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Close the Search

Close the Search

Prepare the Search

This section discusses getting approval to search, forming the search committee, and creating the position announcement. 

Prepare the Search

Run the Search

This section covers recruiting a diverse pool of applicants and procedures for screening and selecting candidates.

Run the Search

Close the Search

This section provides details for making an offer and closing the search.  


Making an Offer

  • Only the Senior Vice President and Provost is authorized to make official offers for the University. No offer will be extended by the Senior Vice President and Provost until the Institutional Equity Office (IEO) certifies that the above process is satisfactorily completed. If the report from the IEO is negative, the offer of appointment will be held in the Provost's Office until the IEO has certified a satisfactory process.
  • The Senior Vice President and Provost will extend the official letter via email to the candidate.
  • Encourage the candidate to communicate potential inconsistencies between the informal offer and the formal offer, if discrepancies are observed. The dean and department director/chair will be copied on the offer letter email from the Provost's Office to the candidate.
  • Copies of the candidate's response to the offer of appointment will be emailed to the dean and to the chair/director. If the offer is accepted, the candidate will work with the college administrative designee to complete and submit their new hire paperwork to HR. To ensure compliance with federal work authorization processes, the department must receive a confirmation email from HR Records before they submit the Hire ePAF. If the person is new to OU, then HR Records will provide the EMPL ID to the department in this email.
  • For those whose full time equivalent salary is above $150,000, the offer will include the statement that the appointment is contingent upon the approval of the OU Board of Regents, in which these will be presented for approval to our Board of Regents at its next meeting following the receipt of acceptance.

Close the Search

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Academic units/search committees are required to maintain all records of the search process (including all application materials) for a minimum of three years from the date an appointment is finalized.
  • The chair of the search committee notifies unsuccessful candidates that the position has been filled.
  • The Provost’s Office closes the search in Interfolio.