Geologic Maps
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Publication | Title | |
Geologic Map 46 | Structural/Tectonic Map of Oklahoma. Jock Campbell. Scale 1:750,000. 2024. | |
Geologic Map 46 Supplement | Shapefiles for Structural/Tectonic Map of Oklahoma. Jock Campbell. Scale 1:750,000. 2024. | |
Geologic Map 45 | Blaine aquifer in the Hollis Basin of southwest Oklahoma: structure-contour map and stratigraphic/hydrologic data. Kenneth S. Johnson. Scale 1:125,000. 2019. | |
Geologic Map 44 Supplement | Supplement for Map of aquifers and recharge areas in Oklahoma. Kenneth S. Johnson. Scale 1:500,000. 1991. 4-page references for bedrock aquifers. | |
Geologic Map 44 | Map of aquifers and recharge areas in Oklahoma. Kenneth S. Johnson. Scale 1:500,000. 1991. | |
Geologic Map 43 Supplement | Supplement for Maps showing principal ground-water resources and recharge areas in Oklahoma: Sheet 2—Bedrock aquifers and recharge areas. Kenneth S. Johnson. Scale 1:500,000. 1983. 4-page references. | |
Geologic Map 43 | Maps showing principal ground-water resources and recharge areas in Oklahoma: Sheet 2—Bedrock aquifers and recharge areas. Kenneth S. Johnson. Scale 1:500,000. 1983. | |
Geologic Map 42 | Maps showing principal ground-water resources and recharge areas in Oklahoma: Sheet 1—Unconsolidated alluvium and terrace deposits. Kenneth S. Johnson. Scale 1:500,000. 1983. | |
Geologic Map 41 GIS Files | GIS Files for Preliminary Soil Amplification Map of Oklahoma. Brittany N. Pritchett, Jefferson C. Chang, Julie M. Chang, Neil H. Suneson, and Jacob I. Walter. Scale 1:500,000. 2017. | |
Geologic Map 41 | Preliminary Soil Amplification Map of Oklahoma. Brittany N. Pritchett, Jefferson C. Chang, Julie M. Chang, Neil H. Suneson, and Jacob I. Walter. Scale 1:500,000. 2017. | |