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Laura Worthen Lodes
Chief Engineering Officer, Altamira-US

Laura Worthen Lodes is a degreed chemical engineer, licensed in over 20 states, with more than 23 years of experience in environmental consulting providing multimedia support to a variety of industries. She has specialized experience supporting the oil and gas industry, refining, foundries and other general manufacturing. She has extensive experience in air quality permitting as well as experience preparing Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) air permit applications, Title V permit applications, air permit applications and air dispersion modeling analyses for various industries across various states, including Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. In addition, she has substantial experience preparing and certifying Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans. Lodes has also served as an appointee of the governor on the Oklahoma Air Quality Advisory Council since 2005. Lodes earned master's and bachelor's degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Oklahoma.