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PLC Student Spotlight: Candace Moffitt

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PLC Student Spotlight: Candace Moffitt

PLC Student Candace Moffitt posing outside with OU President Joseph Harroz wearing masks in response to the pandemic.

Candace Moffitt is a trailblazer.

As the first PLC student with Down syndrome and one of the first two students with Down syndrome to attend the University of Oklahoma, she has stepped boldly into new spaces and made a direct impact in the lives of those around her.

“She taught me more about being a leader than anyone else has in PLC,” said Kami Fryer, one of her friends in the 60th PLC class.

Moffitt is attending OU through Sooner Works, a program launched in 2019 by PLC student Chris Loerke during his senior year at OU. Sooner Works is a transition program that provides an integrated postsecondary education and employment experience for students with intellectual disabilities. 

Through Sooner Works, Moffitt has attended classes and been a full participant in PLC. Within PLC, sophomore PLC student Claire LaReau has served as her peer assistant. LaReau sits with Moffitt at meetings and events, where she has seen how Moffitt has positively impacted the class. 

“This was probably a lot of people's first chance to get to know someone with Down syndrome,” LaReau said. “It's been such an honor to get a front-row seat to watching people just embrace her like any other PLC student.”

For Moffitt, PLC has served as a space where she says she has felt loved and made lasting friendships.

“Everything in PLC makes me feel happy and joyful,” Moffitt said. “I love it here.”

Moffitt plans to be a dance teacher one day and she has shared her talents through dance battles throughout the semester at meetings and at the annual PLC talent show. Her willingness to get up in front of her peers is something that PLC director Nanette Hathaway says has inspired others within the class.

“Candace dares greatly every single day,” Hathaway said. “And for our students to see that, ‘Hey, I'm a little nervous to do this or do this, but look, Candace is doing it. Why can't I do it?’ I think she sets a great example for what leadership is.”

Hathaway says Moffitt has broken a barrier for future PLCers and serves as a perfect example of what a PLC student looks like. 

“Candace is an impact maker,” Nanette Hathaway said. “She affects change in a positive way for people that are like her. She gives a voice to people who don't have a voice, and that's what PLCers do.”

As Moffitt finishes her first year at OU, she encourages others to follow the trails she has blazed.

“Just don't be afraid,” Moffitt said. “Just try to come and see how OU inspires.”

About President's Leadership Class

In 1961, the President's Leadership Class (PLC) was created to keep outstanding Oklahoma high school students in state for college. PLC has become one of the most recognized freshman leadership programs in the nation. For more information visit