Star parties are one of the most common ways astronomers engage the public and Lunar Sooners is no different. With your own eyes, you can see planets, moons, distant stars, and even other galaxies! We have access to several 8-inch telescopes that we can transport across the state. Additionally, the University of Oklahoma Observatory has a permanently-mounted 16-inch telescope on campus. Feel free to contact us if you'd like us to host a star party for you! We can travel or, if you would like to check out our observatory, you can come to Norman. We also host a weekly star party every Wednesday during the school year at the observatory. Feel free to stop by!

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Many people have burning questions about our universe: What is dark energy? How hot is the Sun? How do stars form? One of the best ways to answer these questions is to hold panel discussions, where graduate students and faculty members give expert answers to your burning questions. These are great events for boy scouts, girl scouts, and schools!

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Nothing is better than hands-on learning. We have a large collection of demonstrations covering various areas of astronomy, such as phases of the Moon, meteorites, craters, the scale of our Solar System, spectroscopy, and many more. These are ideal for classes and indoor events, or when the pesky Sun or bad weather gets in the way of having a star party.

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Ever wanted to visit a planetarium, but don't have one close to you? No problem! With our portable planetarium you can learn about the phases of the Moon by orbiting Earth, see the foreign landscape of Mars all around you, and visit the 7 other planets in our Solar System (and Pluto). Our Soonertarium is perfect for classes and we even have a program designed specifically to fit into the 5th grade Oklahoma curriculum on the phases of the Moon!

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