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Provost's Academic Bulletin

Provost's Academic Bulletin


The Provost’s Academic Bulletin is a weekly e-newsletter that is distributed on Friday during the fall and spring semesters. The bulletin features announcements, news items, and academic events that the Provost’s Office deems to be of interest to faculty and academic affairs staff on the Norman campus.

Items are included at the discretion of the Provost, and submissions are subject to review and editing by the Provost’s Office staff. It may not be possible to publish all items received.

Subscribe to Bulletin

General Criteria

  • Submissions must be made using the submission form.
  • Submissions must be received by noon on Thursday for publication on Friday.
  • Incomplete submissions will not be included.
  • All content submitted for publication in the bulletin is subject to review and editing by the Provost’s Office staff.
  • Individuals who submit information are responsible for the accuracy, timeliness, and reliability of the submitted material.
  • Flyers will not be published, but we can include links if the flyers are posted online.
  • Events that are held outside of OU or that are not sponsored by an OU entity will not be published.
  • Event descriptions should be about 75 words. Longer descriptions may be published in the bulletin at the discretion of the Provost’s Office.
  • If publication space is tight, preference for inclusion will be given to events with widest appeal or that will attract larger audiences over smaller events.

News and Notes

The News and Notes section promotes academic achievements and highlights announcements with university-wide appeal or impact. Examples of suitable material include notable achievements by faculty or academic units, notice about opportunities or calls for proposals, and special events.

Notable achievements mentioned above include awards and honors, such as accomplishments of state, regional, national, or international recognition and leadership appointments. Outside the scope of the bulletin is information about speaking engagements, grants received, and published articles or books, although we will publish an announcement if a book wins an award. Calls for participants or surveys for research are also beyond the scope of the bulletin.

Announcements for the same center/department/office may not be featured in consecutive weeks, due to space considerations, fairness to offices, and volume of submissions received. Repeat announcements will not be published, although items can be resubmitted for substantive changes, such as announcing a deadline extension or amended award criteria.

Items are included at the discretion of the Provost, and submissions are subject to review and editing by the Provost’s Office staff. It may not be possible to publish all items received.

Featured Academic Events

The Featured Academic Events section provides a concise view of happenings across campus for the upcoming week (Monday through Sunday). Events include such things as workshops, lectures, exhibitions, information sessions, and other events of general interest to the academic community. If your event has a flyer, please post it online and provide us with a link, as we do not publish flyers with the bulletin.

Submit News & Events