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Sample Schedule-FIN

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Sample Schedule

Aug to Mid-OctMid- Oct to DecEarly JanuaryJan to Mid-MarchMid-March to MaySummer 2
Module 1Module 2Winter IntersessionModule 3Module 4Module 5
Quant Analysis I
B AD 5122
Financial Mgmt
FIN 5102
Global Business Experience
B AD 5812
FIN 5112
Marketing Mgmt
MKT 5402
Fixed Income FIN 5362 section 996 (online) Wednesday 7:00-9:00 PM CT
Org Behavior
MGT 5702
Managerial Econ
BAD 5102
Financial Modeling
FIN 5382 (in-person)
Derivative Securities & Markets 
FIN 5322 (in-person)
Financial Accounting
ACCT 5202
MBA Custom Core or ELECTIVEMBA Custom Core or ELECTIVEAdv Corporate Finance FIN 5322 (in-person)
Mgmt Info Systems
MIT 5602
 Business Consulting Practicum B AD 5822
Professional  Development
BAD 5101
Professional  Development
BAD 5201
Foundations of Business
B AD 5010
15 hours17 Hours2 Hours
Module 6Module 7 Module 8Module 9 
Bus Ethics
LS 5802
Strategic Management BAD 5902 (cap) 

Real Estate Finance FIN 5442 section 996 (online)

Tuesday 7:00-9:00 PM CT

MBA Elective

Venture Capital & Private Equity FIN 5432 section 996 (online)

Thursday 7:00-9:00 PM CT

Risk Mgt & Fin Eng
FIN 5332 section 996 (online)

Thursday 7:00-9:00 PM CT

MBA ElectiveMBA Elective
Fin. Intermediation and Banking FIN 5392 section 996 (online) Monday 7:00-9:00 PM CT

Intl Financial Management FIN 5352 section 996 (online)

Monday 7:00-9:00 PM CT

MBA ElectiveMBA Elective
MBA Elective

M&A Corporate Restructuring FIN 5372 section 935

6:00-9:30 PM (in-person)

 MBA Elective  
Applied Field Project   
18 hours 12 hours 
Total Hours: 64
MS FIN Courses in italics     
*For Fall 2025     

** The Full-time MBA / MS Finance dual degree is primarily an in-person program but some MS Finance courses are online courses and have a different tuition rate than in-person courses.

* Please note that non-U.S. residents are not eligible for the Dual Degree Full-time MBA/MS Finance option.