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering) 化學工程及材料科學系(Chemical Engineering and Material Science) 土木工程及環境科學系(Civil Engineering and Environment Science) 電腦科學系(Computer Science) 電腦工程及電子工程系(Electrical and Computer Engineering) 工程系(Engineering) 工程物理系(Physics Engineering) 工業工程系(Industrial Engineering) 石油及地理工程系(Petroleum and Geological Engineering) 藝術學院(College Of Arts) 藝術系(Art) 舞蹈系(Dance) 戲劇系(Drama) 音樂系(Music) 地理科學學院(College Of Geosciences) 地理學系(Geography) 地質學及地理物理系(Geology and Geophysics) 氣象學系(Meteorology) 法律學院(College Of Law) 陸軍(Military Science) 海軍(Naval Science) 空軍(Aerospace Studies) 醫院管理科學學系(Medical Library Science) 營養科學系(Nutritional Science) 職業病理治療系(Occupational Therapy) 物理治療系(Physical Therapy) 輻射科學系(Radiation Science) 牙醫學院(College Of Dentistry) 牙醫衛生科學(大學部)系(Bachelor of science in Dental Hygiene) 牙醫師系(Doctor Of Dental Surgery Program) 醫學院(College Of Medicine) 內科醫師系(Physician Associate Program) 外科醫師系(Doctor Of Medical Program) 護理學院(College Of Nursing) 護理系大學部(Bachelor of Science in Nursing) Career Ladder Program 藥劑學院(College Of Pharmacy) 藥劑系大學部(Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy) 藥劑師(Doctor Of Science) 公眾健康學院(College Of Public Helath) 生物統計及傳染疾病系(Biostatistics and Epidemiology) 健康行政及政策系(Health Administration and Policy) 健康科學系(Health Promotion program) 職業及環境衛生系(Occupational and Environmental Health)