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Israeli Film Festival 2002: listings of locations in which the film festival will be held in the United States.
Arab Cinema: movie listings of Arab movies
Arab Film Distribution: catalogue information, ordering information, and listings of film festivals
Arab Screen Independent Film Festival: about the festival, festival press releases, dates, publications, and films.
ArabStars.net: news, movies, celebrities, radio and tv, showtimes, music, and albums.
Aflam4u.com: Critiques of American films (Arabic)
Movies.Israel.net: Israeli movies (Hebrew)
EveryScreen.com: Entertainment and intellectual issues concerning pop art, globalization, censorship, industry, technology, and Hollywood.
Cornell University's Middle East and Islamic Studies Collection: Videography, Audiovisuals, and Multimedia concerning the Middle East.
Turkish Melodrama Posters: Website pertaining to Turkish films.




©2002. Middle Eastern Studies Links - University of Oklahoma (Prof. Joshua Landis).