Do you have a link to contribute? Please use this online form to submit your suggestions. University of Texas Library Maps Collection:University of Texas Library Maps Collection - This website has an amazing array of maps including political and city mapsMiddle East Web Maps: Includes maps on every Middle Eastern country La Monde Diplomatique Maps: La Monde Diplomatique Maps - Very good collection of detailed maps. The site and maps are in French, but categorize countries by economy, poverty, crime, oil, and refugees World Maps and information about Middle Eastern countries including population and flags. Very in depth maps on areas and regions Harvard's Center of Middle Eastern Studies: A few good historical maps along with a large amount of other information about the Middle East and satellite images of specific areas. Links to many maps for each specific country in the Middle East. Dartmouth Middle East Maps: Large collection of maps concerning mostly with pre Israel and maps before 1948. The Pedagogic Center: Large Collection of Maps detailing Arab-Israeli conflict from before 1948 and after. Large collection of maps of Israel and Jerusalem from a century onward Jewish History Resource Center, Hebrew University: Large collection of maps detailing history of Jewish people and state of Israel Focus On Jerusalem Map Room: Collection of Maps about the creation of Israel and maps concerning Jerusalem, Jewish settlements, and demographic information Howard University: Historical Maps of Islam: This is a collection of maps dealing with the expansion of Islam and its incursions into neighboring areas Maps of Islamic and Medieval Christianity History: Includes maps of Islamic distribution and crusades The Ottoman Sultans and Caliphs: Information on the Ottoman Sultans including maps of their empires