Microscopy: Crystallography and Diffraction
American Crystallographic Association
- society formed to promote interactions among scientists who study the structure of matter at atomic (or near atomic) resolution
Birbeck Crystallography Homepage
- homepage of the Birkbeck College School of Crystallography
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
- database for organic and metal-organic compounds studied by X-ray and neutron diffraction
Crystallography World Wide
- an extensive notice board courtesy of the International Union of Crystallography
Chemical Database Service
- at Daresbury (includes crystallography)
Crystal Designer
- software for building, studying and visualising crystal structures (Macintosh OS)
Desktop Microscopist 2
- software for image simulation of crystals
- Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
Laboratoire de Mineralogie-Cristallographie
Molecular Spectroscopy Home Page
- Molecular spectroscopy at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, USA
Rockefeller University - Darst Lab
- structural aspects of bacterial transcription using Electron and X-ray Crystallography
Serious about Cerius?
- molecular simulation software
- an information server for crystallography
Visualizations in Materials Science
- a very nice primer for the basic principles of Materials Science
Diffraction Physics Research Laboratory
- University of Melbourne
Electron Microscopy Image Calculation Techniques
- tutorial lecture given by Pierre Stadelmann
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