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Recruiting a Broad Applicant Pool

Recruiting a Broad Applicant Pool



Engage in Active Recruiting

  • Make personal calls and invitations to targeted PhD students, postdocs and faculty colleagues. In some situations, such as endowed chair searches, the call may convey a desire to hire that specific individual. So be very careful to avoid conveying a sense that they’ll receive special consideration.
  • Host a targeted reception or event at your discipline’s major conference or meeting.
  • Consider using the unit’s lecture or seminar series as an opportunity to invite potential future applicants to campus.

Look for Rising Stars

  • Seek out post-docs or soon-to-graduate doctoral candidates who are entering the field; early career faculty already establishing a publication track record; and game-changing faculty "flying under the radar" at other institutions.

Share the Job Ad Widely

  • Send the job description to colleagues, peer institutions, organizational or professional society listservs, and any other relevant publications in your discipline.

Seek Nominations

  • Call colleagues to ask for nominations or use your networks to recommend potential candidates. When requesting this information, make sure to ask for nominations of all qualified applicants, not limited to candidates from specific groups or populations.

IEO Advertising Requirements for Regular Faculty Searches

  • The job ad must be placed in at least one national professional journal (online or print), although multiple postings are encouraged.

  • The posting of the job ad must last for at least 30 calendar days on the journal's website. An active link to this posted advertisement must be forwarded to the IEO (

  • The job ad must also be viewable to the public without payment of subscription and/or membership charges.

  • Documentation of the placement of an advertisement will need to be provided to the IEO with evidence of the start and end dates and the text of the advertisement.