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Hao Hu

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Hao Hu

Brett Carpenter

Assistant Professor

Ph.D., Geophysics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
B.S., Geophysics, Yunnan University, Kunming, China

Office: SEC 754

Hao Hu's CV

Faculty Page

Areas of Interest

  • Exploration of unconventional/conventional resources, e.g., fossil/geothermal resources, CO2 geological storage, using seismic methods.
  • Understanding the subsurface structures, from near-surface to earth’s interior, using both active-source seismic and earthquake signals, e.g., high-resolution imaging and inversion;
  • Fundamental studies of seismic wave propagation, imaging, inversion, and machine learning


I am a geophysicist using seismic signals/methods to find answers for:

  • How to balance climate change and energy consumption via exploration of geothermal/fossil resources and CO2 geological storage;
  • How to solve cutting-edge scientific and technical problems in understanding the subsurface structures, from shallow to deep;
  • How to conduct fundamental studies of seismic theory and algorithm, especially in seismic wave propagation, imaging, and inversion.
  • How to develop industrial programs that can perform efficiently, accurately, and stably, especially for elastic full waveform inversion and imaging.

My research interests focus on:

Exploration of unconventional/conventional energy resources using seismic methods:

  • Fracture characterization for geothermal/fossil resource reservoirs,
  • CO2 geological storage for carbon neutralization,
  • Geological structures of target reservoirs from reflection seismic images;

Understanding the subsurface structures from shallow to deep using seismic data:

  • Near-surface imaging of marine and onshore structures,
  • Upper mantle/crust and subducting slab structures,
  • Mantle heterogeneities and core-mantle boundary (CMB) topography.

Fundamental theory studies of seismic wave propagation, imaging, and inversion:

  • High-frequency seismic wave forward modeling,
  • High-resolution seismic imaging methods and inversion theory,
  • Planetary seismology especially for Mars. 


  • Data Analysis in Geosciences, GPHY 3013 (2025 Spring)
  • Introduction to Petroleum Geology/Geophysics, GPHY 3423 (2025 Spring)

Selected Publications

Faqi Liu, Cosmin Macesanu, Hao Hu, Fuchun Gao, Yi Huang, Ge, Zhan, James Sheng, Yang He, Carlos Calderon, Bin Wang, Enhance P wave imaging using elastic dynamic matching FWI, 2024, EAGE extended abstract.

Hu H., Ge Zhan, Faqi Liu, Carlos Cardanons, Bin Wang, 2023, Enhance the subsalt imaging of DAS-VSP using angle-controlled RTM, EAGE extended abstract.

Yingcai Zheng, Hao Hu, Frank J. Spera, Melissa Scruggs, Glenn Thompson, Yuesu Jin, Tom Lapen, Stephen R. McNutt, Kyle Mandli, Zhigang Peng, Dave A. Yuen, 2023, Episodic Magma Hammers for the 15 January 2022 Cataclysmic Eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai, Geophysical Research Letters

Hu, H., Y. Zheng, L. Huang and K. Gao, 2023, Imaging steeply-dipping faults using angle-controlled decoupled elastic reverse-time migration of multicomponent seismic data, IEEE, TGRS,

Wu., B., H. Hu, and H. Zhou, 2023, Convolutional Neural Network Assisted Least-Squares Migration, Surveys in Geophysics, 44, 1107–1124.

Hu, H., M. A. Alali, A., Almomin, and Y. Zheng, 2021, 3D Seismic Characterization of Fractures Using Elastic P-to-S Double-Beams, Geophysics, 86(6): 1-51.

Ding Y., H. Hu*, A. Malallah, M. C. Fehler, L. Huang, and Y. Zheng, 2021, Mapping subsurface karsts and voids using directional elastic wave packets, Geophysics, 86(6): 1-67.

Hu, H., and Y. Zheng, 2020, Stochastic inversion of Gaussian random media using transverse coherence functions for reflected waves, JGR: Solid Earth, 125(12).

Hu, H., K. Xia, F. Hilterman, and Y. Zhang, 2020, Amplitude-versus-angle analysis of local angle-domain common image gathers with prestack Gaussian beam migration of Seismic data, IEEE, TGRS, 58(8): 5969-5975.

Thongsang P., H. Hu*, H.W. Zhou and A. Lau, 2020, Imaging enhancement in angle-domain common-image-gathers using the connected-component labeling method, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 177: 4897–4912

Hu H. and Y. Zheng, 2019, Data-driven dispersive surface-wave prediction and mode separation using high-resolution dispersion estimation, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 171

Wei, Z., H. Hu*, A. Lau and H. W. Zhou, 2019, Characterizing the rock facies using convolutional neural network with feature engineering and a data padding strategy, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 176(8): 3593-3605.

Hu, H., M. Senkaya and Y. Zheng, 2019, A novel measurement of the surface wave dispersion with high and adjustable resolution: Multi-channel nonlinear signal comparison, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 160: 236-241.

Eftekhar, R., H. Hu* and Y. Zheng, 2018, Convergence acceleration in scattering series and seismic waveform inversion using nonlinear Shanks transformation, Geophysical Journal International, 214(3): 1732–1743.

Hu, H., Y. Liu, Y. Zheng, X. Liu and H. Lu, 2016, Least-squares Gaussian beam migration, Geophysics, 81(3), S87-S100.

Hu H., Y. Liu, A. Osen and Y. Zheng, 2015, Compression of local slant stacks by the estimation of multiple local slopes and the matching pursuit decomposition, Geophysics, 80, WD175-187.


Zheng and Hu, Nonlinear signal comparison and high-resolution measurement of seismic or acoustic wave dispersion”. One commercial license has been authorized by an industry company.

Zheng and Hu, Surface wave prediction and removal from seismic data

Liu and Hu, "Seismic prestack migration imaging method”, CN102944894B.