Over 350 PCS students have traveled abroad to our OU campus in Arezzo, Italy. PCS
has historically served the Tuscan community through beautification projects and
by hosting an English immersion camp for the local children.
The University of Oklahoma in Arezzo (OUA) offers students of all backgrounds and majors an opportunity to study abroad in Italy while earning OU degree credit. OU's Italian Study Center is located in Arezzo, a welcoming town with lots of Tuscan charm, amazing views, and great Italian food.
Over 350 PCS students have traveled abroad to our OU campus in Arezzo, Italy. PCS has historically served the Tuscan community through beautification projects and by hosting an English immersion camp for the local children. The class travels all around Italy and is immersed in authentic Italian culture through food, art, and history, taught by renowned OU professors. Studying abroad with your fellow PCS friends is one of the unbeatable perks of being part of the President’s Community Scholars.
— Yaaminey Kunderu
Information detailing applications, scholarships, classes, dates, cost and programming will be discussed every Fall semester with the current PCS class. If you have any questions, please email Kari Dawkins at kari@ou.edu.