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Troy Smith

Troy Smith.

Troy Smith

Associate Professor of Management and International Business
(405) 325-2651

About Smith

Troy Smith is an Associate Professor of the Management and International Business Division within the Michael F. Price College of Business at the University of Oklahoma. As a researcher, Smitch examines the predictors and outcomes of (in)effective forms of leadership among individuals and collectives. He also studies how different facets of life and work spillover to impact each other. Finally, Troy explores the antecedents and outcomes of proactive and prosocial behaviors at work. He has been blessed to publish his research in multiple top-tier journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, among others.

Smith also serves on the editorial boards for the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, and the Journal of Management. As an instructor, he has taught undergraduates, graduates, and executives about human resources, organizational behavior, negotiations, high performing teams, and leadership. Smith is an avid reader of books and sports fan, especially college football.

About OU's Price College of Business

The University of Oklahoma Michael F. Price College of Business has experienced significant growth over the past five years, becoming OU’s second-largest college with over 5,800 students. The college offers highly ranked undergraduate, master’s, executive and doctoral programs across six academic divisions. More information is available at