Linking existing monitoring and analysis capability across Peru is a key LASI strategy designed to enable leading-edge modeling of ecosystem processes and responses to climate and land use change in the Andes and the Western Amazon. In partnership with the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa (UNSA) and Pontifica Catolica University (PUCP), LASI is working to create a network of environmental stable isotope analysis facilities that links OU’s Stable Isotope Monitoring Facility (SIM), the UNSA Stable Isotope Lab (LABISOP) and the new stable isotope and food quality monitoring laboratory of the Center for Productive Innovation and Technology Transfer Centers (CITE) which is part of Peru’s Ministry of Production. CITE promotes innovation and encourages the use of new technologies among producers, companies, associations and cooperatives. An agreement between CITE, PUCP, and OU is currently being drafted which will include open access of CITE instrumentation to regional university-led climate and environmental monitoring research, building capacity to monitor climate impacts to food security in Peru’s Ica valley.