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OU Welcomed Alliance Bioversity-CIAT Visiting Scholars

September 2, 2024

OU Welcomed Alliance Bioversity-CIAT Visiting Scholars

The OU’s PERU-Hub project team led by Tim Filley, IREES and LASI Director, welcomed two international experts from the Alliance Bioversity-CIAT. OU and Alliance of Bioversity-CIAT are partners in the PERU-Hub, a USAID-funded bilateral partnership between U.S. and Peruvian universities established to build a research and innovation center focused on sustainable agriculture in the San Martin Region of the Peruvian rain forest. The multiyear project is led by the Peruvian Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM), seeking to serve as a global model for research utilization, education, and knowledge building in rural regions of developing countries.

Yovita Ivanova, senior manager at Bioversity-CIAT of the CGIAR and Camilo Barrios, agricultural engineer from the Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia) and extension expert at CIAT visited OU to advance our Amazon area research translation collaboration, discuss future collaboration opportunities. They both also, presented talks for the larger OU audience. Ivanova discussed “Paths forward for sustainable agriculture in the Amazon rainforest,” and Barrios presented: “Digital Agroclimatic Monitoring System: Integrating sensor networks and visualization platforms to help agricultural decision-making in San Martín, Peru.” OU project members Brad Illston, Senior Research Scientist at Mesonet; David Ebert (DISC); Wolfgang Jentner (DISC); and Victor Maqque (LASI) along with Tim Filley were led the series of activities.

OU Professors and Visiting Scholars with Bioversity-CIAT of the CGIAR Administration (4th and 7th from left).