Drosophila Information Service prints short research, technique, and teaching articles, descriptions of new mutations, and other material of general interest to Drosophila researchers. The current publication schedule for regular issues is annually, with the official publication date being December. The annual issue will include material submitted during the calendar year. To help us meet this target date, we request that submissions be sent by 15 December, but articles are accepted at any time. A receipt deadline of 31 December is a firm deadline, due to printer submission schedules. Electronic submissions are encouraged, and may be required for lengthy or complex articles.
Manuscripts, orders, and inquiries concerning the regular annual DIS issue should be sent to James Thompson, Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019. Telephone (405)-325-4821; email jthompson@ou.edu; FAX (405)-325-7560.
Submission: Articles should be submitted electronically, if possible. Alternatively, we ask that a diskette be included with an article mailed to us. MS Word or Rich Text Formats are preferred. To help minimize editorial costs, proofs will not be sent to authors unless there is some question that needs to be clarified or they are specifically requested by the authors at the time of submission. The editor reserves the right to make minor grammatical, spelling, and stylistic changes if necessary to conform to DIS format. If the article contains tables, complex line figures, or half tones, we may ask that a printed copy be mailed to us after seeing the electronic version if we have questions about content or presentation. Color illustrations will appear black and white in the printed version but will be in color in the electronically-accessible version on our web site (www.ou.edu/journals/dis).
Citation of References: Citation should be by name and date in the text of an article (Smith, 1989; Jin and
Brown, 1990; Waters et al., 1990). At the end of the article, references should be listed alphabetically by
senior author, listing all authors with initials, date, journal, volume and page numbers. Titles will not be
included except for books, unpublished theses, and articles in press. An example format is:
         Green, R.L., 1998, Heredity 121: 430-442.
         Waters, R.L., J.T. Smith, and R.R. Brown 1990, J. Genet. 47: 123-134.
Note the initials are before each name except for the senior author.