Reports and resources on this page relate to demographics, salaries, and other key indicators about Norman Campus employees, including faculty, staff, and graduate assistants. Information about how OU defines faculty in reporting is also provided.
IRR's SoonerFacts are launched in PowerBI and accessible to those with active OU credentials. In a few cases, reports may be restricted to certain populations of users due to the sensitivity of the data.
Single year and trend faculty and staff reports with information including Rank, Tenure Status, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity. University-wide and college/department-specific report options.
Faculty and Staff
SoonerFacts Dashboard
Scope of Report: 2012 to Present
The Faculty Matrix contains the Norman Campus Total Faculty Headcounts, Regular Faculty Trends by Rank, and Average Full-time Faculty Salaries. The data is pulled during the Fall HR Census.
The Staff Matrix reports contains the Norman Campus Total Staff by Vice Presidential Area and Full Time Staff Counts for Academic Affairs. The data is pulled during the Fall HR Census.
University-wide and campus specific organizational charts previously housed in Profiles of the University (the Factbook).
In official Norman Campus reporting, this group equates to tenured (T), tenure-track (TT), and ranked renewable term (RRT) faculty appointments.
Ranked = Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
Includes faculty librarians, deans, associate deans
Most are full-time with some occasional part-time
What Norman Campus calls “renewable term” might also be called “consecutive” or “contract” by others depending on regional and institutional preferences
On the Norman Campus this generally equates to part-time Instructors and Lecturers. We don’t use the term “Adjunct” in official reporting, but this definition is closest to what people usually mean by the term. Some national discussions have defined “Adjunct” as including full-time Instructors and Lecturers; internal discussions have concluded this usage does not fit with our faculty structure.
This is everyone but Research faculty: Regular Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, full-time Instructors and Lecturers, and non-tenure-eligible ranked faculty. It can include library faculty but usually does not unless specifically requested.
This is a general term sometimes used to describe faculty in titles with a Research modifier (e.g., Research Professor). Their main job function is conducting scholarly research, although they might also teach occasionally. Researchers from the state agencies, such as the Archeological or Geological Surveys, are found in this group. Most of these positions are grant-funded. While Instructional Faculty also do research, they are usually not who is meant by this term.
For any questions concerning our reports, or if you would like to request information from IRR, please use our general contact email: