New Faculty Orientation
National Weather Center Auditorium
New Faculty Orientation
National Weather Center Auditorium
Class of 2028 Kick-Off
The Gaylord Family - Oklahoma Memorial Stadium, 1185 Asp Avenue, 7:30pm
Chair/Director notifies candidates of upcoming consideration at least five weeks before the candidates’ colleagues determine their recommendation.
Chair/Director identifies unranked renewable term faculty to be considered for promotion.
OU Board of Regents Meeting
Faculty Awards and Honors
The Provost's Office sends out the call for nominations for University Faculty Awards and Honors.
Tenure and Promotion
Chair/Director ensures supporting materials, including letters of evaluation from external evaluators, are uploaded online and available to eligible voting faculty at least two weeks (14 days) prior to their vote.
Faculty Dependent Care Travel Grant Program
Applications are due to the Provost's Office.
Fall Student Holiday
Mid-Term Grade Reporting
Reporting deadline of mid-term grades. Faculty in 1000-level courses are required to submit mid-term grades.
Tenure and Promotion
Eligible voting faculty discuss candidate's qualifications and vote.
Staff Awards and Honors
The Provost's Office sends out the call for nominations for staff advising and stewardship awards.
Committee A prepares its independent recommendation (with reasons) separate from the faculty vote count.
Chair/Director prepares an independent recommendation (with reasons) separate from the recommendation of the Committee A and the faculty vote count.
Each Committee A member and Chair/Director records an independent opinion, by name, without obligation to represent a majority departmental opinion. Committee A and Chair/Director prepare separate recommendations.
Spring 2025 Textbook Adoptions
Textbook adoptions are to be submitted to the official bookstore,
GTA Award Nominations
GTA award nominations are due to the Graduate College.
Faculty Awards and Honors
Nominations are due to the Provost's Office from the Dean.
Tenure and Promotion
Chair/Director notifies candidates in writing within a few days of the vote of the faculty and the positive or negative recommendations of Committee A and the Chair/Director.
Chair/Director uploads the final recommendations of faculty and Committee A, and Chair/Director notifies the Dean.
OU Board of Regents Meeting
Nominations for Presidential Teaching Fellows in Honors College
Nominations are due to the Provost's Office from the Dean.
Tenure and Promotion
Dean of all colleges (except Arts and Sciences) uploads recommendations and notifies the Provost.
Recommendations from Chair/Director of non-reappointment for date of initial appointment August 16, 2023, are due to the Provost's Office.
Letter of non-reappointment sent from Provost's Office to faculty member with date of initial appointment August 16, 2023.
* tentative
Tenure and Promotion
College of Arts and Sciences deadline for materials.
Doctoral Dissertation Prize
Nominations are due to the Graduate College.
Faculty Awards and Honors
The Provost's Office forwards recommendations to the President.
Deans of all colleges upload recommendations on promotion, notify the Provost that they have finalized their process, and notify (in writing) each candidate and each candidate's Chair/Director of the Dean's recommendation for candidates being considered only for promotion.
Campus Tenure Committee forwards their recommendation in regard to process and substance to Provost and notifies (in writing) each candidate and candidate's Dean and Chair/Director of the Committee's recommendation.
Faculty Dependent Care Travel Grant Program
Applications are due to the Provost's Office.
Nancy L. Mergler and Bullard Dissertation Completion Fellowships
Nominations are due to the Graduate College.
Application for Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical requests for Fall 2025 are due to the Provost's Office.
Provost's Outstanding Academic Advising Awards
Nominations are due to the Provost's Office.
Senior Vice President and Provost notifies the Campus Tenure Committee of any cases for which the Provost plans to recommend to the President contrary to that of the Committee and discusses those cases with the Committee.
Recommendations from Chair/Director of non-reappointment for date of initial appointment August 16, 2024, are due to the Provost's Office.
Letter of non-reappointment sent from Provost's Office to faculty member with date of initial appointment August 16, 2024.
Jennifer L. Wise Good Stewardship Award
Nominations are due to the Provost's Office.
Summer/Fall 2025 Textbook Adoptions
Textbook adoptions are to be submitted to the official bookstore,
Endowed Chairs and Professorships
College and Unit policies are due to the Provost's Office.
Faculty Dependent Care Travel Grant Program
Applications are due to the Provost's Office.
Faculty Evaluations
Evaluations are due to the Provost's Office using the Faculty Activity System (FAS) workflow.
Commencement Weekend
Chair/Director identifies regular (tenured and ranked renewable term) faculty to be considered for promotion.
Recommendations from Chair/Director of non-reappointment for date of initial appointment August 16, 2021, and August 16, 2022, are due to the Provost's Office.
Post-Tenure Review
Dossiers are to be submitted to the Provost's Office using the Faculty Activity System (FAS).
Letter of non-reappointment sent from Provost's Office to faculty member with date of initial appointment August 16, 2021, and August 16, 2022.
Southeastern Conference (SEC) Visiting Faculty Travel Program
Applications are due to the Provost's Office.
Progress Towards Tenure
PTT letters are due to the Provost's Office.
Application for Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical requests for Spring 2026 are due to the Provost's Office.