OU offers a number of departmental prior learning assessment examinations. Interested students should consult with an academic advisor during enrollment before scheduling an examination.
All examinations are administered by the OU Testing Center except for aviation exams. Students need to contact the Chief Flight Instructor in the School of Aviation in the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences for information on those examinations at (405) 325-7231. Once approved, students will pay for exams by choosing Prior Learning Assessment Exams.
For the examinations administered by the OU Testing Center, students should call (405) 325-1921 or consult the Prior Learning Assessment website for information.
ARAB 1115 | Beginning Arabic | 5 |
ARAB 1225 | Beginning Arabic continued | 5 |
ARAB 2113 | Intermediate Arabic | 3 |
ARAB 2223 | Intermediate Arabic continued | 3 |
ARAB 3113 | Advanced Arabic | 3 |
ARAB 3223 | Advanced Arabic continued | 3 |
CHEM 1315 | General Chemistry | 5 |
CHEM 1415 | General Chemistry continued | 5 |
CS 1313 | Programming for Non-Majors | 3 |
CS 1323 | Introduction to Computer Programming | 3 |
CS 2334 | Programming Structures & Abstractions | 4 |
CS 2413 | Data Structures | 3 |
CS 2813 | Discrete Structures | 3 |
CHIN 1115 | Beginning Chinese | 5 |
CHIN 1225 | Beginning Chinese continued | 5 |
CHIN 2113 | Intermediate Chinese | 3 |
CHIN 2223 | Intermediate Chinese continued | 3 |
CHIN 3113 | Advanced Chinese I | 3 |
CHIN 3223 | Advanced Chinese II | 3 |
* ECON 1113 | Principles of Economics (macro) | 3 |
* ECON 1123 | Principles of Economics (micro) | 3 |
* ECON 2843 | Elements of Statistics | 3 |
FR 2113 | Intermediate French | 3 |
FR 2223 | Intermediate French continued | 3 |
GERM 2113 | Intermediate German | 3 |
GERM 2223 | Intermediate German | 3 |
GERM 3423 | Advanced German Composition | 3 |
GERM 3523 | Advanced German Conversation | 3 |
HEBR 1115 | Beginning Hebrew | 5 |
HEBR 1225 | Beginning Hebrew continued | 5 |
HEBR 2113 | Intermediate Hebrew | 3 |
ITAL 1115 | Beginning Italian | 5 |
ITAL 1225 | Beginning Italian II | 5 |
ITAL 2113 | Intermediate Italian | 3 |
ITAL 2223 | Intermediate Italian continued | 3 |
JAPN 1115 | Beginning Japanese | 5 |
JAPN 1225 | Beginning Japanese continued | 5 |
JAPN 2113 | Intermediate Japanese | 3 |
JAPN 2223 | Intermediate Japanese continued | 3 |
JAPN 3113 | Advanced Japanese I | 3 |
JAPN 3223 | Advanced Japanese II | 3 |
*LAT 2113 | Intermediate Latin Prose | 3 |
* MATH 1473 | Math for Critical Thinking | 3 |
* MATH 1503 | College Algebra | 3 |
* MATH1523 | Precalculus and Trigonometry | 3 |
* MATH 1643 | Functions and Modeling for Business, Life, and Social Sciences | 3 |
* MATH 1743 | Calculus I for Business, Life, and Social Sciences | 3 |
* MATH 1823 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry I | 3 |
* MATH 1914 | Differential and Integral Calculus I | 4 |
* MATH 2213 | Mathematical Systems | 3 |
* MATH 2423 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry ll | 3 |
* MATH 2433 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry lll | 3 |
* MATH 2443 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry IV | 3 |
* MATH 2924 | Differential and Integral Calculus II | 4 |
* MATH 2934 | Differential and Integral Calculus III | 4 |
MGT 3013 | Principles of Organizations and Management | 3 |
MKT 3013 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
PERS 1115 | Beginning Persian | 5 |
PERS 1225 | Beginning Persian continued | 5 |
PERS 2113 | Intermediate Persian | 3 |
PSY 1113 | Elements of Psychology | 3 |
PORT 1115 | Beginning Portuguese | 5 |
PORT 1225 | Beginning Portuguese continued | 5 |
PORT 2113 | Intermediate Portuguese | 3 |
PORT 2223 | Intermediate Portuguese continued | 3 |
PORT 3113 | Advanced Portuguese | 3 |
PORT 3223 | Advanced Portuguese continued | 3 |
* RUSS 1115 | Beginning Russian | 5 |
* RUSS 1225 | Beginning Russian continued | 5 |
* RUSS 2113 | Intermediate Russian | 3 |
* RUSS 2223 | Intermediate Russian continued | 3 |
* RUSS 3073 | Russian Conversation | 3 |
* RUSS 3323 | Advanced Russian Reading and Composition | 3 |
* RUSS 3423 | Advanced Russian Reading and Composition continued | 3 |
* RUSS 4613 | Advanced Russian Conversation | 3 |
SPAN 2113 | Intermediate Spanish | 3 |
SPAN 2223 | Intermediate Spanish continued | 3 |
SPAN 3073 | Grammar in Conversation | 3 |
SPAN 3423 | Grammar in Written Communication | 3 |
*Departmental approval required prior to taking the examination.
A placement examination is a departmental examination which is given to determine a student’s level of competence in a subject and to place that student in the course where the probability of his or her success seems greatest. Performance on placement examinations does not result in the awarding of academic credit, but students who successfully place into advanced level courses may—with departmental approval—be able to establish prior learning assessment credit in lower division courses. For specific information about procedures regarding advanced placement and establishing prior learning assessment credit, contact the responsible departments.
For questions pertaining to transcript evaluation, please email te@ou.edu.