Sarkeys Energy Center, 710B
Matthew Pranter's Website
Matthew Pranter's CV (pdf)
I am interested in siliciclastic and carbonate rocks: their origin, distribution, and characteristics. My research crosses the boundary between "fundamental" and "applied" research in sedimentary and reservoir geology.
My research focuses on questions to address how the characteristics of sedimentary rocks (and processes that form them) at different scales impact heterogeneity in conventional and unconventional reservoirs. This multidisciplinary research involves the "field scale" analyses of depositional systems, stratigraphic architecture, and sedimentology as applied to petroleum reservoir geology and geophysics. To explore these questions, my students and I analyze and integrate various types of data (e.g., outcrop, subsurface) and use a range of "tools" (e.g., 3-D reservoir modeling) to evaluate the stratigraphic and sedimentologic controls on reservoir quality - and therefore, reservoir productivity.