Hiring new faculty is among the very most important things we do at the University. Nothing is as worthy of our time, talent, patience, and collaboration as identifying and recruiting the best possible candidate for each and every search. We should strive to treat every search like the future of the University depends upon it --- because it does.
At OU, every hire is a strategic hire. In an effective search process, the entire OU community will work together to achieve our common goal of fostering collaboration and creating a place of belonging for our faculty to excel in teaching, research, and service.
The Provost's Office aims to facilitate effective search processes. This section of our website gathers procedures and resources for conducting searches to help you bring great scholars to OU.
Tenured, tenure-track, and ranked, renewable term (i.e., ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor)
Temporary, non-tenure-track, and non-ranked renewable term appointments (such as instructors; lecturers; research professors; and visiting, acting, and adjunct faculty)
Requests to hire regular faculty to fill vacated faculty positions no longer require the completion of the Regular Faculty Recruiting Application (RFRA). Deans can now decide how to best fill these positions and submit these requests for Provost approval using the instructions and template outlined in the Provost's RFRA memo.
Although some procedures vary among different types of searches -- regular faculty and research faculty, for example -- all faculty searches must:
Use the approved University of Oklahoma faculty hiring template
Be listed on Interfolio
Advertise using the official job title from the Provost's Office list (PDF)
Be hired at the rank approved and advertised
Only the Senior Vice President and Provost is authorized to make official offers to recommended candidates.
The Search Committee plays a vital role in the faculty hiring process. For guidance on running an effective search and best practices for recruiting and hiring the best candidate to your open position, consult the following topics:
Understanding Implicit Bias
Recruiting a Broad Applicant Pool
Conducting Interviews