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University of Texas Library Maps Collection:University of Texas Library Maps Collection - This website has an amazing array of maps including political and city maps
Middle East Web Maps: Includes maps on every Middle Eastern country
La Monde Diplomatique Maps: La Monde Diplomatique Maps - Very good collection of detailed maps. The site and maps are in French, but categorize countries by economy, poverty, crime, oil, and refugees
World Atlas.com: Maps and information about Middle Eastern countries including population and flags. Very in depth maps on areas and regions
Harvard's Center of Middle Eastern Studies: A few good historical maps along with a large amount of other information about the Middle East and satellite images of specific areas.
Geography.about.com: Links to many maps for each specific country in the Middle East.
Dartmouth Middle East Maps: Large collection of maps concerning mostly with pre Israel and maps before 1948.
The Pedagogic Center: Large Collection of Maps detailing Arab-Israeli conflict from before 1948 and after.
Passia.org: Large collection of maps of Israel and Jerusalem from a century onward
Jewish History Resource Center, Hebrew University: Large collection of maps detailing history of Jewish people and state of Israel
Focus On Jerusalem Map Room: Collection of Maps about the creation of Israel and maps concerning Jerusalem, Jewish settlements, and demographic information
Howard University: Historical Maps of Islam: This is a collection of maps dealing with the expansion of Islam and its incursions into neighboring areas
Maps of Islamic and Medieval Christianity History: Includes maps of Islamic distribution and crusades
The Ottoman Sultans and Caliphs: Information on the Ottoman Sultans including maps of their empires



©2002. Middle Eastern Studies Links - University of Oklahoma (Prof. Joshua Landis).