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Drosophila Information Service
Volume 95
General Announcements
Call for Papers
Guide to Authors
University of Texas Publications: Studies in the Genetics of Drosophila
Research Notes
Ahsan, J., S.K. Jain, and O. Siddiqi. Behavioral characterization of P-element insertion lines of Drosophila melanogaster.
Anderson, K., and W.S. Stark. Confocal microscopy of light-induced holes deep in compound eyes of white-eyed Drosophila.
Bizzo, L., J.E. Santos, D.C. De Toni, and P.R.P. Hofmann. Drosophilid collections at Moleques do Sul archipelago, southern Brazil.
Bizzo, L., M. Ramirez, B. Wildemann, and D.C. De Toni.Drosophila in honeydew: an opportunistic resource.
Deepashree, S., M. Haddadi, S.R. Ramesh, and T. Shivanandappa. Isolation of a long lifespan strain of Drosophila melanogaster.
Denny, G., and W.S. Stark. Rhodopsin traffic investigation with the heat shock promoter.
Deshmukh, S., C. Paniker, and D.D. Deobagkar. Exposure to heat stress modulates DNA methyltransferase activity in the embryonic S2 cell line of Drosophila melanogaster.
Dhananjaya, S.G., K.L. Naik, H.A. Sayeswara, and R. Iyyanahalli. Larval competition among D. melanogaster and D. ananassae.
Dubey, P., S. Kumar, and A.K. Singh. Effect of genetic variation on locomotion in laboratory stocks of Drosophila melanogaster.
Fartyal, R.S., A. Kumar, P.C. Sati, S. Bhandari, G. Bhatti, M. Kandpal, and S. Pradhan. A preliminary survey report of the family Drosophilidae in the Garhwal hills, Uttarakhand, India.
Goni, B., and V.L.S. Valente. Polytene chromosome analysis in eye color mutants of Drosophila willistoni and their hybrids. The H inversion.
Inoue, Y., and T. Uenoyama. On the hybrid tumor in the cross of Drosophila melanogaster females and D. simulans males.
Jayaramu, S.C., M. Prathibha, and M.S. Krishna. Role of inversion system on morphometric and fitness traits in Drosophila ananassae.
Jayaramu, S.C., M. Prathibha, and M.S. Krishna. Inversion polymorphism in a few south Indian populations of Drosophila ananassae.
Koushik Ponnanna, C.R., and M.S. Krishna. Biodiversity of Drosophilidae of Western Ghats (Coorg District) of Karnataka, India.
Krishna, M.S., S.C. Jayaramu, and M. Prathibha. Importance of non-genetic factor (male age) in mating success of Drosophila bipectinata.
Krishna, M.S., S.C. Jayaramu, and H.L. Venkatesh. Female size does not determine ovariole number in Drosophila.
Kumar, S., and A.K. Singh. Electrophoretic variants of xanthine dehydrogenase enzyme in natural populations of Drosophila ananassae.
M’Angale, P.G., and B.E. Staveley. Effects of α-synuclein expression in the developing Drosophila eye.
Merrill, J.D., B. Manzano-Winkler, and M.A.F. Noor. P-element disruption of the Drosophila melanogaster homolog of human cancer susceptibility gene does not increase fertility of female heterozygotes.
Mongiardino Koch, N., J. Padro, D.C. Garay, and I.M. Soto. New record of Drosophila nebulosa Sturtevant, 1916 (Diptera, Drosophilidae) in western Argentina extends its southern distribution.
Parvathi, V.D., and S. Raman. In-vivo testing for genotoxicity of ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) using Drosophila melanogaster.
Patlar, B., B. Koc, M. Yilmaz, and E.D. Ozsoy. First records of Zaprionus tuberculatus (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from the Mediterranean Region, Turkey.
Pranesh, D.S.S., and B.P. Harini. Drosophilids of Male Mahadeshwar hills of Chamarajanagar District Karnataka State, India.
Prathibha, M., M.S. Krishna, and S.C. Jayaramu. Male age influence on pre-adult fitness in Drosophila ananassae.
Prathibha, M., M.S. Krishna, and S.C. Jayaramu. Female age influence on mating activities in outbred populations of Drosophila ananassae.
Ramniwas, S., B. Kajla, and R. Parkash. Correlated changes in seasonal acquisition of desiccation resistance and cold-tolerance in Drosophila simulans along an altitudinal gradient in western Himalayas.
Shweta, R.P., and N. Shivanna. Preliminary studies on genetic analysis of larval population site preference in Drosophila.
Singh, B.N., S. Singh, and P. Banerjee. A comparison between polytene chromosomes of two sibling species of Drosophila: D. ananassae and D. pallidosa.
Tractz, C.C., G.R. Salomon, S.V. Zorzato, L.P.B. Machado, and R.P. Mateus. Allele diversity of cross-species microsatellite amplification on populations of Drosophila guarani species group from Araucaria Forest in Brazil.
Yadav, S., A.K. Yadav, and A.K. Maheshwari. Variation in the induction of sexual isolation among populations of Drosophila ananassae subjected to different temperature and diet regimes.
Technique Notes
Bizzo, L., T. Vanderlinde, B. Wildemann, and D.C. De Toni. Technical adaptation of instant medium for Drosophila.
Fingerut, J., K. Orbe, and S. McRobert. Fluorescein dye as a tagging agent for Drosophila dispersal studies.
Martinez-Castillo, M.A., L.F. Santos-Cruz, E. Piedra-Ibarra, G. Vazquez-Gomez, I.E. Duenas-Garcia, L. Castaneda-Partida, and M.E. Heres-Pulido. Fresh yeast media for Drosophila egg-collecting.
Matavelli, C., and C.J. Von Zuben. New versions of trap and bait for the collection of the fig-fly Zaprionus indianus Gupta 1970 (Diptera: Drosophilidae).
Weber, K. E. Veilleux, and J. Harmon. A system for measuring longevity and fecundity in flies.
Mutation Notes
Soler, A.M., and B. Goni. Linkage relationships of spontaneous mutations in Drosophila willistoni.
Sousa-Neves, R., E. Yang, and Y. Chu. New mutants in Drosophila simulans.
Sousa-Neves, R., E. Yang, and Y. Chu. Linkage map of D. simulans.
New Species
Chatterjee, R.N., and M. Bhattacharyya. Samoaia bengalensis sp. nov., is a new member of the picture wing Drosophilidae of the genus Samoaia.
Chatterjee, P., A. Rakshit, and R.N. Chatterjee.Scaptodrosophila Mukherjee, sp. nov., is a new member of the genus Scaptodrosophila.
Rakshit, A., P. Chatterjee, and R.N. Chatterjee. Scaptomyza jadavpuri sp. Nov. is a new member of the picture wing Drosophilidae of the Scaptomyza complex.
Teaching Notes
Grimm, A.J., A.F. Kuchcinski, and R.C. Woodruff. Effect of genetic background on viability of dominant visible mutations that are also recessive lethals in Drosophila melanogaster.
Kuchcinski, A.F., A.J. Grimm, and R.C. Woodruff. The identification of unequal crossingover events at the Bar (B) locus of Drosophila melanogaster.
Mestres, F., and C. Arenas. White eye phenotypes and their genetic analysis.
Verghese, S., I. Waghmare, and M. Kango-Singh. An undergraduate laboratory exercise aimed to demonstrate regulation of eukaryotic gene expression using the GAL4-UAS system in Drosophila melanogaster.
Other Reports
53rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference,Chicago, IL.
The North American Drosophila Board